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第1 期目次


我国杜仲产业高质量发展的基础、问题与对策 ················································杜红岩,杜庆鑫(1)


4 个品种核桃砧木幼苗干旱生理响应及抗旱性评价 ····················································刘丙花,赵登超,梁 静,舒秀阁,贾 明,王小芳(11)

甘肃省核桃遗传资源调查分析 ···················李建红,殷德怀,郭小梅,吕立君,辛 国,杨世勇(20)

‘华仲11 号’杜仲在植物生长调节剂处理下生长参数的分析 ····················································朱景乐,刘勇清,宋龙斌,蒋金洲,陈梦娇,杜红岩(28)

11 个北高丛越橘品种对干旱胁迫的响应 ···································································乌凤章(36)

生长环境及收获期对野鸦椿属植物三萜类化合物含量的影响 ····邹小兴,倪 林,黄 维,邹双全(46)

不同引种黑莓品种的遗传多样性分析 ······················张春红,王小敏,闾连飞,李维林,吴文龙(52)

不同基肥对油用牡丹结籽性及籽脂肪酸组分的影响 ········································吕向阳,黄金秋,王 迅,许 轲,张如义,陈佑才,唐 辉(59)

梨果实细胞分裂期内参基因表达稳定性分析 ········································蒲小秋,田 嘉,李 疆,张 艳,李 鹏,覃伟铭,井春芝(66)

猕猴桃采后病害植物源杀菌剂的筛选及其抑菌效果分析 ····················································石 浩,王仁才,王 琰,何小娥,周 倩,卜范文(75)

自然生草桃园表层土壤水分和草地地上生物量的空间分布及其关系 ·······黄玉杰,刘道纯,赵师成(83)

杧果矮化基因GA2ox的克隆、亚细胞定位及表达分析 ········································张 继,黄国弟,张 宇,欧克纬,龙凌云,庞新华,卢业飞(90)

生草栽培对南方鲜食枣生长及光合特性的影响 ··········杨燕燕,李承想,张 鹏,袁德义,谢斌斌(99)

西南高海拔区域苹果光合作用与光和CO2响应模型的筛选 ···················································冯建文,吴亚维,宋 莎,韩秀梅,杨 华,李顺雨(106)

6 个油茶品种叶片解剖结构与耐寒性的关系 ····曾建亮,邓全恩,李建安,程军勇,邓先珍,姜德志(117)

外源生长素对杜梨组培不定芽生根及相关氧化酶的影响 ·········罗嘉亮,李 凡,郝瑞杰,李六林(125)

矾根‘莓果’不定芽诱导与快速繁殖 ·······································邵雅东,殷丽青,张永春,孙 翊,李青竹,成 鑫,高 健(133)

闽东地区不同海拔浙江红花油茶林全伐改造效果比较 ·······································李俊伟,吴玲娇,孙维红,邹小兴,黄 维,吴佐春,邹双全(142)

基于MaxEnt 模型新疆枣潜在适生区预测 ···························张 梅,禄彩丽,魏喜喜,马 珊,刘伟峰,宋 健,彭 瑞,李建贵(152)

‘华宁大砂壳核桃’不同树形冠层特性与其产量的相关性研究 ·······························································谭岷山,吴 涛,肖良俊,张晓林,李贤忠(162)

琯溪蜜柚园土壤酸化特征研究 ···············李歆博,林伟杰,李湘君,林 锋,庄木来,朱东煌,郭九信,陈立松,李 延(169)

油橄榄在云南的果实生长发育特性分析 ······杨从华,宁德鲁,石卓功,马 婷,李勇杰,张荣鑫(177)

4 个蓝莓品种果实发育期叶片矿质营养动态及其相关性 ···················································陈 强,刘 微,徐小兵,樊基胜,张春龙,肖家欣(184)

不同无性系白果的毒性和营养分析 ····································胡亚平,米月颖,郭起荣,蔡金峰(190)

早实核桃‘农核1 号’的光合特性 ············丁欣欣,李秋煜,张小军,杨 笑,段国锋,刘群龙(197)

脱涩处理后不同涩柿品种果实鲜食品质的比较 ···························买旖旎,索玉静,韩卫娟,曹 坤,孙 鹏,李华威,刁松锋,傅建敏(204)


油橄榄低效林土壤培肥技术研究 ···杜晋城,王泽亮,郭洪英,靳 伟,李欣欣,杨勇智,慕长龙(213)

竹林空气日温湿度变化对棘托竹荪出菇动态及产量的影响 ···················································谢韵帆,彭 超,艾文胜,钟 意,李 南,石燕飞(218)

空气湿度对富士系苹果花过冷却点的影响 ···············王 静,李红英,马国飞,段晓凤,张晓煜(225)

育苗基质对榉树容器苗质量的影响 ················································骆 漫,杨 康,韦小丽(231)

第2 期目次


榅桲C4H基因的克隆、序列分析及表达 ·························· 车玉红,杨 波,郭春苗,刘晨曦,木巴热克·阿尤普,吴津蓉,杜 鹃(1)

霜冻前后野生余甘子果实功能成分的变化 ····························· 赵琼玲,张永辉,罗会英,金 杰,何 璐,袁建民,瞿文林,沙毓沧(9)

黄皮种质资源抗氧化特性的鉴定与评价 ········································陆育生,彭 程,常晓晓,陈 喆,林志雄,潘建平,邱继水(17)

石榴毡蚧种群的空间格局及其抽样模型的建立 ··································徐 睿,孙丹萍,王朝阳(26)

黄菊对油茶林2 种杂草萌发和幼苗生长的化感作用 ····························古 龙,夏翩翩,李建安(34)

4 个油茶品种的果实生长动态及经济性状比较 ········································陆思羽,胡冬南,郭晓敏,刘小平,易世平,涂淑萍,喻苏琴(46)

