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李梦莹 张祥攀 范梦雨 丁猛 曲凯扬



1 遗传模拟退火算法

遗传算法(GA)是由Holland教授提出的,是一种随机的优化方法,该算法可以同时处理群体中的多个个体,即对搜索空间中的多个解进行评估,减少了陷入局部最优解的风险,同时算法本身易于实现并行化,但在实际应用中存在收敛速度慢和早熟等问题,局部搜索能力不强。模拟退火算法(SAA)最早是由 Kirkpatrick等提出的,它是一种启发式随机搜索算法,具有很强的局部搜索能力和“爬山”能力。结合两种算法对影子坐标定位问题进行优化求解,可在提高了定位的精度的同时加快运算速度。

2 问题分析与模型建立




[2]Metropolis N,Rosenbluth A,Rosenbluth M,et al.Equation of state calculations by fast computing machines[J].Journal of Chemical Physics,1953(21): 1087-1092.



Research on Optimization of Multiple Parameters for Shadow Localization Based on Adaptive Genetic Simulated Annealing Algorithm

Li Mengying, Zhang Xiangpan, Fan Mengyu, Ding Meng, Qu Kaiyang(Henan Normal University, Xinxiang 453007, China)

Abstract:To solve the problem existing in multivariate shadow coordinates to determine the location. A kind ofadaptive geneticalgorithm, which is combined with simulated annealing algorithm is proposed. At first, we draw comprehensive analysis of all the unknown parameters including length, latitude, longitude coordinates and rotation Angle,Then determine mathematical relation between the unknown parameter and the known condition.The objective function is to minimize the error between the actual coordinate and the theory, and the reciprocal of the objective function is used as the fitness function of the genetic algorithm. We adopt adaptive variation of crossover and mutation operator and simulated annealing algorithm to generate new individuals, finding the global optimal solution. The experimental results show that the proposed method has a good effect on both computational speed and global convergence.

Key words:latitude and longitude;shadow positioning; simulated annealing model; genetic algorithm


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