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2022年高考热门话题写作预测(4): 人物与描写



Part 1 激活·素养解读

Part 2 晨读·素材积累

Ⅰ. 读典题·知考向


1. 郎平个人简介;

2. 自己的看法。

◆ 范文晨诵

Lang Ping, who was born on Dec. 10th, 1960, is a famous volleyball coach and we all admire her very much. She began to practise playing volleyball when she was 13 and joined the national team later. She was so hard?working that she won a lot of awards. In 2016, she took the Chinese Women Volleyball Team to take part in the Rio Olympic Games and won the gold medal. She is the first Chinese volleyball player to win the Olympic championship as a player and coach in the history of volleyball in China.

In a word, Lang Pings spirit of never giving up inspired so many people. We all praised her role in winning the hard?earned gold medal.

◆ 模板提炼




Dian Fossey was regarded as one of the heroines of the 20th century. (总体介绍人物)Her love for the mountain gorillas in Africa taught people about dangers these animals are facing. Dian was an outgoing and kind person, and able to gain valuable data about their lives by becoming a companion to them.


① Einstein, who discovered the “Relativity Theory”, is well known in the world.

② Howard Carter is one of the most famous explorers (that) the world has ever known.

③ Shakespeare, who was a son from a poor family, a man of little education, wrote plays and poems that are read all over the world.

④ Thomas Edison, born in America, was a great scientist and inventor.


①Advances in science help all humanity.


②Professor Green, known to the world as a scientist, is not only diligent but also warm?hearted.


③He is a scientist of high prestige.





Dian Fossey was born in California in 1932. She graduated from university in 1954 and worked...(具體介绍人物)


①So like any diligent scientist, he set about trying to derive one.


②Her name was Marie, and she was an official scientist, studying the properties of magnetism for her doctorate in physics.


③As the last great scientist of the classical period, he was the first to draw a map that was based on all available knowledge, rather than guesses or imagination.


④She quit all worries and devoted herself to the study of science.


⑤This is an age not only of great science; it is an age of great scientists.


⑥Like all good students of science, he believes that the universe is well understood and we know our place in it.




Dian Fossey is still alive in our hearts to this day. Thanks to her research, we now know more about mountain gorillas... Without her work, there would be very few mountain gorillas left today.(总结评价人物)


still live in ones heart 一直活在某人心里

set a good example to 为……树立了一个好的榜样

sing high praise for sb 对某人赞不绝口

think highly of sb 对某人评价很高

be regarded as 被认为是;被当作是

remember sb forever 永远记得某人

let us realize that... 让我们意识到……

have a great effect on sb 对某人有很大的影响

teach us that... 教我们……


①The scientist deserves recognition for his talent.


②Finally, Einstein arrived at a conclusion that the maximum speed in the universe is that of light.


③Yuan Longping not only won the battle against hunger, but he could also export his crops abroad.


◆ 靓句积累

1. 郎平因努力练习而获得了很多荣誉。

(基础表达)Lang Ping won a lot of awards because she was hard?working.

(高级表达)Lang Ping was so hard?working that she won a lot of awards.

2. 莫言,本名管谟业,出生在山东一个普通的农民家庭。

(基础表达)Mo Yans real name is Guan Moye. He was born in an ordinary peasant family of Shandong Province.

(高级表达)Mo Yan, whose real name is Guan Moye, was born in an ordinary peasant family of Shandong Province.

3. 当他还是一个年轻的农民时,出于对文学的强烈热爱,他致力于各种中国古典文学,并逐渐练习写故事。

(基础表达)While he was working as a young peasant, out of a strong passion for literature, he committed to a variety of Chinese classics and gradually practiced writing stories.

(高級表达)While working as a young peasant, out of a strong passion for literature, he committed to a variety of Chinese classics and gradually practiced writing stories.