外源激素处理接穗对海南油茶高接换冠的影响 ········································张 健,叶天文,陈 雅,李艳民,王笃雄,罗 健,袁德义(53)

‘红羽1 号 ’‘红羽2 号’油茶新品种果实成熟期非结构性碳水化合物的变化 ································································郝丙青,江泽鹏,陈林强,梁 斌,夏莹莹(60)

复硝酚钠对油茶花芽内源激素和花芽分化率的影响 ····························邹玉玲,钟秋平,葛晓宁,曹林青,罗 帅,郭红艳,周幼成,刘微芬(69)

修剪冠形对油茶穗条生长和质量的影响 ·······曹丽仙,曾建亮,刘书彤,喻 雄,古 龙,李建安(77)

GFP 标记的4 种链格孢菌对枣树的侵染研究 ···田红雨,史晓梦,张 敏,王亚聪,张书蔚,冉隆贤(84)

极端高温干旱低海拔环境下杏光合及叶绿素荧光特性研究 ··········麦合木提·图如普,周伟权,白克力·肉孜,丁 想,如孜尼亚孜·热则克,廖 康(93)

泡核桃不同器官多酚类物质组分及含量差异分析 ··················陆胜波,史斌斌,张文娥,潘学军(104)

截形叶螨危害下枣叶片含水率高光谱估测模型 ······························高亚利,王振锡,连 玲,师玉霞,杨勇强,李 盼,玉荪·吐孙江(114)

外源激素对银杏叶中黄酮类化合物积累的影响 ·········王鼎豪,刘 宇,国 颖,江 皓,汪贵斌(123)

收获时间和覆土对杜仲短周期矮化林生物量的影响 ·························· 丁欢欢,刘慧东,张 宁,王 璐,杜庆鑫,杜红岩,刘攀峰,孙志强(131)

平茬处理对杜仲生长及光合特性的影响 ··················杜丹丹,于莉莉,季倩如,唐中华,李德文(138)

引入伊犁河谷的8 个苹果品种抗寒性评价 ···························石 游,陈淑英,刁永强,吴松梅(147)

梨果不同部位中熊果苷的差异分布规律 ······························李 凡,罗嘉亮,李六林,郝瑞杰(154)

贵州适种杧果品质分析 ··························································康专苗,黄 海,李向勇,何凤平, 范建新,张 燕,龚德勇,刘清国,李廷洋,黄建峰,党志国,王代谷,吴小波,刘 荣(161)

河西走廊张掖产区酿酒葡萄果实品质评价与香气特征分析 ·······································李彦彪,张菲菲,马维峰,曾宝珍,张 弛,马宗桓,毛 娟(169)

外源6-BA 对油橄榄生殖生长期光合特性的影响 ·························· 严 毅,张夸云,铁筱睿,杨维雄,常晓勇,祖丽媛,段安安,郑 元(177)

喀斯特高原顶坛花椒生长过程中土壤养分变化特征 ···················································瞿 爽,杨 瑞,王 勇,裴仪岱,李开凤,胡建东(183)

不同因素对墨脱花椒扦插生根的影响 ·····················荣 辉,李叶芳,关文灵,杜文军,周恒苍(192)

山苍子果实发育及内含物、精油的变化规律 ············蓝公毅,陈景震,马英姿,刘 熙,周诗雨(201)


不同时间采收的贵州主栽蓝莓果实品质的综合评价 ···谢国芳,刘 娜,卢 丹,郑 雄,杨秀群(209)

促成栽培对芍药生长开花的影响 ·························· 姜楠南,房义福,温立柱,王 媛,孙 音,刘天裕,张义群,徐金光(215)

不同化学疏花剂对桃坐果率和果实品质的影响 ·························································尚霄丽(222)

不同提取方法对栀子果油品质的影响 ·································孙 谙,刘 强,杨 艳,蒋丽娟(228)


果树花粉直感效应形成机理研究进展 ·····················杨 芩,刘雅兰,张婷渟,彭 舒,田 鑫(235)

第3 期目次


不同种源野杏无性系定量描述性状的变异及其分类 ······················································董胜君,高子荑,卢彩云,陈建华,刘权钢,刘立新(1)

‘赣州油’系列油茶品种配置筛选 ···············谢再成,钟培星,魏本柱,康金林,徐 鑫,吴志强(9)

干旱胁迫对油茶叶片叶绿素含量和叶绿素荧光参数的影响 ····························董 斌,蓝来娇,黄永芳,韦雪芬,龚海光,洪文泓,黄丽英,陈厚蓉(16)

不同成熟度对李果实品质的影响 ········································薛晓敏,韩雪平,王贵平,王金政(26)

主产区浙江红花油茶籽仁含油率及脂肪酸组成变异分析 ················贺义昌,吴妹杰,董 乐,温 强,李 田,李晓辉,朱 恒,徐林初,徐立安(37)

杜仲主要活性成分含量及其与树龄和部位的相关性 ········································张威鹏,朱 雯,张 良,付冬梅,张子东,张 琳,祖元刚(46)

覆盖对苹果生育期叶片和果实矿质元素含量变化的影响 ··········周江涛,赵德英,程存刚,闫 帅(58)

甜樱桃果实发育中糖酸组分及组织结构的变化规律 ····························秦新惠,张 涛,张永久(68)

双季板栗休眠期至花期芽体或花序内源激素的变化 ········································周芳萍,潘晓芳(76)

云南金花茶转录组序列分析及功能注释 ········································辛 静,李 斌,叶 鹏,刘 成,唐军荣,张贵良,辛培尧(85)

基于SSR 分子标记的枸杞遗传多样性研究 ····任 重,汪贵斌,杨晓明,郭起荣,范雪娇,任 钢(95)

宁夏中宁县枸杞精细化气候区划 ·······································雷 蕾,李剑萍,马力文,韩颖娟(104)

