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A new explanation to homeopathy-analysis of the principles of homeopathy


Dipangkar Deb

Rampur, Selimnagar (3301), Bahubal, Habiganj, Bangladesh


Keywords:Limitations, principles, homeopathy.


Homeopathy is a system of medicine founded by German physician Samuel Hahnemann.Homeopathy once dominated in Europe and America.It is now widely used in India and some other countries.In homeopathy, substances produce similar symptoms of a disease are used to treat the disease.Even before Hahnemann similar substances were used to treat diseases.But Hahnemann first started the use of extremely diluted remedies.Principles of homeopathy are the law of similar, the law of minute dose, the law of chronic diseases, and the law of vital force.Critics often criticize the principles.But their aim is to dismiss homeopathy as a whole.On the other hand supporters of homeopathy more or less try to explain the principles with scientific facts.But the principles definitely have limitations that prevent scientific explanation of homeopathy.For this, it is necessary to review the principles of homeopathy and criticize them in a constructive way.

1 Homeopathy Theory

1.1 What is homeopathy?

At first, it is necessary to give a brief description of homeopathy.Homeopathy is a system of medicine where the disease is cured by the minute dose of a substance that produces similar symptoms of the disease in a healthy individual.German physician Samuel Hahnemann discovered this system.He was a famous physician at that time.Being dissatisfied with the existing medical system of his time, he gave up the practice of medicine.While he was translating Cullen's Materia Medica, he noticed that Cinchona produces malaria-like symptoms.On the other hand,Cinchona was a cure for malaria.This became a clue for Hahnemann to discover a new system of medicine.At first, he used larger doses of drugs.As a result, diseases used to be aggravated and unwanted symptoms would appear.Hahnemann used doses smaller than that of the allopathic system of that time.But even then there was a dangerous aggravation in the disease.For this, he started to reduce the amount of drug in each dose gradually, but the curative power remained the same.Later he was astonished to see the curative power of extremely diluted drugs prepared in a special procedure.Hahnemann claimed that our body is governed by a hypothetical force named vital force.Disturbance of the vital force is the cause of the disease [1].Hahnemann classified the effect of drugs into two categories.The first one is the primary effect that is exerted by the drug on the body.The second one is the secondary effect or counter effect which is exerted by the body after the cessation of the primary effect [2].He claimed that, when a drug is applied to a disease with similar symptoms, it occupies the space of disease and thereby annihilating them by overpowering them.As a counter effect, vital force produces opposite symptoms of the disease and thus disease is cured after the cessation of the action of drugs.If a dissimilar drug to the symptoms of a disease is used, the stronger effect of the drug temporarily suppresses the symptoms of the disease and after the cessation of the effect of the drug, the counter effect of it goes against the effect of the drug and the symptoms of the disease get worse.For example, opium causes sleep.If in insomnia a large dose of opium is used,it primarily brings sleep but later it causes stronger insomnia and restlessness.On the other hand, Coffea(coffee) relieves the sleepiness.In insomnia, Coffea aggravates insomnia first but later brings sleep.For this, perhaps, some say that coffee brings more sleepiness to them.Hahnemann classified the diseases into two categories;acute disease and chronic disease.Acute diseases are a number of diseases that appear quickly and within a certain period of time either are cured spontaneously or kill the patient.And the chronic diseases are a number of diseases that develop slowly and unknowingly of the patient and without appropriate treatment end with death.The roots of chronic diseases are three miasms named psora, syphilis, and sycosis [3].Again, Hahnemann mentioned the acute diseases as the temporary excitement psora.That is to say, the roots of all diseases are psora, syphilis, and sycosis.

1.2 Effectiveness of homeopathy

Are homeopathic remedies really effective? It is the most important question.It has been raised since the birth of homeopathy and being raised more at present[4].New observers must get satisfactory and positive results in this regard.Otherwise, they will not be interested to search for the mysteries of homeopathy.At present many people blame homeopathy as ineffective.But Samuel Hahnemann mentioned it as an effective method for the treatment of most of the diseases except a few.Later many eminent physicians claimed the same[5].Homeopathy was once the main medical system in Europe and America.In this article, I do not want to present anything special in this regard.But later I will obviously present the reproducible procedures following which I have found the effectiveness of homeopathy.Because, as a result, observers can learn about the mechanism of action of homeopathic remedies and method of applying it and later can apply it successfully.But for the time being, I am mentioning here some forms of effectiveness.If intense itching of any skin disease is relieved instantly, muscle ache is partially relieved in 2 minutes and completely relieved in 10 minutes, angina causing chest pain in some weightlifting where the pain on the same weightlifting is relieved in half an hour by taking a homeopathic remedy, then the result can be considered as positive.If the phenomena can be repeated and the same results are obtained with following the same procedure by other observers, then the effectiveness of homeopathy is proved.Insightful observers will surely find proof of the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies following the appropriate procedure.I have made the following explanation assuming the strong effectiveness of homeopathy and the observers need to proceed in the same way for the time being.

