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Shanghai Local Chronicles



In 2015, the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee and relevant departments jointly issued a document,specifying to "include the compilation of local history in the scope of local chronicles work for unified and standardized management",thus further expanding the development space of traditional local chronicles undertaking.It is of important academic value and practical guiding significance to take a new perspective on local history, review and analyze relevant issues and further clarify the relationship between history and local chronicles, both for traditional local chronicles work and exploration of new fields in the compilation and research of local history.

Local history, relationship between history and local chronicles, compilation and research



The research on Local Chronicles Study in the academia achieved remarkable results in 2020, mainly including the research on the basic theory of local chronicles, on the compilation of local chronicles, on the management of local chronicles work,on the history of local chronicles and the history of Local Chronicles Study, as well as the research on and evaluation of chronicles, the research on the arrangement and utilization of chronicles, the research on historical figures of local chronicles, and the research on local almanacs.By combing these achievements, it is found that there are still many problems in the current research, which are manifested as:first, the research model tends to be rigid and lack of depth; second, the research is featured with distinctive regionalization; third, the old and new local chronicles are paid with uneven attention; fourth, there exist the problem of putting "compilation" above "utilization” in research.To promote the discipline construction of local chronicles and the development of local chronicles, it is therefore necessary to strengthen talent training, constantly draw from the mature theoretical system of other disciplines, do a good job in the career planning of the third round of compilation of local chronicles, and build a local chronicle discipline system, a local chronicle academic system and a local chronicle discourse system with the characteristics of the times.

2020, local chronicles, local almanacs, Local Chronicles Study, overview


As an important part of local chronicles, local chronicles communication has made some achievements in discipline theory and practical experience, which not only promotes the effective circulation of local chronicles, but also enhances the influence of local chronicles.As one of the most basic theories of communication, audience theory plays a vital role in the deepening and improvement of communication.However, the systematic study of local chronicles still has much room for improvement, and its systematization needs to be further optimized.Therefore, it is a feasible approach to take audience study as the starting point and systematically refine it in combination with the reality of local chronicles in order to promote the theoretical construction of local chronicles communication; and it is also of great practical significance to build a localized discipline system with Chinese characteristics.

Local chronicles, audience, local chronicles communication, theoretical research, theoretical application


Efforts made to strengthen local chronicles critique can play a positive role in the professionalization, standardization and scholarship of editing and publishing of local chronicles.This paper analyzes the similarities and differences between local chronicle critique and local chronicle review, and offers a new prospective and definition to local chronicle critique; by reviewing the various phenomena of local chronicles critique and the current situation and tasks, it argues that it is the right time to carry out local chronicles critique; it is believed that the main object of local chronicle critique is not abstract theoretical concepts and compilation principles, rather it should be based on specific texts; it proposes that local chronicles critique should be "pragmatic”, and more attention should be paid to the newly compiled local chronicles in the academic circle; and it also advocates that the local chronicle community and the publishing community should exchange and learn from each other in local chronicle critique and absorb beneficial nutrients from each other.

Newly compiled local chronicles, editing and publishing; local chronicle critique, specific text


Tibet Local Chronicles was the first one to set up "appendix" category in the “outline and category" among Tibet local chronicles of the Qing Dynasty.Although only three parts of materials are preserved in the "appendix" category, its setting reflects the development and heyday of Tibet local chronicles in the early Qing Dynasty to an extent, and has an important impact on the subsequent Tibet local chronicles and the research works on Tibetan history and geography in the Qing Dynasty.The "appendix" materials are found in the transcript of Pandect of the West Regions written in the 7th year of Qianlong period, but they are actually from the manuscript of the 1st year of Qianlong period.Their original sources should be the government archives of the Qing ministers stationed in Tibet and the materials obtained by relevant personnel during their investigation in Lhasa and all parts of Tibet during the reign of Yongzheng.The compilers of Tibet Local Chronicles mainly modulated, added and deleted on the basis of the transcript of Pandect of the Western Regions, but they also referred to and learned from the narrative method of Textual Research of Tibet Local Chronicles in certain contents and adopted some materials from it.Thus, there is also some linkage between Tibet Local Chronicles and Textual Research of Tibet Local Chronicles.

