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准确理解文章的立意是续写的基础。只有在准确理解作者写作立意的前提下,我们才能合理地设计续写的故事,才能写出和原故事立意一致、逻辑顺畅的文章。如果不能理解作者的立意,我们就会偏题,即使文字再优美、再高级,也没有实际意义。那么, 我们如何合理推斷作者的写作立意呢?



记叙文要通过叙述故事来表达文章的立意。叙述故事的要素包括who、what、where、 when、how等基本的要素,而其关键因素是人物之间的矛盾冲突。矛盾冲突最终是如何解决的就是文章的立意。因此,掌握文章的立意,首先要搞清原文故事的要素和结构。要根据故事的发展脉络、结构和文章中矛盾冲突的展示,尤其是续写所提供的段首句暗含的信息来推断文章的立意。


Early in the morning, the father and the son arrived at the marsh (湿地).

The family lived off the main village and was near the marsh. Kevins father would go to the marsh to shoot wild ducks every few days, and most of the time, Kevin would go with his father. The boy would record the beautiful place as well as the lively animals with his camera, which he enjoyed very much. But not this morning. It was the time, as scheduled, that the 14?year?old boy was to have duck shooting.

Actually, he hated duck shooting since his father bought him a gun. But he loved his father, and wanted to make his father pleased, so he didnt tell his father what he really thought. His father taught him to shoot and promised him this trip.

They stopped at their usual place. Kevin put down the camera, sat down and waited anxiously. “You must get ready. Sometimes ducks are on top of you before you know it,” his father said. Kevin took the gun out and prepared it as his father taught him. “Ill let you shoot first,” he said. Then he stopped suddenly, and eyes narrowed. “There is a small group of ducks heading this way now. Keep your head down. Ill give you the order. ”

Kevins heart was beating wildly. He prayed in his deep heart, “Dont let the ducks come, please.”

But they kept coming. “Four black and one mallard (绿头鸭),” said his father.

High above, Kevin heard the sound of wings as the ducks went over and began to circle. The mallard was leading; his bright orange feet dropped down, reaching for the water. Closer, closer...

“Get set,” his father whispered.

“Now, shoot!” said his father in a determined voice.

Kevin felt his body obey. He stood up, his hands holding the gun the way his father had taught him, “Shoot!” his father said sharply again, but the expected sound didnt come. Kevins trembling finger didnt move finally.

At the same time, the wild ducks saw the gunners and flew. Up went the mallard, until it flew away.

Paragraph 1:

His father asked with apparent anger, “Why didnt you shoot?”

Paragraph 2:

His father was handing the camera to him.











要想很好地展现文章的立意,就要巧妙地、有效地解决故事中的矛盾冲突。而有效解决矛盾冲突, 首先要靠情节的设计。情节的设计则需要通过话语、动作、心理、场景的描写,而这一切都要以文章的立意为中心。如本文中,父亲生气地质问是矛盾的开始。而儿子对父亲生气的质问的回应要通过语言、动作和心理来描写,同时要配合场景的描写。

●话语:“They were so cute and lovely,” Kevin said in a low voice, with his lips shaking.

话语陈述了理由,而且为了表现孩子此时的心理,表现话语可以用相符的动作:in a low voice, his lips shaking等,表现他紧张和矛盾的心理。

● 动作:He sat on the grass, his face buried in his arms and burst into tears.


● 心理:All hope of pleasing father was gone.


● 场景: For a while, there was only silence.


● 结果:Then Kevin felt his father kneel down beside him and pat him on the shoulder gently.



有了好的故事设计后,还需要合适的、有效的词汇和句式结构来增加矛盾解决的说服力。在本文中,为了表现孩子的矛盾和无助,用了in a low voice、with his lips shaking和his face buried in his arms and burst into tears等表达来生动地展示孩子的心理活动。在描述父亲的动作时,可以用kneel down、gently、pat等表示理解、尊重、安慰等意义的身体动作词汇。在续写第二段的描述中,为了表现孩子的开心,可以用with a broad smile、held up his camera immediately和said excitedly等欢快的词汇来渲染情感和气氛。


His father asked with apparent anger, “Why didnt you shoot?” “They were so cute and lovely,” Kevin said in a low voice, with his lips shaking. He sat on the grass, his face buried in his arms and burst into tears. All hope of pleasing father was gone. For a while, there was only silence. Then Kevin felt his father kneel down beside him and pat him on the shoulder gently. Then his father said, “Get ready, boy!” Feeling some cold metal touching his hand, Kevin looked up.

His father was handing the camera to him. “Here comes another duck,” said his father softly. A beautiful wild duck flew closer, its white breast shining in the sunshine. With a broad smile on his face, Kevin held up his camera immediately. “I got him!” said Kevin excitedly. His father gave him a thumbs?up. Kevin discovered there was no disappointment in his eyes, only pride and love. “Its okay, son. I love shooting, but that doesnt mean you have to.” Looking at his son affectionately, he said, “Could you teach me how to use that camera?”



Jennifer frowned as she was helping out in the kitchen. Her family had just moved here from San Francisco, which is one thousand kilometers away. Her father had bought a small restaurant weeks ago, which was set to open in the next few days.

“Moving here was a stupid idea. I have lost all my friends in San Francisco. What should I do now?” Jennifer grumbled, mostly to herself.

“Whats that?” her mother asked, as she was busy managing all the things in the kitchen.

“Nothing,” Jennifer mumbled. The girl had been complaining about the move, but her parents had made the decision and were too busy getting ready for the grand opening to listen to her complaints.

The first few days at her new school hadnt been easy, either. Jennifer found it hard to talk to people she didnt know, and it seemed like the students hadnt even noticed her. At the breaks, she had no one to talk with, with only the chances to watch others playing and laughing happily. She had been missing her happy life in the old school. But all this was beyond her power. Jennifer sighed and got back to washing dishes.

On the day of the grand opening, Jennifers parents were all smiles, welcoming customers into the restaurant, brightly decorated in gold and red. Even Jennifer was in a good mood as she rushed around, seating guests, handing out menus, and pouring tall glasses of water. This was a big day for her family.

At one of the tables sat a family with two daughters who were about Jennifers age. As she passed the table, Jennifer realized the twins were in her class. Jennifer ducked her head down so her long hair covered her face, and she turned away from the table.

Feeling rather embarrassed, Jennifer quickly went back to the kitchen to load the dishwasher.

“Honey, what are you doing back here? We need you out front with the customers,” her mother said to her.


1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。

Paragraph 1:

“Mom, I dont want to be out there!”

Paragraph 2:

Jennifer put some cookies on a plate and went out of the kitchen.






Paragraph 1:

“Mom, I dont want to be out there!” Jennifer said in a voice as if pleading with her mother not to let herself face the embarrassing situation. “Why?” her mother asked. “They are my classmates and I dont want to greet them in this situation.” “You shouldnt be afraid, honey.” Mother said that maybe was her chance to make friends with them. Then her mother asked her to get them some cookies. What she said would be a good way to melt the ice between them. Jennifer hesitated and accepted her mothers suggestion.

Paragraph 2:

Jennifer put some cookies on a plate and went out of the kitchen. She served them the cookies, and the twins recognized Jennifer immediately. They greeted her warmly. And they talked a lot about the school life as well as Jennifers family. It was the first time since she had been here that she had talked to anyone other than her family. Jennifer found that she was accepted. From then on, the twins often came to the restaurant for dinner, and Jennifer became good friends with them.


1. 文章立意的合理性:

2. 文章立意的表达:

3. 语言运用的丰富性:


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