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Shanghai Petrochemical Research Institute Promotes Commercial Application of Pac


On December 5, 2019 by adopting the package technolgy for hydrotreating the steam cracking (SC) light residue developed by the SINOPEC Shanghai Petrochemical Research Institute(SPRI), the Jilin Chemical Group’s Jinjiang Oil Chemicals Plant(JOCP) has put on stream in one stroke its grassroots 60 kt/a unit for producing light distillates from inferior heavy aromatics.Since the hydrotreating unit has been smoothly operating for a period of time, the temperature distribution in the reactor beds is reasonable, and all technical indicators of the process unit are excellent with the product quality exceeding the design target, symbolozing that SPRI has secured the lead in the commercial application of its package technology for hydrotreating the SC light residue inside China.It is told that JOCP uses the inferior heavy aromatics including the SC C9+ fraction, the SC C10+ fraction, the naphthalene-free light residue, and the naphthalene-free heavy residue serving as feedstocks for selective hydrogenation and hydro fining reactions in order to retain the monocyclic aromatics as far as possible for producing gasoline or aromatic hydrocarbons (BTX). Since the feedstocks are quite complicated with high contents of easily polymerizable components and impurities, which have created a gut technical issue, there are still no reports regarding commercial apllication of the said technology inside China.

The successful commercial application of package technolgy for hydrotreating the SC light residue developed by SPRI has carved out a new route for upgrading and utilization of low-value, inferior SC byproducts delivered from the domestic ethylene industry to provide a technical support for enhancing the competitive edge of ethylene industry in China.


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