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文/菲奥雷·萨尔瓦托·约里奥(Fiore S. Iorio) 译/杨帆 贾潇潇

(Fiore S. Iorio,意大利),医学博士,河北省儿童医院外籍心脏外科专家。前意大利耶稣圣婴儿童医院心脏中心主任,“燕赵友谊奖”获得者。

























On March 3, 2015, for the first time, “World Birth Defect Day” (WBDD) was celebrated with the main objective to raise awareness all around the world about birth defects and to promote and integrate actions for the prevention and treatment of congenital malformations and, in general, for the improvement of reproductive, maternal, neonatal, childhood and adolescent health.

Not all birth defects can be prevented, but you can take steps to help the mother have a healthy pregnancy.

There are thousands of birth defects representing a relevant condition in public health anywhere in the world. In industrialized societies, and increasingly also in emerging societies, they are one of the leading causes of infant morbidity and mortality within the first year of life.

Every year, about eight million babies worldwide are born with a serious birth defect, and about three millions of them will die before their fifth birthday. Considering all cases, the frequency of congenital defects can be estimated at around 5%: one in 20 babies born has a malformation.

when they may cause stillbirth or neonatal and infant death, or when pregnancies may be terminated in a relevant proportion of cases after prenatal diagnosis (anencephaly, hypoplastic left heart syndrome).

when they need early medical intervention to avoid death or major impairment of clinical conditions (cleft lip).

when they still need medical intervention, but life expectancy is good (congenital dislocation of the hip, cryptorchidism).

Lethal and severe defects represent significant congenital anomalies instead of minor ones.

Prevention of birth defects means elimination or mitigation of the causes or risk factors before or during pregnancy, thus allowing the child to be born healthy and without defects. All birth defects whose causes or risk factors are known and, most of all, modifiable can also be prevented, at least in theory.

For example, the administration of folic acid reduces neural tube defects to the mother, and we also know that the older age of the mother is a risk factor for the birth of a neonate with trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). But since we cannot modify that mother's age, this risk factor is useless for prevention.

Effective control of a cause or risk factor of a birth defect will result in a percentage reduction of the incidence of that defector disease. The early diagnosis of the defect in prenatal age allows the parents to evaluate whether to terminate the pregnancy. But, if this is the case, we prevent the birth of the fetus, not the defect itself. In other words, we eliminate the patient, not the disease. We cannot define this as prevention but false prevention.

The causes of congenital birth defects are:

including chromosomal (trisomy 21 Down syndrome, trisomy 18 Edwards syndrome, trisomy 13 Patau syndrome) or single gene anomaly (Holt-Oram syndrome). The two major risk factors for these defects are the older age of the mother (>35 years) and consanguineous marriages.

due to unhealthy habits of the mother like alcohol abuse and smoking; exposure to harmful substances such as lead, pesticides, teratogenic drugs, radiation, pollutants; infectious agents (chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, infectious erythema, herpes virus, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, Zika virus, etc.); maternal health disorders (gestational diabetes, obesity, nutritional deficiencies).

: when environmental risk factors trigger the mother's predisposition.

Congenital abnormalities have the earliest onset and a limited chance for complete recovery; therefore, the best medical strategy to approach these types of diseases is prevention.

Primary prevention of congenital defects is a priority for the consequences in the social and health field as a cause of mortality and infant morbidity. Many birth defects can be avoided by taking preventive actions before and during pregnancy. It is therefore strategic to offer any woman of childbearing age extensive counseling to promote healthy lifestyles, with particular reference to the following aspects.

elimination of alcohol and smoking., promotion of a varied and balanced diet, also through folic acid and vitamins supplementation from the preconceptional phase to avoid nutritional deficiencies, obesity, gestational diabetes.in the presence of chronic diseases of the mother (epilepsy, diabetes, depression, thyroid disease), it is necessary to plan the pregnancy with the doctors to manage the related treatment.reduction of exposure to harmful substances such as lead, pesticides, drugs, radiation, pollutants.favor a vaccination strategy against rubella, chickenpox and flu.beware of dangerous infectious agents (chickenpox, cytomegalovirus, infectious erythema, herpes virus, rubella, syphilis, toxoplasmosis, Zika virus, etc.).avoid marriages between relatives for the risk of inbreeding.try to favor the mother's age <35 years as genetic factors such as gene mutations or abnormalities may occur more frequently in older parents.

Secondary prevention includes early diagnosis and prompts effective treatment, e.g., neonatal surgical treatment of complex congenital heart defects such as ductus-dependent hypoplastic left or right heart syndrome or transposition of the great arteries.

The most common congenital birth defects affect:s (clubfoot, congenital dislocation of the hint, congenital diaphragmatic hernia, omphalocele, polydactyly, syndactyly);(anencephaly, microcephaly, hydrocephaly, spina bifida);(cleft lip/palate, esophageal atresia, anorectal atresia);(ductusdependent hypoplastic left or right heart, transposition of the great arteries, tetralogy of Fallot, coarctation of the aorta);(renal agenesis, cystic kidney, bladder exstrophy, hypospadias, epispadias, undescended testis);

Tailored advice to future parents during preconceptional and early pregnancy consultations, health education campaigns for prospective parents, international efforts to reduce environmental pollution. But, most of all, medical surveillance and continuous research are needed to improve and make birth defects more and more effective in the future.


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