枣种质果实黄酮含量及其抗氧化活性分析 ···薛晓芳,赵爱玲,王永康,任海燕,弓桂花,李登科(112)

成熟期不同品种枣果肉微观组织结构特征 ···············禄彩丽,何秉宇,马 珊,张 梅,宋 健,魏喜喜,刘伟锋,彭 睿,李建贵(119)

核桃配方专用肥对核桃树产量及坚果品质的影响 ·······张海燕,汪 海,任志勇,朱建朝,张亚莉(127)

贮藏期间不同品种(系)青皮核桃的品质变化 ···················································王一峰,王明霞,赵淑玲,朱秀娟,朱义选,胡继周(136)

文冠果果实表型性状和种仁功能成分的品系差异 ······闫星蓉,王 娟,宫源奇,张芸香,郭晋平(145)

钾肥施用量对油橄榄根系发育及根际土壤微环境的影响 ···········································································王 天,宋佳承,闫士朋,李朝周(153)

红树莓叶片早衰对其营养成分含量和主要酶活性的影响 ·······································张培雁,张瑞禹,孙美娜,李 寒,郭素萍,齐国辉,张雪梅(164)

不同类型黑莓品种的生理生化特性分析与评价 ···················································严志祥,杨海燕,吴文龙,闾连飞,樊苏帆,李维林(172)

干旱胁迫对9 个葡萄砧木品种生理指标的影响 ···················································由佳辉,高 林,王海鸥,卢倩倩,周 龙,李树德(180)

叶片黄化对‘赤霞珠’葡萄光合及叶绿素荧光特性的影响 ·······························································黄小晶,许泽华,牛锐敏,沈 甜,陈卫平(190)

外源激素处理对花椒插穗生根及其生理生化特性的影响 ·············· 韦 业,张明忠,吕桂云,孔令刚,凌春辉,刘胜元,王华田,刘秀梅,马 玲(200)

盐胁迫对2 个八棱海棠株系生长与光合荧光特性的影响 ···················································胡爱双,肖丹丹,张小栋,王文成,李凯超,孙 宇(208)

不同实生变异和常规檵木光合特性的比较 ·························· 王香菲,张大毛,张 霞,刘 洁,李 涛,李卫东,于晓英,李炎林(216)

施肥对不同岩性土壤上棕榈幼苗根系生长及生物量积累的影响 ···········································································彭凌帅,韦小丽,宋文清,潘承美(225)


黑老虎果皮和种子的抗氧化、抑菌和抑酶活性 ···················································李 里,王 静,宋亚倩,孙 然,陆 俊,杨 奥(237)

几个不同花色檵木株系光合生理特性比较 ···刘 洁,张 力,李卫东,李 涛,李炎林,于晓英(245)

配方肥料对甘肃高寒阴湿地区核桃树体生长和坚果品质的影响 ·······································王 峰,刘小勇,任 静,王世全,彭 海,韩富军,侯海忠(252)

无花果果实质地测定参数优化及质地特性分析 ·························· 周靖宇,薄艳红,解小锋,白瑞亮,梁 静,杨明冠,韩燕苓,孙 锐(258)

第4 期目次


滤除自然光中UV-B 辐射成分对杜仲光合和次级代谢产物的影响 ··········································李德文,杜丹丹,季倩如,郭晓瑞,刘 英,于雪莹,唐中华(1)

基质配方对油茶容器苗根系生物量及形态的影响 ····················································佘远国,张 莹,曹克丽,李秀梅,章 璐,汪 洋(11)

不同油茶品种冠层光合有效辐射和结实特性分析 ···················曹永庆,姚小华,任华东,王开良(17)

四川省恩阳区药用植物资源调查与分析 ················肖兴翠,杨滨豪,李金武,何芝然,史 亮,王泽亮,辜云杰,张 美,罗 冰(22)

豫南引种不同薄壳山核桃无性系花期物候特征 ········································章理运,申明海,周传涛,余开慧,吴文竹,高 畅,周亚运(32)

湘南千年桐优树嫁接技术优化 ················刘俊涛,张华卿,沈 燕,龚映匀,龙 达,吴晓龙,张 斌,刘凯利,王瑞辉(42)

陇南地区8 个品种(系)核桃品质差异比较 ·························辛 国,朱建朝,汪 海,郑小平(52)

光亮橡胶树叶绿体基因组测序组装与注释 ················牛迎凤,李国华,刘紫艳,郑 诚,柳 觐(62)

锥栗—多花黄精不同复合经营模式经济生态效益评价 ····················································刘跃钧,蒋燕锋,葛永金,姚理武,谢建秋,彭小博(72)

海南地区菠萝蜜和荔枝单木相容性生物量模型的构建 ····················································陈毅青,陈宗铸,陈小花,雷金睿,李苑菱,吴庭天(82)

香水莲花花色素苷的提取及稳定性 ·························周 琦,赵 峰,张慧会,祝遵凌,汤 鹏(91)

21 个梨品种1年生枝条的皮孔特性 ···王 鑫,金 娜,何 彩,牟德生,郭艳兰,张勤德,李红旭(100)

花前滴灌施肥对华红苹果生长和矿质元素的影响 ······························周江涛,赵德英,程存刚(109)

贵州适种澳洲坚果品质性状评价 ······················康专苗,何凤平,耿建建,朱文华,雷朝云,刘凡值, 张 燕,王代谷,李向勇,范建新,卢加举,曾 辉,陶 亮(117)

不同薄壳山核桃无性系种仁氨基酸组成的比较 ···················································常 君,张潇丹,王开良,杨水平,姚小华,任华东(125)

库尔勒香梨树在不同生育期的氮肥利用率 ····································何雪菲,黄 战,马泽跃,玉素甫江·玉素音,陈波浪,柴仲平(134)

新疆南部地区杏种核表型性状与苦杏仁苷含量分析 ······黄 雪,图尔荪古丽·吾拉伊木,郭 玲(143)

