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文/本刊记者 李艺雯


评选活动由我国海外人才引进和国际人才交流合作这一领域权威媒体《国际人才交流》杂志、中国国际人才交流与开发研究会联合举办,旨在以外籍人才眼光,发掘中国城市魅力,宣传中国城市。“魅力中国——外国人才眼中最具吸引力的中国城市”评选活动自2010年起,每年举办一次,迄今已成功举办六届,引起海内外各界广泛关注。本届评选较以往参与性更强,榜单更有针对性——20个候选城市将由外籍人士通过评选活动官方网站(vote.chinajob.com) 以及《国际人才交流》杂志微信公众号票选得出,10强城市将由诺贝尔奖得主、中国政府友谊奖获奖外国专家、“千人计划”外专项目入选专家以及其他外籍人士根据各城市在吸引外籍人才、服务外籍人才、发挥外籍人才作用等方面的总体状况,按照外籍人才“政策环境”“政务环境”“工作环境”“生活环境”四大标准票选得出。本次评选投票截止到2018年2月28日,评选结果经国家外国专家局核批后将在2018年4月14日举行的第十六届中国国际人才交流大会“全球才智论坛”上对外发布。

Survey for 2017 Most Attractive Chinese Cities for expats of fi cially kicked off.

The annual survey, organized by International Talent Magazine and China Society for Research on International Professional Personnel Exchange and Development and now into its seventh year, has served as an important window for expatriates to learn about China. It is the only national survey participated in exclusively by foreign experts working and living in China.The survey this year is more interactive and targeted. 20 semi-finalist cities will be selected through online voting on China Daily Website as well as the official Wechat account of International Talent Magazine. From this group, 10 finalists will be chosen by a team of experts, including Nobel Prize laureates, Chinese Friendship Award recipients and foreign experts who are part of China's Thousand Talents Program. The experts will make their decisions based on criteria like policy,political affairs, working environment and living environment.This year's survey will conclude on Feb 28 and results will be released in April, 2018. It aims to discover the beauty of Chinese cities in the eyes of foreign experts in China.


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