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Intertextile Shanghai Home Textiles is full of strength


Intertextile Shanghai 2020 Home Textiles successfully concluded at the National Exhibition and Convention Center on August 24 - 26. During the 3-day exhibition, nearly a thousand preferred home textile brands, 20+ design forum lectures, and many crossover buyers gathered in Shanghai.

During the 3-day exhibition, the total number of visitors reached 26,673. Among them, overseas buyers come from 42 countries and regions, mainly from South Korea, India, Russia, the United States, and Japan. The domestic visitors mainly come from Zhejiang, Shanghai and Jiangsu. Agents/ wholesalers, home textiles and household goods manufacturers, importers and exporters, retailers/franchisees/specialists/chain stores have become the main force of the visitors of Intertextile Shanghai 2020 (Autumn). Among them, home textile and household goods manufacturers, finished home manufacturers, and home textile fabric art manufacturers account for the high proportion.

The simultaneous holding of virtual exhibitions has increased the number of professional visitors of Intertextile Shanghai 2020 (Autumn). Through a series of new initiatives such as live shopping exhibitions, virtual selection meetings, cloud forums, and brand live shows, the virtual exhibitions attracted 271,455 visitors, including overseas visitors from more than 50 countries. Exhibitors expanded domestic and overseas sales channels online and offline.

The live commerce has attracted much attention in Intertextile Shanghai 2020 (Autumn). The viewing traffic of 9.3 million and the transaction amount of 6.09 million are enough to illustrate the C-end effect of Intertextile Shanghai!


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