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Human-machine compatibility and dynamic analysis of a novelunpowered and self-ad


Zhang Jingwen Jia Minping

(School of Mechanical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing 211189, China)

Abstract:To reduce the complexity of the configuration and control strategy for shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton, a 2R1R1P2R serial of shoulder exoskeleton based on gravity balance is proposed. Based on three basic rotatory shoulder joints, an exact kinematic constraint system can be formed between the exoskeleton and the upper arm by introducing a passive sliding pair and a center of glenohumeral (CGH) unpowered compensation mechanism, which realizes the human-machine kinematic compatibility. Gravity balance is used in the CGH compensation mechanism to provide shoulder joint support. Meanwhile, the motion of the compensation mechanism is pulled by doing reverse leading through the arm to realize the kinematic self-adaptive, which decreases control complexity. Besides, a simple and intuitive spring adjustment strategy is proposed to ensure the gravity balance of any prescribed quality. Furthermore, according to the influencing factors analysis of the scapulohumeral rhythm, the kinematic analysis of CGH mechanism is performed, which shows that the mechanism can fit the trajectory of CGH under various conditions. Finally, the dynamic simulation of the mechanism is carried out. Results indicate that the compensation torques are reduced to below 0.22 N·m, and the feasibility of the mechanism is also verified.

Key words:rehabilitation; exoskeleton; human-machine compatibility; kinematic analysis; gravity balance

The shoulder, one of the most frequently used joints, allows upper limbs to perform various daily activities, such as eating, personal hygiene management, and clothing. Rehabilitation of post-stroke shoulder disability patients requires repeated and progressive training. However, conventional treatment has limited effectiveness[1]. Thus, it is of practical significance to develop rehabilitation exoskeletons for shoulder dyskinesia, which can promote rehabilitation training at various intensity levels[2].

At the current stage, the key issue in the design of exoskeleton structures is to achieve ergonomic kinematic compatibility, thereby improving wearable comfort and efficiency of robot-assisted training[3-4]. Previous research mainly focuses on the active compensation joint and passive compensation joint. The active compensation exoskeleton guides its rotation center by referring to the experimental measurement track of a center of glenohumeral (CGH), so as to reduce the error between the exoskeleton and the human body. For example, HARMONY, designed by Kim et al.[5], compensated for the exoskeleton dynamics by setting a robot reference trajectory through active control strategies to promote the scapulohumeral rhythm. Thalagala et al.[6-7]achieved compensation by setting rails to guide the displacement of the exoskeleton rotation center. In addition, the common strategy of passive compensation joint research adds dynamic joints to the exoskeleton actuation chain and realizes the shoulder girdle fitting by passive control. For example, Yalcin et al.[8]added a passive prism joint and three parallel sliders to AssistOn-SE, to simulate the shoulder girdle. Zhang et al.[9]improved the compatibility of Co-Exos by using passive prismatic joints of four linear guides and sliders, and thus, Co-Exos can decrease the binding force due to misalignment. Li et al.[10]proposed a 3R-PU serial shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton to realize compatibility when the unilateral humerus is lifting. They also provided a analysis basis for the PU joint motion planning and control.

Although the active compensation joint is relatively light and easy to control, its compensation effect is limited by human heterogeneity and trajectory rationality.Passive dynamic joints are controlled by tracking, which achieves a great fit with the CGH trajectory. However, they render the device complicated and cumbersome and reduce the efficiency of the driving force. In the aspect of the compensation utility, the current analysis is mainly based on static motion, such as the mobile arm support designed by Lin et al.[11]and the tendon-sheath-driven rehabilitation exoskeleton designed by Wu et al[12]. Few works have focused on the utility analysis of compensation joints considering dynamic motion.

To reduce the complexity of the mechanism and improve the universal applicability of the mechanism’s kinematics, this paper presents an unpowered and self-adaptive shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton, which is believed to be a novel design concept, simple in structure, and widely suitable for different human physiques.

