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The year 2023 is the first year for the comprehensive study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th CPC National Congress, the starting year for the construction of a green, low-carbon, high-quality development pilot zone in Shandong, and the sprinting year for Yantai to achieve the goal of a GDP of over trillion yuan. The whole city has launched a new round of project construction boom by gathering all its strengths to win this decisive battle at the very beginning.

Great changes are taking place in this springtime. The reporters from Yantai Media Convergence Center went right to the grassroots and the front line to investigate the practical measures and breakthrough paths for high-quality development of different districts of Yantai by focusing on project construction sites and production workshops of various enterprises.

The following are their reports on Loukong, Haiyang and Muping in Sailing for a “City with a GDP of over 1 Trillion Yuan”


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