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A new explanation to homeopathy: observation of some phenomena and the nature of


Dipangkar Deb

Rampur, Selimnagar(3301), Bahubal, Habiganj,Bangladesh

Abstract Homeopathic potentized remedies work in different ways.In some cases, a single dose cures the disease.In some cases, new symptoms appear.In some skin diseases, it does not stop the arising of eruptions but heals rapidly.The eruptions come out for a limited period of time.In another skin disease, one homeopathic remedy heals the lesion while another somewhat aggravates the symptoms.On the other hand, it is thought that the cause of infectious diseases is different types of pathogens.But it has been observed that even after the proper invasion of microorganisms symptoms are not produced.Researchers call it asymptomatic infection.Many infectious diseases are cured spontaneously after a certain period of time.Except for this many other chronic diseases are cured spontaneously.From the analysis of observed phenomena, it can be decided that symptomatic disease is caused by an internal stimulus.It has a limited lifespan.It is expressed for a limited period of time.Potentized homeopathic remedies neutralize the effect of the stimulus.As a result, symptoms are neutralized or disease process is accelerated.

Keywords: Homeopathic, Limited, Lifespan, Neutralize


Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann.Homeopathic potentized remedies contain an extremely small dose of the original drug or higher potencies do not contain any original drug.In modern medicine, different causes of diseases are suggested.For example, microorganisms,tissue degeneration, excessive immune response,toxicological cause, etc.It was not clear how homeopathic potentized remedies deal with the causes.Hahnemann said that a small dose of the original drug causes slight aggravation in the symptoms of the disease.After that disease is cured permanently.In the treatment of diseases by homeopathic potentized remedies, different incidents occur in different cases.Sometimes the disease is aggravated and sometimes new symptoms appear.Except for this many infections are asymptomatic and spontaneous resolution of the disease occurs in some cases.It is necessary to determine the cause and the nature of the disease on the basis of observed phenomena.It is crucial for the scientific explanation of Homeopathy.

1.Analysis of some observed phenomena

1.1 A similar effect of potentized remedy

The disease in which I observed the effect of potentized remedy first was continued fever.Symptoms of the fever included mainly a rise in temperature, absence of sweating, and some restlessness [1].Hahnemann said that the smaller the dose of the homeopathic remedy,the slighter and shorter is the apparent increase of the disease during the first hours [2].So in the abovementioned disease, it can be assumed that at first a little aggravation of the disease occurred which was so faint that it was not even perceived, and after its end, the disease was completely cured.But the preparation of 200c potency does not contain any original substance.Then since the disease had been cured, it can be assumed that there may be some characteristics of the original substance which exist in the preparation even if the original substance is absent.This phenomenon supports Hahnemann's theory.Nothing more is known from it.

1.2 Arrival of new symptoms

A 55 years old female was suffered from a gastrointestinal disease.At first, symptoms included periumbilical pain, frequent ineffectual desire for defecation, and mild fever.After applying Nux Vomica 30c single dose, it was observed that new symptoms appeared after the previous symptoms had eliminated.New symptoms included vertigo, nausea,and faintness on rising.For these symptoms, Bryonia 30c was applied.Then the appeared new symptoms included spasmodic gastric pain which was relieved by pressure and bending forward.For this condition,Colocynth 30c single dose was applied and as a result instead of the arrival of new symptoms, the existed symptoms being much alleviated, the patient got partially cured.On analysis of the two incidents of the arrival of new symptoms, we see that after the application of the symptomatically similar potentized remedy, new symptoms may appear after partial or complete alleviation of old symptoms.For the arrival of new symptoms, Hahnemann offered some ideas.He said that new symptoms appear when an imperfectly similar remedy is applied [3].He also said that for the cure of chronic diseases that arise from psora, the application of antipsoric remedies is required one after one.One remedy is required after another according to similarly of the rest of the symptoms [4].These two matters appear somewhat incompatible with each other.Firstly, Hahnemann said that due to the application of imperfectly similar remedy new symptoms appear.But in the above disease remedies have been applied with complete similarity.Periumbillical pain, frequent ineffectual desire for defecation is the most similar to Nux Vomica.Again secondly he said that it happens due to psora.But if new symptoms appear due to psora,it should be skin disease.Treatment of various diseases with potentized remedies often produces new symptoms in the same organ or system, not a skin disease.Hahnemann also stated that, because the dosages of the drugs are so small, they produce only symptoms similar to those of the disease, not other symptoms of the drug.If extra symptoms of a perfectly applied excessively minute similar remedy are not produced in the body then it is not possible for an imperfectly applied similar remedy to produce extra symptoms.How much small dose Hahnemann used and that it is incapable of producing symptoms in healthy individuals can be easily imagined [5,6].Previously I have termed that minute dose as potentized dose .The remedies used in previously mentioned disease and generally remedies used above 6c potency can nohow produce symptoms in healthy individuals.In fact, if a perfectly selected similar remedy is applied, then previous symptoms are fully or partially alleviated and new symptoms appear.Imperfectly or wrongfully selected similar potentized remedy cannot change anything.