1 A Self-Adaptive Shoulder Rehabilitation Exoskeleton based on Gravity Balance

1.1 Influence factors of scapulohumeral rhythm

Fig.1 Reference points on the shoulder complex


For different human bodies, the above variables will change randomly and only slightly.

1.2 Configuration synthesis of the 2R1R1P2R rehabilitation exoskeleton

Targetting the complex and cumbersome problem of passive compensation exoskeleton, this paper proposes a 2R1R1P2R serial self-adaptive shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton. The setting of unilateral joints is shown in Fig.2, and the bilateral joints are set in symmetrical mode. Only three dynamic joints (R3, R4and R5), whose rotating axes intersect at one point, are in the exoskeleton, which achieves the essential motor functions of the shoulder, including abduction/adduction, internal rotation/external, and flexion/extension. The height and position of the seat should be adjusted in advance to make the dynamic joint rotation centerOmand the shoulder joint rotation center coincide when the upper arm naturally droops. In the independent closed-loop chain formed by the exoskeleton and the human body, there are three active joints within the exoskeleton and three biological degrees of freedom (DOFs) in the shoulder. Based on the mechanism theory, the exoskeleton still needs at least three DOFs to demonstrate human-machine compatibility. Therefore, the CGH compensation mechanism and the passive slider P1are added to reduce the human-machine binding force caused by the floating of the glenohumeral joint in the vertical axis, coronal axis and sagittal axis.

Fig.2 The joints setting of exoskeleton

The CGH compensation mechanism is a plane 3-link mechanism consisting of two rotary joints R1and R2. Meanwhile, in order to provide proper support while adapting the shoulder joint floating, the mechanism is designed based on gravity balance. The configuration model is shown in Fig.3. As shown in Fig.3(a), two four-bar parallelogram linkages are added to the base and vertical coupler rod L2.O3successively connects the passive prismatic joint P1, three active joints (R3, R4and R5) and the upper arm of the exoskeleton.k1andk2are the spring constants of the two ideal zero-free-length extension springs.AiandBiare the connection positions of both the ends of the springs.

To generally describe the plane configuration, letqibe the 2×1 unit vector on linkiin the mechanism, whereq1is the ground. As shown in Fig.3(b), for the convenience of expression, a fixed coordinate systemO0x0y0z0is established at the midpoint of rod L1, where axisx0is parallel to the coronal axis and directed outward by the sternum, axisy0is parallel to the vertical axis and directed upward, and axisz0is determined by right-hand rule. The coordinate systemsO1x1y1z1andO2x2y2z2are established at the middle points of rod L1and rod L2, where axiszilies in the same direction as axisz0, and axisxilies in the same direction as vectorqi+1. The measurement and motion parameters of the CGH self-adaptive compensation mechanism are listed in Tab.1.


Tab.1 Measurement and motion parameters of the compensation mechanism

These parameters are designed to ensure that the exoskeleton adapts to CGH floating caused by scapulohumeral rhythm. The relevant kinematic analysis is given in the next section. To ensure that the compensation joints provide stable support at any design angle without actuators, the principle of gravity balance is adopted in this design to determine the stiffness and connection position of the springsk1andk2. Due to the slow operation of the rehabilitation joints, we only consider the gravity for the design. As shown in Fig.3(a), the stiffness matrix of the gravity of the mechanism and the arm from the reference pointO1toO3can be obtained as



wherem1is the mass on one parallelogram and springk1;m2is the mass on the other parallelogram and springk2;m3is the mass on the arm and the exoskeleton transferred toO3.

The simplified total gravitation potential energy of the system can be written as


The potential energy formula can be represented by the stiffness block matrix and configuration block matrix, which is written as



Therefore, the 6×6 stiffness symmetric matrix block of the system gravity can be obtained as


As shown in Fig.3(b), the elastic potential energy of springk1can be expressed as


wherel5q2andl7q1are the vectors pointing from the rotation center to the attachment points (A1andB1) of springk1.