1.3 Some examples of similar effect

Hahnemann and Boericke mentioned several examples of cure in similar principle.Among them, many cures are without any medication.For example, an experienced cook never dips his hand in cold water to relieve pain when his hand is scalded with boiling oil, but he warms it by keeping his hand a little away from the fire.Because as a result of experience, he knows that if he warms his hands a little away from the fire, the pain will increase at first, but soon the pain will go away [6].An example states that a hand that is scalded by hot water will not be cured by hot water of the same temperature according to isopathy (applying the same) but by a little hot water.For example, the hand should be placed in a pot with boiling water up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit (71.11°C), the temperature of which will continue to drop every moment and eventually come down to room temperature, so that the burnt part will be cured by similar treatment.In another example, two opposite treatment methods were used to compare equally acute burns in the same body.In that case, the pure test proved conclusively the surprising predominance of remedies that have a burning sensation and heat-inducing power, rather than a cooler and temporary reliever [7].Except for this, Hahnemann mentioned the cure of bruise by gentle pressure and cure of hydrophobia by the minute dose of Belladonna.

1.4 Introduction to some words

For the English Organon, I will request the observers to follow the English translation of the sixth edition of the Organon by William Boericke.In the case of evidence of disease, I must mention the diseases treated in my own body because the subtle changes that take place in my own body are difficult to feel in the body of other.I will also mention the special issues I have observed in the case of other patients.I will also mention various topics from medical journals and books to prove my theory.Allopathic medicine is modern scientific medicine or mainstream medicine.The primary effect of a drug is its effect on the body (pharmacological effect).The secondary effect or reaction is the opposite of the effect of a drug that is caused by the body.In modern medicine, it is called withdrawal effect or rebound effect.These are caused by a large dose of the drug.For example-someone's heart rate was 150/min.After he took Digitalis, it was found 80/min.A sudden stoppage of taking Digitalis may increase it to 200/min again [8].Acute diseases are those that appear suddenly and within a certain period of time either are cured or these kill the patient.Chronic diseases are a number of diseases that often appear slowly without the knowledge of the patient, develop slowly throughout life, and end with the end of life [3].In homeopathy whether a disease is acute or chronic is not determined by the duration of the disease;rather it depends on the characteristics.Even though malaria is six months old it is an acute disease, syphilis of two days is a chronic disease.

1.4.1 The potency of remedy

It is necessary to discuss briefly potency.A large dose is a dose that is able to produce symptoms in healthy individuals.The minute dose has different scales of potency.For example, decimal potency, which is expressed by x.Generally, one-tenth of the original substance is called 1st decimal potency.Dividing one-tenth twice makes the original substance one hundredth which is called 2nd decimal potency or 2x potency.If the original substance is fractioned to one hundredth it is 1st centesimal potency.Centesimal potency is expressed with 'c'.The preparation of initial potencies requires special procedures.Calculated in this way, 6th centesimal potency will be equal to 12th decimal potency.It has been seen in an experiment that the original substance is present in only up to 12th centesimal potency.Above this is invisible potency.I would call initial potencies low dose, not potency.A large dose and a low dose which are able to exert some effect on the body will be collectively called active dose.6th and above potencies will be called potentized doses.For a single dose of the potentized remedy, I use 1 drop mixed with 1 dram (approximately 5 ml) of water.There are various symbols of higher potencies.For example, 500th, 1000th, 10000th, and 100000th centesimal potencies are expressed with D, M, 10M,and CM respectively.

1.4.2 What is treated in homeopathy?

Every disease has some general symptoms.But when observed closely, it can be seen that those general symptoms are a combination of some specific sets of symptoms.Only one set is expressed at a certain period of time.Only one (sometimes more) remedy is suitable for one set.Here it is mostly unnecessary to know about the pathogenic or pathophysiological cause.But both Dr.Nash and Hahnemann did not ignore the necessity of these.