‘美乐’和‘蛇龙珠’葡萄在甘肃不同产区的品质评价 ·························· 李玉梅,韦霞霞,李彦彪,贺雅娟,马维峰,马宗桓,毛 娟,陈佰鸿(152)

8 个平欧杂种榛品种抗旱性评价 ····························王 鑫,师文俊,李一杰,杨小红,彭少兵(161)

枯饼、谷壳和水分对覆盖厚竹林土壤温度的影响 ·······································程慧娟,申 展,陈怡君,沈学桂,惠柳笛,龙芝润,黎祖尧(169)

鲜食枣‘麻姑1 号’枣吊光合及叶绿素荧光特性 ·························· 温 婷,张 露,程子珊,朱 博,陈伏生,易 敏,谌梦云,李 响(177)

短截强度对板栗结果枝和发育枝生长的影响 ···叶常奇,李 游,刘 阳,李 超,秦 偲,苏淑钗(184)

基质配比对亮叶木莲容器苗生长的影响 ··················崔媛媛,奚如春,郑珂媛,赵梦秋,邓小梅(192)

我国古枣树资源调查与保护研究 ················································司马星晨,潘兴杰,李新岗(202)


配方施肥改善油橄榄丛枝形成的效果分析 ·······································刘金凤,苏智良,赵 平,赵永丰,李翠萍,陈 鹏,严 媛(210)

三角梅嫩枝扦插繁殖试验 ···傅小霞,余铭杰,伍成厚,刘悦明,温 志,谭梓轩,江奕伟,郑育芬(216)

无刺梅花椒‘武选1 号’区域试验···············任 苗,王 勃,杨建雷,武 衡,林 云,朱德琴(222)

3 种激素处理的树头菜扦插苗质量评价 ·······郑鑫华,董 琼,段华超,张 梅,陈秋冬,马 媛(230)

综 述


国外经济林产业技术发展经验及启示 ·····································································周晓光(246)



Foundation, problems and countermeasures ofEucommia ulmoidesindustry high-quality development in China ······DU Hongyan, DU Qingxin (1)Physiological responses to drought stress and resistances evaluation of four cultivars of walnut rootstock seedlings ······················································LIU Binghua, ZHAO Dengchao, LIANG Jing, SHU Xiuge, JIA Ming, WANG Xiaofang (11)

Investigation and analysis on walnut germplasm resources in Gansu province ·································································LI Jianhong, YIN Dehuai, GUO Xiaomei, LÜ Lijun, XIN Guo, YANG Shiyong (20)

Analysis on growth parameters inEucommia ulmoides‘Huazhong No.11’ treated by plant growth regulators ·············································ZHU Jingle, LIU Yongqing, SONG Longbin, JIANG Jinzhou, CHEN Mengjiao, DU Hongyan (28)

Response of eleven northern highbush blueberry cultivars to drought stress·······························································WU Fengzhang (36)Influences of habitats and harvest periods on triterpenoid contents inEuscaphisplants ····························································································ZOU Xiaoxing, NI Lin, HUANG Wei, ZOU Shuangquan (46)

Analysis on genetic diversity in different introducedRubusspp.cultivars ····································································· ZHANG Chunhong, WANG Xiaomin, LÜ Lianfei, LI Weilin, WU Wenlong (52)

Effects of different basal fertilizers on seeding properties of oil peony and fatty acid components in seeds ··········································· LÜ Xiangyang, HUANG Jinqiu, WANG Xun, XU Ke, ZHANG Ruyi, CHEN Youcai, TANG Hui (59)

Analysis on expression stability of internal reference genes at cell division stage of pear fruits ·······················································PU Xiaoqiu, TIAN Jia, LI Jiang, ZHANG Yan, LI Peng, QIN Weiming, JING Chunzhi (66)

Screening of plant-derived fungicides for postharvest diseases inActinidia chinensisand analysis on their antibacterial effects ··································································SHI Hao, WANG Rencai, WANG Yan, HE Xiao’e, ZHOU Qian, BU Fanwen (75)

Spatial distribution of topsoil water and aboveground grass biomass in a peach orchard under natural grassing condition ········································································································HUANG Yujie, LIU Daochun, ZHAO Shicheng (83)

Cloning, subcellular localization and expression analysis on dwarfing geneGA2oxinMangifera indica············································ZHANG Ji, HUANG Guodi, ZHANG Yu, OU Kewei, LONG Lingyun, PANG Xinhua, LU Yefei (90)

Effects of sod culture on growth and photosynthetic characteristics of fresh edible jujube in southern China ········································································YANG Yanyan, LI Chengxiang, ZHANG Peng, YUAN Deyi, XIE Binbin (99)

Screening of response models of photosynthesis inMalus domesticaon light and CO2at high-altitude areas of southwest China ······························································FENG Jianwen, WU Yawei, SONG Sha, HAN Xiumei, YANG Hua, LI Shunyu (106)

Relationship between leaf anatomic structure and cold tolerance in sixCamellia oleiferacultivars ······································ZENG Jianliang, DENG Quan’en, LI Jian’an, CHENG Junyong, DENG Xianzhen, JIANG Dezhi (117)

Effects of exogenous auxin on adventitious bud rooting and related oxidases in tissue culture ofPyrus betulifolia···········································································································LUO Jialiang, LI Fan, HAO Ruijie, LI Liulin (125)

Induction of adventitious buds and rapid propagation inHeuchera‘Mei Guo’ ··········································SHAO Yadong, YIN Liqing, ZHANG Yongchun, SUN Yi, LI Qingzhu, CHENG Xin, GAO Jian (133)

Comparison of unforost transformation effects ofCamella chekiangoleosaforests at different elevations in eastern Fujian ····························LI Junwei, WU Lingjiao, SUN Weihong, ZOU Xiaoxing, HUANG Wei, WU Zuochun, ZOU Shuangquan (142)

