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Mutual Influence Between Culture And Science



(西南交通大学马克思主义学院,四川成都 610031)

Mutual Influence Between Culture And Science


(西南交通大学马克思主义学院,四川成都 610031)

Science and culture are different concepts or areas,although they have different ways of development,but they have a complex relationship.Culture and science mutual influence and mutual restrict.The development of science has caused the change of culture,and promotesthe development of human culture.At the same time,culture also influencesthe development of science in a certain extent.


Science and culture belong to different concepts or areas,the development model of science and culture are also different.How ever,although the development of science and culture is very different,they are closely related to each other in the growing development of the society.

Science causes the change of culture,promotes the development of hum an culture,at the same time,culture affects the development of science.In this process,the culture has gradually played a important role in the development of science,and the progress of culture will contain the development and innovation of science at that time.The interaction between culture and science is the main melody of the evolution of modern civilization.History tells us that any one of the activetime of scientific in novation,with out exception,is accompanied by the guidance of human innovation.The development of science and the prosperity of economy,promote the development of human culture in different countries.On the contrary,a country or a nation's values and ideology and other cultural elements produce a corresponding level of scientific development.For example,in ancient China,because it was a long time ahead of the world's culture,to produce The Four Great Inventions,these inventions made a great contribution to the world.And The Four Great Inventions,in particular Papermaking,have a profound im pact on world civilization.Another example is the ancient Chinese Taoism culture,it has spawned the development of alchemy,which not only promotes the further development of chemistry,but also promotes the progress of medicine.This fully shows that the relationship between culture and science is closely related to each other.

Inmodern times,the development of science and culture is more closely related.Generally speaking,the development of science will promote the development of economy and society,but it will expand the in fluence of culture.For example,the United States science and economy have been dominating the world for one hundred years,and Hollywood,Mc Donald's,rock music,jeans and other cultural attract young people all over the world.Especially in the globalization and information technology today,science and the economy closely linked,and they aremorelikely toaffect the cultural heritage,sothat today's science and culture more closely linked.From the perspective of language and cultural characteristics and perfect degree,English is not better than Latin and Chinese well.But it has become the international mainstream language.This has a close relationship with the United Kingdom's and the United States's science and the economy ahead of the world.Although language is only a tool for communication,which does not reflect the level of science,but more people using it,it becomes a public communication tool.A language hasbecome the world's public communication tool,the main reasonis a strong technology and economic strength as a backup.The refore,the mutual promotion between science and culture is a major feature of theworld today.the advanced level of science is bound toproduce a strong cultural soft power.As well as loose,inclusive and free cultural environment will also promote the progress of science and economic development.

Any culture can not be separated from the development of science.At the same time,with the development of science,it also puts forwardhigher requirements ontheculture.In therecent period,the world has strongly advocated the development of the cultural industry.Culture industry,the term originated in the beginning of twentieth Century.First appeared in the Horkheimer and Adorno's ''Dialectics of enlightenment'',Its English name is Industry Culture,can be translated in to the cultural industry.

Cultural industry asaspecial cultural formandspecial economic formhas affected people's understanding of the nature of the cultural industry,and different countries have different understanding of the cultural industry fromdifferent perspectives.science and technology as a means of understanding the nature and Transform nature to achieve a certain purpose,it can not set the purpose and direction of its own,it was determined by the cultural values of the time.For the relationship between culture and science,Marx Webb used the metaphor of the map to make a vivid description.Science and technology,hesays,islikeamap.

Itcan tell you how to get to a place,butitdoesn't tell youwhere to go.Where is the task of value.Only values are given to this goal and direction,Science and technology can point outhow or how to achieve this goal.That is to explain the cultural values,especially the value of scientific and technological development of the guiding role,there is no scien tific technology,it is difficult to achieve the purpose.Without the guidance of cultural values,peoplewill lose their targets.





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