2 Hypothesis

2.1 Explain homeopathy scientifically

There have been attempts to explain homeopathy since the time of Hahnemann.Hahnemann first proposed the theory of infinitesimal dilution.But after the discovery of atomic theory and Avogadro's number he moved away from this explanation.Then he proposed that,in the process of potentization, water can retain the memory of the original substance that it dissolves.Recently it has been seen in different research papers that there has been an ongoing attempt to explain water memory.There have been also attempts to explain homeopathy with nanotechnology and quantum theory[9].Researchers claim that highly diluted potentized remedy forms nanoparticles similar to the original substance.It exerts a similar effect like the original substance but does not produce any unnecessary symptoms.Homeopathy is compared to vaccination because just as in case of vaccine small amount of pathogen is injected into the body, so in homeopathy minute dose of a similar drug is applied.Now a small amount of pathogen is present in the vaccine as an ingredient but many homeopathic preparations do not contain any original substance [10].There is no strong proof that high potency homeopathic remedies activate immunity in the same way as vaccines.And even if homeopathic remedies form nanoparticles at high potency there is no satisfactory proof that they can exert their effect on healthy individuals.It is proposed that potentized homeopathic remedies gain electric field-like properties [11].But it is not clear how it cures the disease.For all these reasons no explanation has been proved satisfactory.Later based on the observed phenomena I will determine the strength and limitation of the above-mentioned explanation.

2.2 Modern explanation of Hahnemann's theory

Hahnemann's theory can be explained with the principles of modern medicine.The primary effect of the drug is the pharmacological effect and the secondary effect is the withdrawal effect [2].Hahnemann claimed that when in a disease similarly(symptomatically) selected drug is applied, it occupies the space of disease [12].This can be briefly discussed.Whether it is the pathophysiological process of a drug or pathophysiological process of a disease the terminal stage of both are symptoms.In case of the same symptoms of a drug and a disease pathophysiological processes will not be the same but their terminal stages will be the same.For example, in cholera, a set of symptoms produced by cholera pathogen and a set of cholera-like symptoms produced by Arsenic are the same but their pathophysiological processes are different.Because cholera toxin produced by cholera pathogen and Arsenic are varied in size, shape, and site of binding.The size of the cholera toxin is greater than that of Arsenic.Cholera toxin binds to a receptor in the cell membrane [13,14].On the other hand,Arsenic compounds generally bind to the mitochondrial enzymes associated with energy production [15].But even then they are able to produce a common set of symptoms.Why two apparently different biochemical processes produce the same set of symptoms and why cholera toxin produces different drugs' symptoms in different individuals at a certain time instead of possessing the ability to produce all of its symptoms has not been yet investigated.If in a disease active dose of the symptomatically similar drug is given then terminal products of biochemical processes of drug and disease will compete for their common site of effect.As a result, overall, although the symptoms will be aggravated the disease process will be obstructed or reversed.After the effect of the drug ends, the body will produce a withdrawal effect which will act against the symptoms of the disease.As a result, by the combined effect of both diseases will be cured.In the case of the drugs producing no withdrawal effect, the body will try to adapt to the aggravated symptoms, and the effect of the drug will reverse the disease process.After the cessation of the primary effect of the drug, the disease will be cured as a result of the combined effect of both.It is also possible that drugs only compete with the terminal site of the effect of the disease process and absolutely obstruct it.With the cessation of the effect of the drug normal physiological processes occupy the space of symptoms but the disease process cannot progress to the previous site.As a result, the disease is cured.Although at the time of Hahnemann there was no suitable system of determining the pathophysiological process of disease, he interpreted the matter with the help of observed phenomena.Now the question is that, the disease may be cured with an active dose of a drug by following the above-mentioned principle but how the disease is cured with the tiny dose or the preparations that do not contain any original substance by following the same principle.Then since the disease is cured by those preparations, it is possible that those preparations contain only the curative property of the original substance but symptom producing property is removed.But after more dilution that curative property is expected to be eliminated.Hahnemann observed that removing skin diseases, chancre of syphilis, gonorrheal wart, gonorrheal discharge, etc.by external allopathic applications causes internal complicated diseases and if cured by appropriate homeopathic treatment rashes/lesions of skin diseases and gonorrheal discharge reappear.But there is no evidence that ulcer of primary syphilis and gonorrheal warts reappear.For all these reasons Hahnemann proposed that the root cause of all chronic diseases are three miasms, namely psora,syphilis, and sycosis [3].Undoubtedly syphilis and gonorrhea are the cause of many chronic complications.But how psora or skin disease is the root cause of all other chronic diseases is poorly understood.Hahnemann proposed that body is driven by an immaterial force named vital force [1].Disturbance of the vital force is a disease and homeopathic remedies can restore the disturbance to the balanced state.In modern scientific ideas, the existence of vital force has been refuted.Later I will analyze the topics more.