Potential suitable area forecast of jujube in Xinjiang based on MaxEnt model ···········································ZHANG Mei, LU Caili, WEI Xixi, MA Shan, LIU Weifeng, SONG Jian, PENG Rui, LI Jiangui (152)

Correlation between canopy characteristics and yield of ‘Huaning large sand shell walnut’ with different tree shapes ·······································································TAN Minshan, WU Tao, XIAO Liangjun, ZHANG Xiaolin, LI Xianzhong (162)

Research on soil acidification characteristics of Guanxi pomelo orchards ·············LI Xinbo, LIN Weijie, LI Xiangjun, LIN Feng, ZHUANG Mulai, ZHU Donghuang, GUO Jiuxin, CHEN Lisong, LI Yan (169)

Analysis on fruit growth and development characteristics inOlea europaeain Yunnan ······················································YANG Conghua, NING Delu, SHI Zhuogong, MA Ting, LI Yongjie, ZHANG Rongxin (177)

Dynamics of mineral nutrients in leaves of fourVacciniumspp.cultivars during fruit development period and their correlations ····················································· CHEN Qiang, LIU Wei, XU Xiaobing, FAN Jisheng, ZHANG Chunlong, XIAO Jiaxin (184)

Analysis on toxicity and nutrition of different clones ofGinkgo bilobaseeds ··············HU Yaping, MI Yueying, GUO Qirong, CAI Jinfeng (190)Photosynthetic characteristics in early bearing ‘Nonghe No.1’ walnut ·····················································DING Xinxin, LI Qiuyu, ZHANG Xiaojun, YANG Xiao, DUAN Guofeng, LIU Qunlong (197)

Comparison of fresh food quality of fruits in different astringentDiospyros kakicultivars after de-astringent treating ·······························MAI Yini, SUO Yujing, HAN Weijuan, CAO Kun, SUN Peng, LI Huawei, DIAO Songfeng, FU Jianmin (204)

Study on soil fertility technology for low-efficiencyOlea europaeaforest ··································DU Jincheng, WANG Zeliang, GUO Hongying, JIN Wei, LI Xinxin, YANG Yongzhi, MU Changlong (213)

Effects of daily air temperature and humidity on growth dynamics and yield ofDictyophora echinovolvatain bamboo forest ·····································································XIE Yunfan, PENG Chao, AI Wensheng, ZHONG Yi, LI Nan, SHI Yanfei (218)

Effects of air humidity on super cooling point of Fuji apple flowers ·····································································WANG Jing, LI Hongying, MA Guofei, DUAN Xiaofeng, ZHANG Xiaoyu (225)

Effects of substrate on quality ofZelkova schneiderianacontainer seedlings ···································LUO Man, YANG Kang, WEI Xiaoli (231)


Cloning, sequence analysis and expression ofC4Hgene inCydonia oblonga·····································CHE Yuhong, YANG Bo, GUO Chunmiao, LIU Chenxi, Mubareke·Ayoupu, WU Jinrong, DU Juan (1)

Changes of functional components in wildPhyllanthus emblicafruits before and after frost ··························ZHAO Qiongling, ZHANG Yonghui, LUO Huiying, JIN Jie, HE Lu, YUAN Jianmin, QU Wenlin, SHA Yucang (9)

Appraisal and evaluation on antioxidant properties inClausena lansiumfruits from different germplasm resources ··································LU Yusheng, PENG Cheng, CHANG Xiaoxiao, CHEN Zhe, LIN Zhixiong, PAN Jianping, QIU Jishui (17)

Spatial patterns and sampling model establishment ofEriococcus lagerstroemiaepopulation ·········XU Rui, SUN Danping, WANG Zhaoyang (26)Allelopathic effects ofChrysanthemum morifoliumon seed germination and seedling growth of two weed species inCamellia oleiferaforest ························································································································GU Long, XIA Pianpian, LI Jian’an (34)

Comparison of fruit growth dynamics and economic characteristics of fourCamellia oleiferaclones ··················································LU Siyu, HU Dongnan, GUO Xiaomin, LIU Xiaoping, YI Shiping, TU Shuping, YU Suqin (46)

Effects of using exogenous hormones treatCamellia hainanicascions on crown replacement by top grafting in Hainan ················································ZHANG Jian, YE Tianwen, CHEN Ya, LI Yanmin, WANG Duxiong, LUO Jian, YUAN Deyi (53)

Variations of non-structural carbohydrates in new cultivars ofCamellia semiserrata‘Hongyu No.1’ and ‘Hongyu No.2’ during fruit ripening period ····································································HAO Bingqing, JIANG Zepeng, CHEN Linqiang, LIANG Bin, XIA Yingying (60)

Effects of compound sodium nitrophenolate on endogenous hormones and differentiation rate inCamellia oleiferaflower bud ···········ZOU Yuling, ZHONG Qiuping, GE Xiaoning, CAO Linqing, LUO Shuai, GUO Hongyan, ZHOU Youcheng, LIU Weifen (69)

Effects of different pruned crown shapes inCamellia oleiferaon growth and quality of scions ·································································· CAO Lixian, ZENG Jianliang, LIU Shutong, YU Xiong, GU Long, LI Jian’an (77)

Infection of four GFP-labelledAlternariaspecies inZiziphus jujuba············································TIAN Hongyu, SHI Xiaomeng, ZHANG Min, WANG Yacong, ZHANG Shuyu, RAN Longxian (84)

Photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics inArmeniaca vulgarisunder extreme temperature, drought and low altitude conditions ································Maihemuti·Turupu, ZHOU Weiquan, Baikeli·Rouzi, DING Xiang, Ruziniyazi·Rezeke, LIAO Kang (93)

Difference analysis on components of polyphenols and their contents in different organs ofJuglans sigillata····························································································LU Shengbo, SHI Binbin, ZHANG Wen’e, PAN Xuejun (104)