Hence, the stiffness block matrix induced by springk1can be obtained as


Similarly, the stiffness matrix induced by springk2can be obtained as


wherel6andl8are the distances between the rotation center and two attachment points (A2andB2) of springk2.

According to the principle of virtual work, the necessary and sufficient condition for mechanical balance is zero virtual work performed by all external forces acting on the machine during any virtual configuration change. Hence, any component matrix related to the relative angular positionθij(i≠j) in the total stiffness matrix should be a zero matrix. At this time, the potential energy is constant and is independent of the configuration change of the mechanism. The total stiffness block matrix obtained by summing Eqs.(5), (7) and (8) must be a diagonal matrix. Furthermore, the attachment points and stiffness of springs can be calculated as



At this time, it only needs to overcome the friction of the joints without considering gravity in dynamics. In the joint kinematics control, the end of the exoskeleton is fixed to the arm. Therefore, adaptive rotation can be achieved by doing the reverse leading through the arm.

The calculation advantage of the ideal spring is that the elastic potential energy can be obtained by the vectors between the spring connection points and the rotation center visually. According to Fig.4, a three-dimensional model is established, in which the ideal springs are realized by the combination of cables, pulleys and springs. The pulley is fixed at the connection pointAiof the ideal spring on the vertical rod. One end of the cable is fixed at the connection pointBiof the ideal spring on the rotating rod Li, and the other end is connected to the spring by bypassing the pulley. The other end of each spring is fixed to the vertical rod Liby the spring fixings. According to the initial distance of the ideal spring connection pointsAi 0andBi 0, the pretensions of the two springs arek1||l5q20-l7q10||2andk2||l8q10-l6q30||2, respectively. Since the length of the cable is a constant, the distance change ofAiBiis equal to the length change of the spring. The spring elastic potential energy can still be calculated by the vector between connection points.

Fig.4 The 3D Model of unpowered CGH compensation

Compared with the traditional passive control exoskeleton, this exoskeleton reduces the sensor and actuator used for floating rotation fitting, and reduces the complexity and control requirements.

1.3 The adjustment strategy of springs

The rehabilitation exoskeleton should suit for different patients and training levels, which needs to deal with different quality parameters and link lengths. Accordingly, spring attachment positions and spring stiffness should be modified by Eqs.(9) and (10). Due to the difficulty in adjusting the stiffness of the metal spring, the spring stiffness is set to be a fixed value. Furthermore, fix one of the spring attachment positionsAiso thatl7=l3andl8=l4; then the design parameter formula of the other attachment point becomes a linear equation. The positions ofB1andB2can be defined as



At this time, distancesl5andl6are the remaining parameters related to the prescribed mass, and these two parameters can be independently adjusted without mutual interference. By adjusting attachment positions, the gravity balance of different weights can be realized conveniently, intuitively and quantitatively.