3 Analysis of the principles of homeopathy

3.1 Law of similar

If the symptoms produced by a drug in a healthy individual are similar to corresponding symptoms of disease then the drug is called similar.But just because a drug is similar does not mean that in the patient's body it will produce similar symptoms.There are some drugs that produce alternating opposite symptoms during their course of action [16].For example,alternating diarrhea and constipation produced by black sulfide of antimony(Antim Crud) [17].Again, there are some drugs that produce opposite symptoms in the same body.But these are not alternating opposite symptoms.Hahnemann mentioned that, if an active dose of a drug is given to the same person to test for several successive days in ever-increasing doses, the subsequent doses often remove curatively some one or other of the symptoms caused by the previous dose, or develops an opposite state [18].There are some drugs that produce opposite symptoms in different individuals.Such an example is Aconite Napellus.On analysis of symptoms produced by Aconite Napellus, it will be found that its symptoms include both tachycardia and bradycardia [19].On analysis of materia medicas',it will be found that many other drugs have opposite symptoms those are not alternating symptoms.For example, Nux Vomica includes both heavy and scanty menstrual bleeding.Also, a remedy named Kali Mur has the same [20].Except remedy named Secale,Sulphur, Tabacum, etc.have opposite symptoms that are not alternating symptoms[21-23].Now in case of disease with similar symptoms, if a drug is given, there is no guarantee that it will produce similar symptoms to the disease, especially in tiny doses.On the other hand at the time of testing, a drug does not produce all of its symptoms in an individual.After performing the test in many individuals, a complete drug picture is formed.Now the effect is weak in the potentized dose and if with this any particular symptom is not produced, then there is no guarantee that the preparation will produce exactly similar symptoms to the disease.Another point is that some drugs are poorly absorbed from the alimentary tract.For example, only the parenteral administration of Curare can produce toxicity [24].Administered orally, it remains almost unabsorbable from the stomach or intestine.In that case how Curare exerts a similar effect is not clear.

3.2 Law of minute dose

There are also some issues with the effectiveness of the minute dose.In homeopathy, many substances are used as remedies that previously exist in the body as a large dose.A hint of using minute dose is found in Hahnemann's organon.Analysis of Organon shows that globules of the initial minute dose used by Hahnemann contained one billionth of the original substance [25,26].Now in our body fluid there exist different types of ions.Mainly exist sodium, potassium,chloride, phosphate, and bicarbonate.Except for these,many other ions exist.Many of the substances found combining these ions used as homeopathic remedies in minute dose.For example, sodium chloride and potassium chloride.Also found magnesium phosphate,potassium sulfate, iron phosphate, etc.The above salts are known as Natrum Mur, Kali Mur, Magnesia Phos,Kali Sulph, Ferrum Phos respectively in homeopathy.Potassium iodite which is mixed with common salt as a source of iodine is also used as a remedy in homeopathy.Natrum Mur or common salt is one of the key remedies in homeopathy.Every day we ingest it in plenty and in the body, it also exists in plenty.Now how taking it in minute dose will exert a similar effect is not clear.There is also another substance that is used in a minute dose in homeopathy.This is hydrochloric acid (Acid Mur).Hydrochloric acid is produced in the stomach in plenty.If anyone takes a minute dose of hydrochloric acid, then it will turn into a large dose instantly.In that case, how minute dose becomes effective is not clear.