Hyperspectral estimation model of moisture content in jujube leaves damaged byTetranychus truncates········································GAO Yali, WANG Zhenxi, LIAN Ling, SHI Yuxia, YANG Yongqiang, LI Pan, Yusun·Tusunjiang (114)

Effects of exogenous hormones on accumulation of flavonoids inGinkgo bilobaleaves ···············································································WANG Dinghao, LIU Yu, GUO Ying, JIANG Hao, WANG Guibin (123)

Effects of harvest time and mulching soil on biomass in short-rotationEucommia ulmoidescoppice ··············DING Huanhuan, LIU Huidong, ZHANG Ning, WANG Lu, DU Qingxin, DU Hongyan, LIU Panfeng, SUN Zhiqiang (131)

Effects of stumping on growth and photosynthetic characteristics inEucommia ulmoides····················································································· DU Dandan, YU Lili, JI Qianru, TANG Zhonghua, LI Dewen (138)

Evaluation on cold resistance in eight apple varieties introduced into Yili valley ························································································SHI You, CHEN Shuying, DIAO Yongqiang, WU Songmei (147)

Distribution regularity of arbutin in different parts of pear fruits ········································LI Fan, LUO Jialiang, LI Liulin, HAO Ruijie (154)

Quality analysis of mango suitable for planting in Guizhou ··········KANG Zhuanmiao, HUANG Hai, LI Xiangyong, HE Fengping, FAN Jianxin, ZHANG Yan, GONG Deyong, LIU Qingguo, LI Tingyang, HUANG Jianfeng, DANG Zhiguo, WANG Daigu, WU Xiaobo, LIU Rong (161)

Quality evaluation and aroma characteristics analysis of wine grape fruits in Zhangye area of Hexi Corridor ···································LI Yanbiao, ZHANG Feifei, MA Weifeng, ZENG Baozhen, ZHANG Chi, MA Zonghuan, MAO Juan (169)

Effects of exogenous 6-BA on photosynthetic characteristics inOlea europaeaduring reproductive stage ···········YAN Yi, ZHANG Kuayun, TIE Xiaorui, YANG Weixiong, CHANG Xiaoyong, ZU Liyuan, DUAN An’an, ZHENG Yuan (177)

Change characteristics of soil nutrients duringZanthoxylum bungeanumvar.dingtanensisgrow process in karst plateau ··································································QU Shuang, YANG Rui, WANG Yong, PEI Yidai, LI Kaifeng, HU Jiandong (183)

Effects of different factors on rooting of cuttings inZanthoxylum motuoense························································································RONG Hui, LI Yefang, GUAN Wenling, DU Wenjun, ZHOU Hengcang (192)

Regulations of fruit development inLitsea cubebaand changes of its inclusions and essential oil ·················································································LAN Gongyi, CHEN Jingzhen, MA Yingzi, LIU Xi, ZHOU Shiyu (201)

Comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality of main blueberry cultivars harvested at different dates in Guizhou ···················································································XIE Guofang, LIU Na, LU Dan, ZHENG Xiong, YANG Xiuqun (209)

Effects of forcing culture on growth and flowering inPaeonia lactiflora························JIANG Nannan, FANG Yifu, WEN Lizhu, WANG Yuan, SUN Yin, LIU Tianyu, ZHANG Yiqun, XU Jinguang (215)

Effects of different chemical flower thinning agents on fruit setting rate and fruit quality in peach ·····································SHANG Xiaoli (222)

Effects of different extraction methods onGardenia jasminoidesfruit oil quality ···············SUN An, LIU Qiang, YANG yan, JIANG Lijuan (228)

Research progress on formation mechanism of xenia effect in fruit trees·····YANG Qin, LIU Yalan, ZHANG Tingting, PENG Shu, TIAN Xin (235)


Study on quantitative descriptive traits ofArmeniaca vulgarisvar.ansuclones from different provenances ···························································DONG Shengjun, GAO Ziyi, LU Caiyun, CHEN Jianhua, LIU Quangang, LIU Lixin (1)

Screening ofCamelliacultivars disposition in ‘Ganzhouyou’ series ···························································XIE Zaicheng, ZHONG Peixing, WEI Benzhu, KANG Jinlin, XU Xin, WU Zhiqiang (9)

Effects of drought stress on photosynthetic pigments and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics in leaves ofCamellia oleifera ··DONG Bin, LAN Laijiao, HUANG Yongfang, WEI Xuefen, GONG Haiguang, HONG Wenhong, HUANG Liying, CHEN Hourong (16)

Effects of different maturities on characteristics of plum fruit quality ········XUE Xiaomin, HAN Xueping, WANG Guiping, WANG Jinzheng (26)Analysis of kernel oil content and variation of fatty acid composition ofCamellia chekiangoleosain the main producing areas ································HE Yichang, WU Meijie, DONG Le, WEN Qiang, LI Tian, LI Xiaohui, ZHU Heng, XU Linchu, XU Li’an (37)

Contents of main active ingredients and correlation with different ages and parts ofEucommia ulmoidesoliv.······························ZHANG Weipeng, ZHU Wen, ZHANG liang, FU Dongmei, ZHANG Zidong, ZHANG Lin, ZU Yuangang (46)

Effects of different mulching on variation of mineral element contents in apple leaves and fruits during the development period ···················································································ZHOU Jiangtao, ZHAO Deying, CHENG Cungang, YAN Shuai (58)

Sugar, acid and micro-structure changes during fruit development of sweet cherry (Prunus aviumL.) ··············································································································QIN Xinhui, ZHANG Tao, ZHANG Yongjiu (68)