1.3 Treatment of scabies and limited lifetime of disease

Scabies is a parasitic disease caused by a mite named Sarcoptes scabiei [7].I was attacked by scabies for the first time in the year 2002.Symptoms included fluidfilled papular rashes, intense itching, and aggravation of itching at night.At that time I used a topical application named Tetrasol, the ingredient of which is a large dose drug named Monosulfirum.The itching was relieved instantly with its application and the disease was cured within four days.In the year 2004, I contracted scabies again.That time also I was cured by the external application of the Monosulfirum solution.In 2007, I was attacked by the disease for the third time.But at that time instead of using Monosulfirum, I decided to use a homeopathic remedy named Mercurius Solubilis (in brief Merc-Sol).After taking the first dose of potentized Merc-Sol it was observed that itching was instantly relieved and within three days rashes were almost healed.After four days of the first dose of Merc-Sol, again numerous rashes came out and those were healed by applying Merc-Sol as before.But after two doses of Merc-Sol, it was observed that the coming out of rashes was not stopping.I used the highest available potency from the market.Even then the same thing continued.But I observed one thing that although the arising of rashes was not stopping, they were rapidly being healed instead of being complicated.Thus,the disease was almost completely cured in a month.At first, rashes were numerous but later they were gradually decreased to a few.As scabies is a highly contagious illness, it spreads rapidly by close contact with the patient.After a full recovery, I tried to catch scabies by close contact with other patients but I was failed.Although a few rashes appear, they do not multiply and heal rapidly.Some issues are found by analyzing the recovery in this phenomenon.Firstly,recovery by Monosulfiram; here Monosulfiram is an antiparasitic, and scabies is cured by the killing of parasite.Secondly, recovery by homeopathic remedy;In this instance as arising of the rashes did not stop, it has to be said that parasites were alive.Here, by the potentized homeopathic remedy rashes were rapidly healed but arising was not stopped.This phenomenon cannot be explained by the activation of immunity during disease.But one thing is that, as the rashes had been arising for a limited period of time then it can be assumed that disease has a limited period of expression.For this some hidden internal stimulus is responsible.It may also be a genetic cause.Now let's see what appears if this phenomenon is compared with Hahnemann's explanation.Hahnemann said that similarly selected remedies annihilate the disease and reaction of the remedy goes against the symptoms of the disease.That means because of the terminal site of the effect of the disease process and the drug being the same disease process is obstructed and the reaction goes against the process of disease.Then the cause of full reappearance of symptoms after full elimination of those with the first dose is not clear.Hahnemann said that its cause is psora.Like the arrival of new symptoms, Hahnemann pointed to the cause of the reappearance of the same symptoms as psora.But in homeopathy Merc-Sol is known as an antipsoric remedy [8].Then the symptoms are not supposed to come back.And if remedies act like Hahnemann's principle, then coming out of the rashes is supposed to be stopped.As this did not happen and rashes were rapidly healed after arising for a limited period of time, then it can be said that remedies did not act like Hahnemann's principle.From this phenomenon,it can be assumed that potentized remedy neutralized the symptoms of the disease throughout the duration of disease.But I failed to correlate the phenomenon of this part with those of the previous three parts.

