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RIPP’s DCC Technology Can Boost Low-Carbon Olefins Yield


The deep catalytic cracking (DCC) technology developed by the SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing(RIPP) is a process technology, which can subject the heavy oil feedstock to cracking reactions in the presence of shape-selective solid acid zeolite catalyst under mild reaction conditions to produce low-carbon olefins or iso-olefins and high-octane gasoline. RIPP after many years of research and development efforts has creatively made DCC technology combine the heavy oil processing needs with high add-value low-carbon olefins production to secure its strong market competitiveness.

Recently the RIPP’s DCC technology has been adopted in the 1.5 Mt/a DCC unit at the Yanchang China Coal Group Yulin Energy & Chemical Co.(YECC) to achieve the signi ficant effects in boosting two ole fin products yield.

In 2018, the two parties set up a joint task force team to further improve the two olefin products (ethylene+propylene)yield and reduce the unit consumption of catalyst. The joint task force team had carried out technical research in order to strengthen the quality control over raw material, optimize the operating conditions, and adjust and upgrade the catalyst formulation. As of February 20, 2020, the two ole fins product yield achieved by the DCC unit was increased from 33.88% to 35.61%, while the operating efficiency was greatly improved.It is learned that YECC can produce the polymerization-grade ethylene and propylene, while delivering byproducts including H2, hydrogen from CH4, mixed C4hydrocarbons, pyrolysis naphtha, pyrolysis light oil, and pyrolysis heavy oil. The application of DCC technology in the said process unit for boosting the low-carbon ole fins yield has a great significance for optimizing the material balance, enhancing the production capacity,and promoting the integration of upstream units with downstream facilities.


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