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Politehnica University of Timi¸soara,Department of Mathematics,Victoriei Square no.2,300006 Timi¸soara,Romania

E-mail∶gavruta laura@yahoo.com;pgavruta@yahoo.com



Politehnica University of Timi¸soara,Department of Mathematics,Victoriei Square no.2,300006 Timi¸soara,Romania

E-mail∶gavruta laura@yahoo.com;pgavruta@yahoo.com

Operator-valued frames(or g-frames)are generalizations of frames and fusion frames and have been used in packets encoding,quantum computing,theory of coherent states and more.In this article,we give a new formula for operator-valued frames for finite dimensional Hilbert spaces.As an application,we derive in a simple manner a recent result of A.Najati concerning the approximation of g-frames by Parseval ones.We obtain also some results concerning the best approximation of operator-valued frames by its alternate duals,with optimal estimates.


2010 MR Subject Classification42C15

1 Introduction

Frames in Hilbert spaces were introduced by Duffin and Schaeffer[10]in 1952,in the context of nonharmonic Fourier series.After a couple of years,in 1986,frames were brought to life by Daubechies,Grossman,and Meyer[9].Frames have nice properties which makes them useful tools in signal processing,image processing,coding theory,sampling theory and more.

In the following,we denote by H a separable Hilbert space and by L(H)the space of all linear bounded operators on H.

Definition 1.1A family of elements⊂H is called a frame for H if there exist constants A,B>0 such that

The constants A,B are called frame bounds.

We say that a frame is tight if A=B,a Parseval frame if A=B=1,and an exact frame if it ceases to be a frame when any one of its elements is removed.

The exact frames are in fact Riesz bases.If just the last inequality in the above definition holds,we say thatis a Bessel sequence.

is called synthesis operator(or pre-frame operator).Its adjoint operator is given by

and is called the analysis operator.By composing T with its adjoint T∗,we obtain the frame operator

The next theorem is one of the most important results about frames.

(i)S is invertible and self-adjoint;

(ii)every x∈H can be represented as

The relation(1.1)is called the reconstruction formula.We call{〈x,the frame coefficients.

A generalization of frames,which allows to reconstruct elements from the range of a linear and bounded operator in a Hilbert space,was obtain by L.G˘avrut¸a[13].

In 2006,W.Sun[21]introduced the concept of g-frame.g-frames are generalized frames,which include ordinary frames,bounded invertible linear operators,fusion frames,as well as many recent generalizations of frames.See also the article of V.Kaftal,D.Larson and S.Zhang[18].For the general theory of fusion frames,see the article of P.G.Casazza et al[6]and P. G˘avrut¸a[16].

For the connection between the theory of g-frames and quantum theory as in[7,19],see the papers[1]and[17].

In the following,we consider H and K to be two Hilbert spaces.We denote by L(H,K)the space of all linear bounded operators from H into K.By I we denote a finite or a countable set.

Definition 1.3We say that a sequence{Λi∈L(H,K):i∈I}is a generalized frame or a g-frame for H if there exist two positive constants A and B such that

We call A and B frame bounds.We say that{Λi:i∈I}is a g-tight frame if A=B and a g-Parseval frame if A=B=1.

A frame is equivalent to a g-frame whenever K=C.

The g-frame operator S is defined as follows whereis the adjoint operator of Λi.

W.Sun proved in[21]that S is well-defined,bounded,and self-adjoint operator.Then,the following reconstruction formula takes place for all x∈H

We call{ΛiS−1}the canonical dual g-frame of{Λi}.A g-frame{Γi}is called an alternate dual g-frame of{Λi}if it satisfies

2 Results

Before the main results,we give some preliminary results(we refer to Propositions 2.1,2.2,2.3,2.4).

Proposition 2.1Let{Λi}∈L(H,K)be a g-frame.Then,H is finite-dimensional if and only if

where by‖·‖Fwe denote the Frobenius norm(or the Hilbert-Schmidt norm).

If dim H=n=card J,we have,we have

Proposition 2.2If{Λi}and{Γi}are Parseval g-frames,then

ProofLet L∈L(H,K),then

We use the fact that‖T‖F=‖T∗‖F.