1.4 Treatment of skin disease and the nature of the disease

Once I contracted a type of skin disease.Some lesions of the disease resembled ringworm and others resembled eczema.There was intense itching in all the lesions and intense pleasure was felt during the itching.The itching would increase in the heat and also in contact with the water.After itching slight burning sensation was felt and a little discharge was excreted.The color of all the lesions was blackish and most of the lesions had elevated margin.At first, I used Chrysophanic Acid 30c.As a result, itching was rapidly relieved and the next day the lesion was healed a lot.I did not apply the second dose until the effect of the first dose was present.After some days of using 30c, I used several doses of 200c in the same way according to the symptoms.Hahnemann said that in such cases when the disease is not cured completely or partially by a perfectly selected remedy, then antipsoric remedies are required.At that time I applied a dose of Sulphur 200c potency.As a result, the symptoms appeared to be a little excited [9].But from the previous phenomenon of the treatment of scabies, I got the idea that disease has a limited period of expression and 200c potency has no active substance to produce symptoms.For this,I assumed the excited symptoms as partial acceleration instead of medicinal aggravation.The idea came to my mind was that, if I could accelerate the full disease process, the disease must be cured in a short time.Accordingly, I took a dose of Sulpur CMc (100000c)potency.Then I observed some events that I had never seen before.Although the symptoms were fully excited,the itching was totally decreased.There was forceful expulsion of outer crusts and after the removal of old crusts, new ones were forming rapidly.Thus, after a week, a whole new set of symptoms appeared.New symptoms did not include itching, but the margin of the lesions was rough, and there were some isolated spots of crust that were not removable.Applying Sepia low potency at first made the spots easily removable.Later when high potency (10Mc) applied, numerous such spots were originated and eliminated.After Sepia again new symptoms appeared which were cured by lower to higher potency of remedies named Sabadilla and Silicea.After analyzing the course of the events in this disease, I completely understood that disease has a limited lifespan and it can be cured permanently by neutralizing the symptoms or accelerating the complete disease process of that period.These two processes can happen in the same disease.I noticed another matter is that when applying Chrysophanic Acid neutralized the symptoms without accelerating it, then in no instance new symptoms appeared, rather new symptoms appeared when symptoms were apparently excited by the application of Sulphur.Although many of my previous physicians have observed this phenomenon,I am the first to observe this phenomenon accurately and be able to give a proper explanation.This effect of potentized remedy is the mystery to permanent cure by it.

1.5 Several new questions appear.

1) If neutralization of symptoms and acceleration of disease processes do not happen according to Hahnemann's principle then how does a similar effect perform these processes? 2) If this is not a similar effect then which property of potentized remedies play the role in the cure? 3) If the disease has a limited lifetime,will the disease be cured permanently by relieving the symptoms with large dose allopathic drugs during the course of the disease? 4) The main cause of infectious diseases is different types of microorganisms and parasites.There is no evidence that homeopathic remedies activate immunity like vaccination or destroy microorganisms like antimicrobial drugs.Then how does an extremely minute dose cure those diseases?5) How infectious disease is cured by neutralizing the symptoms or accelerating the disease process? How do the processes kill microorganisms or parasites?Explanations of all these things have not been found in the cases observed so far.