3.3 Law of chronic diseases

For the development of chronic diseases, Hahnemann mentioned three miasms.These are psora, syphilis, and sycosis [3].From untreated gonorrhea infertility and gonorrheal arthritis may develop.Leaving syphilis untreated may lead to secondary and tertiary forms.As a result, long term problems may result in bone, skin,and nervous system.Now, how the itch which Hahnemann called psora is the cause of all the other chronic diseases is a matter of question.Before finding the answer it is necessary to know why Hahnemann saw it as the cause of most of the chronic diseases.Firstly Hahnemann observed that syphilis and gonorrhea express themselves as external symptoms like chancre and condylomata respectively and at the same time invade different internal organs.He thought the same for different skin diseases including scabies.He thought that different skin diseases invade the whole body and produce itch as a primary local symptom.With that local symptom, the outburst of the internal malady is prevented [27].Secondly, as soon as the local symptoms are eliminated, different internal chronic diseases manifested as secondary symptoms.Hahnemann had good reason to think so.Because he observed that as long as the ulcer of primary syphilis exists, the secondary stage does not appear.He also observed how the manifestation of external local diseases weakens internal diseases.Even in the allopathic treatment of that time, external ulcers were produced in the body as a treatment for internal chronic diseases [28].He observed that how internal chronic diseases develop after the elimination of chancre by mercury and destruction of gonorrheal condylomata.In one instance he also observed that chancre existed for two years and by the time symptoms of secondary syphilis did not appear [29].In the case of syphilis he observed that, as soon as the primary chancre is eliminated by mercury, secondary symptoms develop.While studying skin diseases, he observed that whenever symptoms of skin diseases are eliminated by the external application of allopathic drugs then in many instances different internal chronic diseases develop, and with the appropriate homeopathic treatment former skin diseases reappear.In many cases cure of internal chronic diseases also had been observed after the spontaneous outbreak of skin disease [30].Even Hahnemann was able to relieve the suppuration of lungs temporarily with artificial production of skin disease.Another matter is that many of the homeopathic remedies produce generalized symptoms.The drug that produces symptoms of skin diseases can produce symptoms of many chronic diseases too.For all these reasons Hahnemann thought of psora or skin diseases like syphilis and gonorrhea and considered them as a source of most of the chronic diseases.On the basis of modern observation, it is very difficult to support this view.However, some internal diseases have a relationship with skin diseases.For example,those who have allergies can be affected by skin condition and asthma at the same time.Arthritis can be associated with psoriasis.But Hahnemann and many other physicians observed the development of different chronic diseases after the elimination of skin diseases by external application of allopathic drugs and recovery of those after the reappearance of skin diseases.Again Hahnemann mentioned this as not driving out of one disease to another organ [31].Except, they also observed the emergence of delirium due to incomplete outbreak of rashes of pox, and measles;and recovery from this after the full outbreak of the rashes.But the way diseases developed by driving out of skin diseases are cured by the reappearance of skin diseases, the chancre of syphilis and condylomata of gonorrhea do not reappear in the same way after the cure of secondary syphilis and gonorrhea respectively.Hahnemann mentioned that psora is contagious,meaning it can spread from one individual to another.But there are skin diseases with itching that are not contagious.For example, eczema, psoriasis, skin allergy, etc.Whether it is contagious or noncontiguous,the concept that skin diseases cause epilepsy,melancholia, mania, suppuration of lungs (here I will use terms given by Hahnemann), etc.invading the organism as a whole, is not established in modern medical science.In many cases, chronic diseases are developed without any visible skin diseases.In those cases, Hahnemann mentioned that psora remains latently inside the body.Now if psora enters the body from outside it can be three things;Drug, allergen, and pathogen.If psora is a drug it can exert an effect on the skin and other organs.In that case, there is no guarantee that relieving skin symptoms with an antidote or restoring skin symptoms will change the effect on internal organs.If the substance is an allergen, it can act on the skin and other organs.In this case, the symptoms of the internal organs do not depend on relieving the symptoms of the skin.And as long as the action of the allergen lasts, all the symptoms exist, not forever.And it is not sure that if anti-allergic skin preparations are applied, the effect of the allergen will remain latent in the body.Now if the entered substance is a pathogen, then it can only invade the skin or other organs along with the skin.There is no scope of invasion of other organs if the organism characteristically invades only the skin.For example,what Hahnemann called the main representation of psora, the parasite of scabies cannot produce any internal disease but skin disease.And if the pathogen of skin disease invades other organs then according to the course of the disease it will produce some particular problems in particular organs, but of course not all the chronic diseases.And in those cases, it is not sure that restoration of previously eliminated skin disease will cure the disease of other organs or recovery of other organs' disease will result in the expression of skin disease.For example, secondary infection of scabies can invade internal organs (e.g.kidney) with the skin rashes present [32].And it is of course not that symptoms of secondary infection of internal organs will subside restoring previously eliminated skin symptoms.Tuberculosis attacks various internal organs of the body.But there is no example that if the skin is involved disease of internal organs is cured [33].In the case of leprosy internal organs, such as nerves can be affected with the skin at the same time.In many cases,symptoms of skin disease are expressed with internal organs affected.In these cases, skin disease is not responsible for the disease of internal organs rather the problem of internal organs produces itching.Such an example is chronic kidney disease [34].Hahnemann proposed that psora or itchy skin diseases invade the whole body from all directions and like syphilis and produces skin diseases as the primary symptom.When primary symptom skin disease is eliminated, many other chronic diseases develop as secondary symptoms[27].Based on the overall analysis above, we can refute this notion.Now many physicians including Hahnemann observed the development of other diseases after the elimination of skin diseases and recovery from those diseases after the reappearance of previously eliminated skin diseases [30].Just as a dissimilar disease suppresses another dissimilar disease, so Hahnemann observed temporary recovery of epilepsy with an outbreak of skin disease and reappearance of epilepsy with the elimination of the skin disease.In my own observation, I have found several such examples.One of them is the development of hypertension after the recovery of dyspepsia caused by worms with the ingestion of pills made of dried neem leaves, in which homeopathic medicine restored the previous dyspepsia recovering hypertension.Then it is true that, after recovery from disease by large dose allopathic drugs, new diseases can originate.Since the cause is not psora mentioned by Hahnemann, then other causes of this may exist.Later we will determine the cause of this on the basis of observed phenomena.