2 Analysis of the Human-Machine Compatibility and Dynamic Feasibility

2.1 Human-machine compatibility for the exoskeleton

The compatibility analysis of the mechanism mainly compares the movement space of the CGH compensation mechanism with the floating space of the shoulder joint. In view of the uncertainty of the CGH floating trajectory, the design uses the coordinated motion of two rotating joints (R1and R2). Unlike the traditional active compensation exoskeleton, this design has no specific trajectory and avoids the adjustment of the rod lengths, which results in strong universality. In rehabilitation practice, activities of daily living (ADL) are generally defined to describe the functional capacity of patients. The maximum abduction angle of the shoulder in ADL is 148.3° is based on statistical data[14], so that the maximum humerus elevationφis set to be 150° for analysis. According to the body dimension standard of Chinese adults in GB/T 10000—1988, the 1st percentile female shoulder strap length and the 99th percentile male shoulder strap length are taken as boundary values. It can be concluded that 99% of the shoulder strap length is between 0.152 and 0.209 m, which can be divided into 7 segments (0.15, 0.16, 0.17, 0.18, 0.19, 0.2 and 0.21 m) with a 0.1 m step length. Therefore, combined with the coupling relationship of glenohumeral in Section 1.1, the vertical axis and coronal axis position of CGH of different shoulder strap lengths can be obtained, respectively, when the unilateral humerus or the bilateral humerus is elevated between 5° and 150°. Furthermore, the trajectories of CGH are compared with the movement space of mechanism. As shown in Fig.5(a), the active compensation exoskeleton proposed in Refs.[5-6] can only fit the shoulder joint floating under the single physique and single elevation method, while the CGH movement trajectories are quite different for patients. Therefore, it has a strong restriction for users. However, it can be seen from Fig.5 that the mechanism designed in this paper can completely cover the floating of the CGH, which shows strong general adaptability.

Unlike the common compensation joints, this movement space is not a simple globe, sphere, or a specific trajectory. It is roughly the same as the motion trend of CGH, which is supposed to be more reasonable. Meanwhile, due to the diversity of human joints, the motion coupling of the shoulder joint is slightly biased. The mechanism provides a redundant range of motion to accommodate this deviation.

2.2 Dynamic feasibility analysis of exoskeleton

The simulation of the exoskeleton is based on the two parallelogram models given in Fig.3. The mass and inertia parameters of the human body are obtained on the basis of anthropometric measurements and statistical data[15]. In this simulation, the masses of the upper arm, forearm, and mechanism are 2.18, 1.85 and 2.00 kg, respectively;d0=200 mm. The stiffness and attachment positions of the additional spring can be obtained by Eqs.


The simulation is implemented in ADAMS software. Considering the dynamic effect during low speed, the arm elevating process is divided into three stages: acceleration, uniform, and deceleration. At the same time, since this design is adaptively compensated, there is no specific trajectory. The analytical solutions of the inverse kinematics of R1and R2are used as the input driver when the unilateral humerus is elevated from 5° to 150°. It can be seen from Fig.6 that if only two rotary joints are used, it is necessary to apply the compensation drive moments from 3 to 8 N·m through the actuators. Accordingly, position control and torque control of compensation joints are crucial, which inevitably increases the difficulty and costs of control. However, the dynamic torque of the two rotary joints with gravity balance can be reduced to be less than 0.22 N·m while ensuring the human-machine compatibility. Fluctuations of the dynamic torque also significantly decrease. Note that, the patients with shoulder disabilities do not entirely lack the ability to organize limbs. With such small support provided by the patient, the shoulder joint can move freely.

Fig.6 The change of compensation joint torque after adding gravity balance mechanism

3 Conclusions

1) This paper proposes a 2R1R1P2R serial self-adaptive shoulder rehabilitation exoskeleton, which introduces a passive slider and designs a CGH self-adaptive compensation mechanism to form the exact kinematic constraints system between the exoskeleton and upper arm. The CGH compensation mechanism based on the gravity balance performs complete weight compensation when the shoulder is floating, reducing the weight of the exoskeleton by unpowered joints. Meanwhile, it realizes shoulder joint adaptation by doing the reverse leading through the arm, without considering the passive control strategy. Furthermore, a convenient and intuitive strategy is proposed for spring adjustment.

2) Considering the influencing factors of the scapulohumeral rhythm, the exoskeleton can successfully fit the CGH movement track of 99% of the human physique, humerus elevation between 5 ° and 150 °, and different humeral elevation methods. It achieves the human-machine compatibility in various cases while meeting the requirements of shoulder rehabilitation space.

3) Through the dynamic simulation of unilateral humerus elevation, the torque of the two compensation joints is reduced from 3 to 8 N·m to less than 0.22 N·m. It verifies that the proposed CGH adaptive compensation mechanism can provide stable support when adapting to shoulder floating.


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