Ⅱ. 读词句·积语料



1. independent adj. 自立的

2. optimistic adj. 乐观的

3. ambitious adj. 雄心壮志的

4. energetic adj. 精力充沛的

5. sensible adj. 明智的;合理的

6. strong?minded adj. 意志坚强的

7. stubborn adj. 固执的

8. considerate adj. 考虑周全的;体贴的;体谅的

9. diligent adj. 勤奋的

10. modest adj. 谦虚的

11. handsome adj. 英俊的

12. good?looking adj. 长得好看的

13. outgoing adj. 外向的

14. friendly adj. 友好的

15. committed adj. 尽心尽力的;坚定的

16. thoughtful adj. 深思的;体贴的

17. talented adj. 有才能的

18. straightforward adj. 简单的;坦率的


1. win the award 获奖

2. be active in 对……很积极;积极参加……

3. commit oneself to 某人致力于……

4. a strong/burning passion for 对……强烈的爱

5. be in good health/shape 身体健康

6. medium build 中等身材

7. get good grades 获得好成绩

8. gain/win the first prize/place 获得一等奖/第一名

9. treat others in an honest way 真诚地对待别人

10. devote all ones life to science 某人奉献一生给科学

11. gain a scholarship 获得奖学金

12. be devoted to 致力于……;专注于……

13. be enthusiastic about 对……充满热情;热衷于……

14. be gifted at/in 对……有天赋

15. be honoured as 被誉为……

16. be skilled in 在……方面熟练


1. without引导虚拟语气

Without Qian Xuesens devoted work on missiles and rockets, China wouldnt have become such a powerful country/so powerful a country in the world in a short time. 没有钱学森在导弹和火箭方面全心全意的工作,中国就不会在短时间内成为世界上一个如此强大的国家。

2. that引导限制性定语从句

The hybrid rice that Yuan Longping developed has decreased the number of the hungry people around the world greatly. 袁隆平研究出的杂交水稻大大降低了世界上饥饿人口的数量。

3. as +身份

Lang Ping won the Olympic championship as a player and coach. 既是选手又是教练的郎平获得了奥林匹克运动会冠军。

4. in the history of

She is the first Chinese volleyball player to win the Olympic championship in the history of volleyball in China. 她是中国排球史上第一个获得奥林匹克运动会冠军的人。

5. devote oneself to +名词

She devoted herself to scientific research and made great contributions to her country. 她投身于科研,对国家做出了巨大的贡献。

6. be awarded... for...

She was awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry for her scientific achievement.她因她的科学成就被授予了诺贝尔化学奖。

7. “It is/was +被强调部分+ that+其余部分”强调句型

It is because of the scientific spirits that the great scientists have made such outstanding achievements. 正是因为科学精神,这些伟大的科学家才取得了如此杰出的成就。

8. so位于句首引起的倒装句

So poor was his family that he had to drop out at the age of 12.他的家庭如此贫困以至于他十二岁时就不得不辍学。

9. although引導让步状语从句

Although it happened three years ago, I never forgot the evening party. 尽管那发生在三年前,但我永远不会忘记那场晚会。

10. “not only... but also”引起的倒装句

Not only should we show respect for the great scientists, but also we should learn the scientific spirits from them. 我们不仅要尊重这些伟大的科学家,而且还要学习他们的科学精神。



1. Indeed, his sunburnt face and arms and his strong body are just like those of millions of Chinese farmers, for whom he has struggled for the past five decades. 事实上,他晒黑的脸和手臂,以及他强壮的身体,就像他在过去50年为之奋斗的数百万中国农民一样。

2. Alee became happy now and a gentle smile spread over her face. Alee现在开心了,整张脸洋溢着温和的微笑。

3. His face split into a wide smile. 他的脸上绽放出灿烂的笑容。

4. Her eyes were glued to the screen. 她目不转睛地盯着屏幕。

5. He gave a glimpse of... from the corner of his eye. 他用眼睛的余光瞥了一眼……

6. With tears streaming down her face, words failed her. 眼泪顺着她的脸流下来,她说不出话来。

Part 3 晚练·素养检测

你校正在组织英语作文比赛。请你以“My most respectful teacher”为题,写一篇短文参赛,内容包括:

1. 人物简介;

2. 尊敬的原因。


1. 写作词数应为80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

My most respectful teacher

We have a lot of respectable people around us. They may be our teachers, parents or one of our elders.


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