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上教版三年级英语Unit8 At the fruit shop第一课时教学设计




1.能听、说、认读本课生词:apple(s)banana(s)orange(s) pear(s).

2.能在情景交际表演中,熟练运用句型:“How much is it? Its ... yuan. How much are they? Theyre...yuan.”。





一、Pre-task preparation



Say and act.

II.While-task procedure

1.Lead in

T:Look! Here are some fruit. Do you like fruit? Today we are going to learn Unit8 At the fruit shop.

2.Words learning

(1)an apple、apples

a. an apple

T:Look! What is it?(Show an apple)

Listen and repeat “an apple”.

b. apples

T:Look! (At first,the teacher show an apple,then show the second apple and the third apple)

Listen and repeat “apples”

c.Lets count the apples.

One apple, two apples.three apples,...ten apples.

(2).The same way to learn the other words.


(1).Do a match

Match the pictures with the right words.

(2)A game

The PPT show some fruit and the pupils count and say.

(3).A chant

One _____, two ______(s) ,

Three ______(s), four.

Five _____(s), six _____(s),

Seven _____(s), more!

4.Sentence learning

(1).Lead in

T: Look! Im in a fruit shop.This is my shopping list.I want to buy 2 apples, 3 pears and 4 bananas.How much are they?

(2).How much is it? Its...yuan.

How much are they? Theyre...yuan.

a.How much is it?(Show an apple and its price)

b.How much are they?( Ask puils to count how much two apples they are.

c.Practise the dialogues in pairs.

(3)Lets chant.

One apple, one apple.

How much is it? How much is it?

Its 2 yuan. Its 2 yuan.

Two apples, two apples

How much are they? How much are they?

Theyre 4 yuan. Theyre 4 yuan.

(4).The same way to count the money of the 3pears and 4bananas.

二、Post-task activity

1.Sing a song

Music:The music of the two tigers.

Words: One ___, one ____.

How much is it? How much is it?

Its ___ yuan. Its ___yuan.

Two ___(s), two ___(s).

How much are they? How much are they?

Theyre ___yuan. Theyre ___yuan.

2.Moral education

1.A proverb

An apple a day, keeps doctor away.

2.T:Eat more fruit. It will do you good.


1.Copy the words and phrases.

2.Say the chant on Page 41.


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