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PH Value drives the development of the knitting industry


PH Value 2020 (Autumn) brought together nearly 200 industry-leading enterprises.

The exhibition area had knitted sweater/ wool sweater/cashmere sweater exhibition area, underwear and home wear exhibition area, China hosiery exhibition area, knitted leisure sportswear exhibition area, functional knitwear exhibition area to display various products. The “Puyuan Cup” competition exhibition area, the functional knitting product trend area, and other special exhibition areas carried out various displays.

At the exhibition site, various industrial clusters and representative corporate brands showcased their distinctive knitted products through product display, business negotiations, special catwalks, cluster activities, joint displays, etc., to create cluster brands with regional characteristics and differentiation, driving the development of knitting industry.

For a long time, New Zealand national master painter Chen Xiaos painting, with its highly recognizable color expression, is widely welocomed by people. Now these intertesting colors and pearl cool feeling fabric conbined, with its bold aesthetic design and new modern style to redefine the pearl fiber fabrics, causing the attention of audiences.

Original design and creativity are the core competitiveness of Puyuan. At this exhibition, Puyuan gathered more than 10 fashion design brands to show the rapid development of the fashion industry. In the joint release show of Puyuan fashion brands, the latest products brought by Ounibeiyi, Geng Xiuzi, Youyang and Zhmi, presenting the image and style of Puyuans fashionistas.


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