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Technology changes life


By Zhong Mengxia

At present,advanced textile engineering materials are gradually replacing traditional materials.Conductive textiles,3D textiles,intelligent textiles,bulletproof textiles,textiles designed for medical applications and various niche technologies are becoming the frontier of textile science and technology development.Textile materials with novel functions and innovations have shown great potential in medical care,national defense,personal protection,personal communication and other application fields.

Science and technology,green and fashion are becoming the new orientation and label of China's textile industry,and it is an urgent and very important task to start with raw materials to realize industrial upgrading.In order to help readers understand the scientific and technological trends of global raw materials development and promote the development of advanced textile engineering materials and intelligent textile industry,CHINA TEXTILE specially planned a series of reports on "Fiber Panoramic".By other's faults,wise men correct their own.We hope to popularize some knowledge and primary application of intelligent textile around the world,and hope that these efforts can be helpful to the majority of the industry insiders.


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