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The dazzling half-year “transcript”of some fabric companies


Edited by Zhao Xinhua

In the first half of the year, China’s fabric output dropped significantly,with a year-on-year decrease of 25.9%, and even a decrease of 36% in some months. What is even more stressful is that during the same period,the national textile finished product inventory was not affected by the decrease in output. However, there was a year-on-year increase of more than 10%, and even reached 17.2%.

2020 is very unusual for fabric companies. In the process of coping with the challenge, many companies seeked opportunities in crisis and handed in a brilliant half-year “transcript.”

A few days ago, the operating data of the branches of Hebei Ningfang Group for the first half of the year was released. Among them, the dyeing and printing branch realized a profit and tax of 12.51 million yuan, a yearon-year increase of 45.8%. Faced with the impact of the pandemic and the downward pressure of the market, how does it get this achievement? It is understood that through continuous management improvement and technological innovation, the company’s dyeing and printing warehousing rate of first-class products increased by 0.7% in the first half of the year, producing 140,000 meters of first-class products more than the same period last year; gas consumption for 10,000 meters decreased by 7.5 tons year-onyear; a year-on-year decrease of 16.7 tons in water consumption, and a year-on-year decrease of 284 degrees in electricity consumption.

“Te company’s foreign trade rose against the trend in the first half of the year. From January to June, the company earned USD 20.73 million in foreign exchange, an increase of 95% year-on-year, and profit increased by 109% year-on-year.” said Liu Yi, deputy general manager of Dezhou Yuanji Textile Co., Ltd., under the special period, every employee of the company is very excited to achieve such a good performance. It is understood that since the beginning of this year, Yuanji Textile has conformed to the changes in the international market, changed its development thinking, strengthened technological innovation, and promoted sales by research and development,promoted production by sales, continuously introduced new products and developed new customers, and its comprehensive benefits have been increasing.

Qingdao Saerma Textile Technology Co., Ltd., whose main customers are mostly from overseas, steadily survived the crisis in the first half of this year and achieved orders did not drop but increased. In terms of products, Saerma Textile produces marketable new products that meet domestic demand while ensuring the quality of past production remains unchanged. In terms of sales, the company has changed its past foreign trade orders that the bigger the better, to meet the domestic customers’ “small quantity, multiple batches, good quality and low price”. In terms of service, the company continuously strengthens communication with customers, proactively provides customers with high-quality new products in special periods,and proactively extends the payment time for brand customers, reduces internal communication processes within the company, and forms a three-in-one management of production, R&D and sales, which can serve customers more accurately.


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