1.6 Infectious disease and internal stimulus of the disease

Infectious diseases are commonly caused by different types of microorganisms and parasites.These include viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, and parasites.Symptomatic diseases are produced when these causative organisms enter the body crossing body's defensive system.It has been observed that, although the infectious disease is caused by the invasion of the pathogen, in many cases it is recovered spontaneously after a limited period of time.Many of the diseases which Hahnemann classified as acute diseases are infectious diseases and spontaneous resolution occur in them [10].In our general observation, we see several infectious diseases being cured spontaneously.For example, a type of hepatitis, chickenpox, and so on [11].Except, the spontaneous resolution has been observed in tuberculosis.An observer observed tuberculosis patients of 50 years ago where the pathogen existed in some and was cleared from some [12].In one instance spontaneous resolution of genital Chlamydia has been observed.Here the observers divided the patients into two groups; one group in which spontaneous resolution occurred and another group in which spontaneous resolution did not occur.The observers found that the number of relapses was high in the group which was given antibiotic in active disease.On the contrary, the number of relapses was much lower in the group which was given antibiotic after spontaneous resolution of the disease [13].Here disease means symptomatic infection.Another matter is that in many instances microorganisms cannot produce diseases after properly invading the body.Physicians call it asymptomatic infection.The above mentioned asymptomatic infection of Chlamydia can persist for many days.Except for this, observers have observed asymptomatic infection of Norwalk virus that causes gastroenteritis.Among a certain number of infected people, some were asymptomatic, some had severe symptoms and some had mild symptoms [14].Humans are both carriers and hosts of meningitis causing bacteria Neisseria meningitidis.Those who live as carriers are not attacked by the pathogen but can do spread the disease to others [15].So, from the analysis of the observed phenomena it can be decided that invasion of the pathogen is not the only cause of symptomatic infectious disease; rather because of internal stimulus symptoms are produced.As long as the stimulus is expressed, the symptoms of the disease remain and if the stimulus is not expressed even after the invasion of the pathogen, then no symptoms are produced.The stimulus is expressed for a limited period of time and symptoms disappear after the time of expression is finished.All the above statements are applicable after the pathogens cross the body's defensive system.

1.7 Spontaneous resolution and limited lifespan of the disease

As we have seen in previous discussions, the cause of the disease is an internal stimulus that being expressed produces the symptoms of the disease and it has a limited lifetime.If neutralizing the symptoms of the disease during that time or acceleration of the disease process of that time can be done, the disease is cured permanently.If this is so then surely many diseases will be cured spontaneously without any treatment after a certain period of time.Hahnemann mentioned many such acute diseases.I have mentioned some examples of spontaneous cure before.Hahnemann mentioned that chronic diseases are diseases that have only the origin and development, have no end.Those diseases end only with the end of life.But although small, some of them are cured spontaneously.A good example of this is epilepsy.Observers found the spontaneous cure of some cases of epilepsy.This happened especially in low-income countries where treatment of epilepsy was not adequate [16].In another type of spontaneous resolution, a team of observers has seen spontaneous clearance of hepatitis C virus [17].Observers have seen spontaneous cure of different types of cancer including colon cancer, lymphoma, and pancreatic cancer [18-20].When a lymphoma patient was at the third stage of cancer, then the physicians decided to observe him without any treatment.Astonishingly his disease was almost completely cured and no new symptoms appeared for approximately six years [21].For many years observers have been observing such spontaneous resolution.For the process of spontaneous resolution of cancer different biochemical processes are mentioned.Among them, severe acute infection, non-infectious inflammation, and apoptosis of cancer cells are notable[22,23].Only those processes can not explain all the spontaneous cures of cancer.It is not unusual for later two processes, other than infective processes to occur at the near end of the lifetime of cancer disease.It is more logical for the processes to occur at the near end of disease rather than to occur arbitrarily.When cancer almost finishes its lifetime, it becomes naturally weak and then the body's normal physiological process becomes stronger.As a result, the body can create an inflammatory process and apoptosis of cancer cells as a protective measure to destruct the cancer cells.Except for this, in many other diseases, a spontaneous resolution has been observed which gives testimony to the limited lifespan of the disease.In the same disease that particular duration may vary in different patients.


The main cause of the disease is an internal stimulus.It is expressed for a limited period of time.Microorganisms are not the main cause of infectious disease.They help the expression of the internal stimulus.If the stimulus is not expressed after the invasion of microorganisms the infection remains asymptomatic.If the stimulus finishes its time of expression, the disease is cured permanently.Potentized homeopathic remedies either neutralize the symptoms of the disease or accelerate the disease process.


In modern medicine alteration of the course of the disease or reversal of the pathogenesis is thought to be the mechanism of the cure.But homeopathic potentized remedies cure disease without altering the course of the disease.This unique mechanism is the cause of a permanent cure by the remedy.This mechanism of cure may lead to the explanation of the property of potentized remedies.Many other phenomena like chronic poisoning and transformation of the disease can be explained by the nature and the cause of the dise ase.


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