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Operational situation of the industrial textile segment from January to July 202


Edited by Zhao Xinhua

The world economic recovery slowed down and the recurrence of the pandemic prevailed in China from January to July 2022.The production and de—mand of China’s industrial textiles segment were still in the process of recovery.The industrial value—added continued to grow,but the growth rate of main economic indicators was still at a low level,and the downward pressure on the segment remained.

In terms of production,from January to July,the output of nonwovens and cord fabrics of enterprises above designated size decreased by 0.7 percent and 3.5 percent year—on—year,respectively,showing a narrower decline,according to the National Bureau of Statistics.

In terms of economic benefits,from January to July,the total operating revenue and profit of enter—prises above designated size in the industrial textile segment decreased by 0.5 percent and 15.0 percent respectively,and the profit rate was 4.6 percent,which decreased by 0.8 percentage points year—on—year.From January to July,the total operating revenue and profit of nonwovens enterprises above desig—nated size decreased by 4.3 percent and 37.1 percent year—on—year,respectively,and the profit margin was 3.4 percent,down 1.8 percentage points year—on—year.The operating revenue of enterprises above designated size of threads and ropes decreased by 0.2 percent,the total profit increased by 1.4 percent year—on—year,and the profit margin was 5.1 percent,an increase of 0.1 percentage point year—on—year;the operating revenue and profits of enterprises above designated size of belts and cord fabrics decreased by 2.8 percent and 10.6 percent,respectively,and the profit rate was 5.4 percent,down 0.5 percentage points year—on—year;the operating revenue and total profit of enterprises above designated size of can—vas and tarp textiles increased by 10.5 percent and 36.0 percent respectively,and the profit margin of 6.1 percent was the highest level in the segment.The total operating revenue and profit of other industrial textiles enterprises above designated size including filtration textiles and geotextiles increased by 4.3 percent and 4.0 percent year—on—year,respectively,and the profit margin was 5.7 percent,basically un—changed from the same period in 2021.

Main economic indicators for the operation of the industrial textile segment (enterprises above designated size),January-July 2022

In terms of listed companies,in the first half of 2022,the operating revenue of 28 listed companies in the industrial textile segment increased by 6.8 percent year—on—year,while the total profit decreased by 15.8 percent year—on—year,significantly narrowing the decline compared with the first quarter.Among them,8 listed companies achieved growth in oper—ating revenue and total profits,the pressure on the performance of listed companies of nonwovens and medical and hygiene textiles has eased,the listed companies of canvas and tarp textiles have a good momentum of development.

In terms of international trade,according to China Customs data,the export of China’s indus—trial textile segment from January to July 2022 was$26.98 billion,down 12.1 percent year—on—year,and the decline continued to narrow compared with Janu—ary to June;the segment imports from January to July was $3.67 billion,down 14.2 percent year—on—year.In terms of products,tarp textiles and sunshade fabrics have surpassed felt textiles/tents to become the largest export products in the segment,with the export reaching $3.02 billion,up 30.4 percent year—on—year,and the export of felt textiles/tents reaching$3.01 billion,up 14.8 percent year—on—year;exports of traditional products such as threads,ropes and belts,canvas textiles and textiles for synthetic leather increased by 17.0 percent,31.8 percent and 18.8 percent year—on—year,respectively.In terms of non—wovens and related products,the exports of coiled material were $2.38 billion,down 12.7 percent year—on—year,and 719,000 tons,down 14.0 percent year—on—year;the exports of masks and protective clothing made of chemical fiber nonwovens (including medical protective clothing) decreased by 69.1 percent and 57.0 percent,respectively;the export of disposablesanitary products reached $1.64 billion,up 19.6 percent year—on—year.

Industrial textiles segment and exports of main products from January to July 2022

At present,the continuous spread and deterioration of global infla—tion,the long—term geopolitical situation,the recurrence of the pandemic in China and the delayed recovery of market demand have brought many challenges to the smooth operation of the industrial textile segment.However,the segment is characterized by strong economic resilience,high technology content and a wide range of applications,and the fun—damentals of long—term improvement remain unchanged.In the second half of the year,the economy,production and trade of the industrial textile segment are expected to continue to recover under the action of a series of policies and measures to prevent the spread of pandemic,stabilize the economy and ensure development.


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