Proposition 2.3Let{Γi}be a Parseval g-frame and H a finite n-dimensional Hilbert space.Then,X

More general,we have the following result.

Proposition 2.4Let{Λi}be a g-frame for a finite n-dimensional Hilbert space H with g-frame operator S.Then,

The identity given in the next theorem was obtain for the particular case of ordinary frames in[14]and for the case of continuous frames in[15].

Theorem 2.5Let{Λi}be a g-frame with g-frame operator S,{Γi}be a Parseval g-frame,and H be a finite-dimensional Hilbert space.Then,we have the following estimation:

ProofWe have

In contrast,

where we use Proposition 2.3.

As a corollary,we have immediately the following result of A.Najati[20].

Corollary 2.6Let{Λi}be a g-frame,with g-frame operator S and H be a finitedimensional Hilbert space.Then,for all Parseval g-frames{Γi},the following inequality,

holds,and the equality occurs if and only if,(∀)i∈I.

In the following,we consider 0≤ε<1.The next definition extends the definition for ordinary frames of P.G.Casazza[3].

Definition 2.7We say that{Λi}is ε nearly Parseval g-frame if for all x∈H,

Theorem 2.8If{Λi}is an ε nearly Parseval g-frame,with g-frame operator S and H is a finite n-dimensional Hilbert space,then Moreover,the estimation is optimal.

ProofLet S have eigenvalues{λ1,λ2,···,λn}and the corresponding orthonormal eigenvectors{e1,e2,···,en}.It follows that

Using(2.1),for x=ek,we obtain

and so 1−ε≤λk≤1+ε,which implies

We prove now that the estimation is optimal.Indeed,ifis an orthonormal basis of H and v∈K,a fixed vector with‖v‖=1,we take the operators Λk:H→C,Λkx=We have

In the following,we give analogous results for the case when a canonical Parseval g-frame is replaced by canonical dual frame.We have the following identity.

Proposition 2.9Let{Λi}be a g-frame,with g-frame operator S and{Γi}be an alternate dual g-frame of{Λi}.Then,, hence we have equality.

ProofWe have,for all x∈H,


Similarly,we have Using the fact that S is g-frame operator,that is,which implies〈Sx,x〉=By replacing x with S−1x,we get

Then by(2.4)and(2.5),we get

We also have


If we add relations(2.6),(2.7)and use(2.3),we obtain

So,we obtained(2.2).

Corollary 2.10Let{Λi}be a g-frame for the Hilbert space H,with frame operator S. For all alternate dual g-frames{Γi}of{Λi},the inequality

takes place for any x∈H and the equality holds for any x∈H if and only if Γi=ΛiS−1,(∀)i∈I.

The following result is an analog of Theorem 2.5 for alternate duals.

Theorem 2.11Let{Λi}be a g-frame for H finite dimensional Hilbert space,with frame operator S and{Γi}to be an alternate dual of{Λi}.Then,

ProofWe have

From Proposition 2.9,we get

Corollary 2.12Let{Λi}be a g-frame for H finite dimensional Hilbert space,with frame operator S.Then,for every alternate dual g-frames{Γi}of{Λi},the inequality

takes place,and the equality holds if and only if Γi=ΛiS−1,(∀)i∈I.

Theorem 2.13If{Λi}is a nearly Parseval g-frame and H is a finite n-dimensional Hilbert space,then there exists a dual{Γi}of{Λi}such that

Moreover,the estimation is optimal.

We have equality for the same g-frame as in example we constructed in the end of the proof of Theorem 2.8.

RemarksSome results of this article were presented at the 24thInternational Conference on Operator Theory,July 2-7,2012,West University of Timi¸soara,Romania.

Some results of this article are related to the ones presented in[11,12].[11,12]deals only with vector frames.Our results are more general and we use a technique which is more simple even in the case of vector frames.In addition,our article contains results concerning the best approximation of operator-valued frames by its alternate duals,with optimal estimates.


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September 10,2014;revised June 6,2015.The final work of P.G˘avrut¸a on this article was supported by a grant of Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research,CNCS-UEFISCDI,project number PN-II-ID-JRP-2011-2/11-RO-FR/01.03.2013.

†Corresponding author


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