Research on the changes of endogenous hormones during dormancy to flowering of Shuangji chestnut ········ZHOU Fangping, PAN Xiaofang (76)Transcriptome sequence analysis and functional annotation ofCamellia fascicularisH.T.Chang ·····················································XIN Jing, LI Bin, YE Peng, LIU Cheng, TANG Junrong, ZHANG Guiliang, XIN Peiyao (85)

Genetic diversity of Chinese wolfberry (Lycium ruthenicumL.) based on SSR molecular markers ·····················································REN Zhong, WANG Guibin, YANG Xiaoming, GUO Qirong, FAN Xuejiao, REN Gang (95)

A precise climate division ofLycium barbarumin Zhongning county, Ningxia ··················LEI Lei, LI Jianping, MA Liwen, HAN Yingjuan (104)Analysis of flavonoid content and antioxidant activity in jujube germplasms fruits ················································XUE Xiaofang, ZHAO Ailing, WANG Yongkang, REN Haiyan, GONG Guihua, LI Dengke (112)

Fruits microstructure characteristics of different jujube varieties during maturity ····························LU Caili, HE Bingyu, MA Shan, ZHANG Mei, SONG Jian, WEI Xixi, LIU Weifeng, PENG Rui, LI Jiangui (119)

Effects of special fertilizer for walnut on yield and nut quality of walnut tree ·······································································ZHANG Hayan, WANG Hai, REN Zhiyong, ZHU Jiachao, ZHANG Yali (127)

Quality changes of different varieties of green walnut fruit during storage ···················································WANG Yifeng, WANG Mingxia, ZHAO Shuling, ZHU Xiujuan, ZHU Yixuan, HU Jizhou (136)

Fruit phenotypic characters and kernel functional components in different strains ofXanthoceras sorbifolia······························································YAN Xingrong, WANG Juan, GONG Yuanqi, ZHANG Yunxiang, GUO Jinping (145)

Effect of different potassium fertilizer application mass on olive root development and rhizospheric soil microenvironment ·······················································································WANG Tian, SONG Jiacheng, YAN Shipeng, LI Chaozhou (153)

Effects of leaf presenility on nutrition and main enzyme activity in red raspberry (Rubus idaeusL.) ······································ZHANG Peiyan, ZHANG Ruiyu, SUN Meina, LI Han, GUO Suping, QI Guohui, ZHANG Xuemei (164)

Analysis and evaluation of physiological and biochemical characteristics of different types of blackberry ····························································YAN Zhixiang, YANG Haiyan, WU Wenlong, LYU Lianfei, FAN Sufan, LI Weilin (172)

Effects of drought stress on physiological indexes of nine grape rootstock varieties ································································· YOU Jiahui, GAO Lin, WANG Hai’ou, LU Qianqian, ZHOU Long, LI Shude (180)

Effect of etiolation on photosynthesis and chlorophyll fluorescence of ‘Cabernet Sauvignon’ grapes ·······································································HUANG Xiaojing, XU Zehua, NIU Ruimin, SHEN Tian, CHEN Weiping (190)

Effect of exogenous hormones on rooting development and biochemical characteristics ofZanthoxylum bungeanumduring cutting treatment ····WEI Ye, ZHANG Mingzhong, LYU Guiyun, KONG Linggang, LING Chunhui, LIU Shengyuan, WANG Huatian, LIU Xiumei, MA Ling (200)

Effects of salt stress on growth and photosynthetic fluorescence of two strains ofMalus robustaRehd.··············································HU Aishuang, XIAO Dandan, ZHANG Xiaodong, WANG Wencheng, LI Kaichao, SUN Yu (208)

Comparison of photosynthetic characteristics of different seed propagated variations and normalLoropetalum chinense··································WANG Xiangfei, ZHANG Damao, ZHANG Xia, LIU Jie, LI Tao, LI Weidong, YU Xiaoying, LI Yanlin (216)

Effects of fertilization on root growth and biomass of youngTrachycarpus fortune(Hook.) H.Wendl.seedlings in different lithological soils ················································································· PENG Lingshuai, WEI Xiaoli, SONG Wenqing, Pan Chengmei (225)

The antioxidant, antibacterial and enzyme inhibitory activities of the peel and seed ofKadsura coccinea·················································································LI Li, WANG Jing, SONG Yaqian, SUN Ran, LU Jun, YANG Ao (237)

Comparative analysis of photosynthetic physiological characteristics of severalLoropetalum chinenselines with different flower colors ·················································································LIU Jie, ZHANG Li, LI Weidong, LI Tao, LI Yanlin, YU Xiaoying (245)

Formula fertilizer effect on growth and nut quality of walnut in chilling and humid region of Gansu province ····································WANG Feng, LIU Xiaoyong, REN Jing, WANG Shiquan, PENG Hai, HAN Fujun, HOU Haizhong (252)

Optimization of texture measurement parameters and characteristics analysis of fig fruit ·················ZHOU Jingyu, BO Yanhong, XIE Xiaofeng, BAI Ruiliang, LIANG Jing, YANG Mingguan, HAN Yanling, SUN Rui (258)


The effect of filtering out UV-B radiation from natural light on photosynthetic physiology ofEucommia ulmoides·················································· LI Dewen, DU Dandan, JI Qianru, GUO Xiaorui, LIU Ying, YU Xueying,TANG Zhonghua (1)

Effects of different culture medium formulas on roots biomass and morphology ofCamellia oleiferacontainer seedling ································································SHE Yuanguo, ZHANG Ying, CAO Keli, LI Xiumei, ZHANG Lu, WANG Yang (11)

Analysis on canopy photosynthetic active radiation and fruiting characteristics of different cultivars ofCamellia oleifera···················································································CAO Yongqing, YAO Xiaohua, REN Huadong, WANG Kailiang (17)

Investigation and analysis of medicinal plant resources in Enyang district of Sichuan province ···············XIAO Xingcui, YANG Binhao, LI Jinwu, HE Zhiran, SHI Liang, WANG Zeliang, GU Yunjie, ZHANG Mei, LUO Bing (22)