Tibet Local Chronicles, appendix, data source and value, Pandect of the Western Regions, Textual Research of Tibetan Local Chronicles


This paper briefly reviews the background of the compilation of Shanghai County Annals of Tongzhi period and the situation of its three editions, and pays special attention to the appearance of the second edition in the following year.After collating and comparing the 1871 edition and the 1872 edition that was printed only one year later, the author found that the latter has 10 pages reengraved, 20 pages newly engraved and 10 places re-engraved in the type area, along with a total of 287 modifications in content, and about 22,000 words added, deleted or modified.On the basis of comparative study, this paper further summarizes the types of differences between the two editions and deduces the reasons for the reprint in the following year.

Annals of Shanghai County of Tongzhi period, the second edition in the following year, comparative study, Ying Baoshi, Yu Yue


Both inheritance and innovation play a major role in the compilation of local chronicles, ancient and modern.Numerous Qinzhou annals were compiled successively from the Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China, and now five of them have been preserved.We can have a glimpse of the veins of inheritance and innovation by reviewing the compilation history and studying the thought of annals compilation.In the preface to Qinzhou Annals, Hu Zuanzong had repeatedly explained the functions of local chronicles as well as the continuous exploration and innovation in the practice of compiling local chronicles.Among the five extant "Qinzhou Annals", three are specially marked with "new" to show the innovation in style and description content.

Local chronicles, Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Qinzhou Annals, inheritance and innovation, Hu Zuanzong


Huanxian County Annals of Qianlong period is the only extant ancient annals of Huanxian County.It was compiled in the 19th year of Qianlong period (1754).The annals systematically record the historical evolution of Huanxian County, with detailed account of the socio-economic conditions and local mores of Huanxian County in the Ming and Qing dynasties, covering a relatively wide range and leaving many precious source materials for later generations.This paper examines the compilation background, edition,content, compilation errors and value as historical data of Huanxian County Annals so as to have a more comprehensive understanding it.The paper also proposes that Huanxian County Annals contributes greatly to the study of local history and culture and is of great reference value for contemporary compilation of local chronicles.

Huanxian County Annals, compilation, edition, content, Qing Dynasty


Making use of the relevant materials of comprehensive almanacs to compile derivative reading materials is a measure for local chronicle institutions and almanac agencies to give full play to the historical and political functions of the almanacs, to meet the needs of audience for geological information and promote the profile of a city.Through the analysis of 10 kinds of paper derivative reading materials, this study summarizes the characteristics of different types of derivative reading matters in terms of frame structure,data content and communication channels, and puts forward some thoughts and suggestions on expanding development channels and improving utilization efficiency.

Comprehensive almanacs, derivative reading materials, geological information, editing and publishing


Lu Shusheng was a scholar in Jiangnan and author of the book Notes of Garden of Comfort written from the middle and late Jiajing period to the early Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty.The "Garden of Comfort" in the title reflects Lu Shusheng's understanding of "comfort".The preface and postscript of Notes of Garden of Comfort and The Fugitive of Garden of Comfort take the perspectives of three persons as the starting point, arguing that the boundary of the garden lies in my "comfort”, in the pursuit of offering comfort and feeling comfort, and moderating the debate between host and guest in a progressive manner, which expounds the connotation of Lu's thought of "self-comfort".As one of the important figures for literary innovation in the late Ming Dynasty, Lu Shusheng's thought of "self-comfort” also shows the relationship between the scholars in Jiangnan and the literary trend in the late Ming Dynasty.

Lu Shusheng, self-comfort, Notes of Garden of Comfort, literary thoughts in the late Ming Dynasty


"Fushan" is a place name in Changshu, Jiangsu Province, and it was already used before the Tang Dynasty.It originally referred to a natural mountain on the south bank of the Yangtze River in Changshu.Owing to the importance of physical landscape in local social and military defense it referred, it had gradually become a proper noun of place used to describe many regional landscapes.In the Song Dynasty, the Dongyue Temple was built on Fushan, and Fushan was gradually called Dianshan by the folks.With the expansion of the influence of the religious entity, Dianshan began to enjoy high acceptance and recognition among the people, thus it gradually replaced the name of Fushan.However, there is a certain deviation between the official recorded place name and the actual place name used by the people, resulting in the long-term mixing and misuse of Fushan and Dianshan.

Fushan, Dianshan, change of place name, Changshu, Jiangsu


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