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Intertextile Shanghai Autumn Edition to reshape the industry


by Zhao Xinhua

The harvest season comes again. However, the pandemic still affects the world. There is no doubt that 2020 is a tough year. But it is also a year full of change, as digital development and concerns about sustainability get more attention than ever before.

At the end of September, Intertextile Shanghai Autumn Edition hosted by China National Textile and Apparel Council opened in the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), with 300,000 square meters of exhibition area and nearly 4,500 exhibitors. It promoted the "big cycle" from the perspective of the entire industrial chain, playing the most powerful sound of textile in this extraordinary golden autumn. It concluded Intertextile Shanghai Apparel Fabrics, CHIC, Yarn Expo, PH Value and Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles, which not only had many brands and exhibitors, but also attracted many visitors and buyers at home and abroad.

Through the connection of domestic and international industrial chains, this joint exhibition reshapes and provides the industry more confidence and energy.


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