Flowering phenological characteristics of introduced different clones ofCarya illinoensisin southern Henan ······························· ZHANG Liyun, SHEN Minghai, ZHOU Chuantao,YU Kaihui, WU Wenzhu, GAO Chang, ZHOU Yayun (32)

Optimization of grafting technology ofAleurites montanain southern Hunan ····LIU Juntao, ZHANG Huaqing, SHEN Yan, GONG Yingyun, LONG Da, WU Xiaolong, ZHANG Bin, LIU Kaili, WANG Ruihui (42)

Comparison of quality difference of 8 walnut varieties (lines) in Longnan area ·······XIN Guo, ZHU Jianzhao, WANG Hai, ZHENG Xiaoping (52)Sequencing, assembly and annotation of chloroplast genome ofHevea nitida·····················································································NIU Yingfeng, LI Guohua, LIU Ziyan, ZHENG Cheng, LIU Jin (62)

Economic and ecological benefits evaluation of different compound management modes ofCastanea henryiandPolygonatum cyrtonema····························································LIU Yuejun, JIANG Yanfeng, GE Yongjin, YAO Liwu, XIE Jianqiu, PENG Xiaobo (72)

Establishment of single-tree compatible biomass model forArtocarpus heterophyllusandLitchi chinensisin Hainan ······················································CHEN Yiqing, CHEN Zongzhu, CHEN Xiaohua, LEI Jinrui, LI Yuanling, WU Tingtian (82)

Extraction and stability of anthocyanin from flowers ofNymphaea hybrid··············································································ZHOU Qi, ZHAO Feng, ZHANG Huihui, ZHU Zunling, TANG Peng (91)

Study on the lenticels characteristics of annual branches of 21 pear varieties ····················································WANG Xin, JIN Na, HE Cai, MU Desheng, GUO Yanlan, ZHANG Qinde, LI Hongxu (100)

Effects of fertigation before flowering on growth and mineral element contents of Huahong apple ·································································································ZHOU Jiangtao, ZHAO Deying, CHENG Cungang (109)

Evaluation of quality characters of macadamia suitable for planting in Guizhou ··························KANG Zhuanmiao, HE Fengping, GENG Jianjian, ZHU Wenhua, LEI Chaoyun, LIU Fanzhi, ZHANG Yan, WANG Daigu, LI Xiangyong, FAN Jianxin, LU Jiaju, ZENG Hui, TAO Liang (117)

Comparison of amino acid composition of different clones of pecan ····································CHANG Jun, ZHANG Xiaodan,WANG Kailiang, YANG Shuiping, YAO Xiaohua, REN Huadong (125)

Nitrogen utilization rate of Korla fragrant pear trees in different growth periods ·····································HE Xuefei, HUANG Zhan, MA Zeyue, YUSUFUJIANG Yusuyin, CHEN Bolang, CHAI Zhongping (134)

Phenotypic traits and amygdalin content of apricot seed kernels in southern Xinjiang ·······························································································HUANG Xue, TUERSUNGULI Wulayimu, GUO Ling (143)

Quality analysis of ‘Merlot’ and ‘Cabernet Gernischt’ grapes in different producing areas of Gansu province ····························LI Yumei, WEI Xiaxia, LI Yanbiao, HE Yajuan, MA Weifeng, MA Zonghuan, MAO Juan, CHEN Baihong (152)

Drought-resistance evaluation of eightCorylus heterophylla×C.avellanaL.cultivars ··········································································WANG Xin, SHI Wenjun, LI Yijie, YANG Xiaohong, PENG Shaobing (161)

Mulching effect of oil cake, chaff and moisture on soil temperature ofPhyllostachys edulis‘Pachyloen’ forest ········································CHENG Huijuan, SHEN Zhan, CHEN Yijun, SHEN Xuegui, HUI Liudi, LONG Zhirun, LI Zuyao (169)

Photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics of fresh jujube ‘Magu 1’ ······························WEN Ting, ZHANG Lu, CHENG Zishan, ZHU Bo, CHEN Fusheng, YI Min, CHEN Mengyun, LI Xiang (177)

Effects of shortcut strength on the growth of fruiting and developing branches of Chinese chestnut (Castanea mollissima) ··················································································YE Changqi, LI You, LIU Yang, LI Chao, QIN Cai, SU Shuchai (184)

Effects of different substrate compositions on the growth of container seedlings ofManglietia lucida·····························································CUI Yuanyuan, XI Ruchun, ZHENG Keyuan, ZHAO Mengqiu, DENG Xiaomei (192)

Resource investigation and conservation of ancient jujube trees in China ································SIMA Xingchen, PAN Xingjie, LI Xingang (202)Analysis of the effect of formula fertilizer on improvement of olive arbuscules development ···········································LIU Jinfeng, SU Zhiliang, ZHAO Ping, ZHAO Yongfeng, LI Cuiping, CHEN Peng, YAN Yuan (210)

Test of twig cuttage inBougainvilleaspp.·······················FU Xiaoxia, YU Mingjie, WU Chenghou, LIU Yueming, WEN Zhi, TAN Zixuan, JIANG Yiwei, ZHENG Yufen (216)

Regional test ofZanthoxylum bungeanum‘Wuxuan No.1’ Prickless ········································································REN Miao, WANG Bo, YANG Jianlei, WU Heng, LIN Yun, ZHU Deqin (222)

Quality evaluation onCrateva uniloculariscuttings treated with three hormones ············································ZHENG Xinhua, DONG Qiong, DUAN Huachao, ZHANG Mei, CHENG Qiudong, MA Yuan (230)

Advances in biological research of tung tree (Vernicia fordii) ·······································ZHANG Qingwei, WEN Zhiting, LUO Keming (238)Foreign experience and enlightenment of economic forest industry and technology development ·································ZHOU Xiaoguang (246)


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