3.4 Law of vital force

According to the 'vital force' theory, biological processes cannot be explained by the laws of inert substances only because there exists something immaterial that separates a living organism from nonliving substances [1].Hahnemann mentioned that vital force is the immaterial being which animates the material organisms in health and in disease[1].However, ancient chemists explained vital force a bit differently.They said that the body produces such some products that are performed by a God-given force named vital force.This idea was rejected after the synthesis of urea outside the human body.However,we will accept the first definition as a driving force of organisms.Now the existence of vital force is not a big issue.Due to the disease, some biochemical changes occur.To cure a disease it is necessary to obstruct or neutralize the changes.How tiny doses of homeopathic remedies(or where no original substance exists) perform this is not clear.Hahnemann claimed that an imbalance of vital force is a disease and applying similar drugs to the symptoms of the disease produces a reaction that goes against the symptoms of the disease.Thus, vital force is restored to a balanced state.Now homeopathic remedies that contain no original substances are unable to produce any reaction(withdrawal effect).In that case, how the body or vital force will produce a reaction is not clear.

3.5 Water memory

Hahnemann proposed that in potentization process water is able to retain the memory of the original substance.Even in modern times, it has been proposed that water(or solvent) is able to form nanoparticles like original substances.Minute dose and water memory are incompatible to each other because if water retains the memory of the original substance, then it does not remain a minute dose anymore.In modern allopathic medical systems, some drugs are used by diluting them in water with vigorous shaking.But there is no evidence that the drugs show any extra effectiveness.Now water is absorbed from the intestine by osmosis.In the case of passing through the cell membrane,water is highly permeable.The small size of the water molecule is responsible for this characteristic.Different drugs that may be soluble in water do not follow the same process while being absorbed from the intestine.These can generally undergo facilitated diffusion,active transport, endocytosis, etc.[35].Even if water forms nanoparticles resembling those drugs, yet at the time of absorption from the intestine, it will follow the process of absorption of water and as a result, it is bound to break down.Hahnemann claimed that, if the mother ingests any potentized remedy, it will be excreted in breast-milk.There is no strong proof that nanoparticles like original substances exist in breastmilk or bloodstream.Therefore, the claim that water can retain the memory of original substances and forms nanoparticles like original substances has a very high limitation.


From the analysis of the principles of homeopathy it is clear that they definitely have some limitations.For scientific explanation, it is necessary to remove the limitations.It is necessary to know how extremely small doses exert their effect and what property they have.It is also necessary to determine how skin diseases produce different chronic diseases after being eliminated by external application of allopathic drugs and whether vital force exists.It can be possible by thorough analysis of currently observed phenomena,previously observed phenomena, and different established scientific facts.


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