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I. 阅读理解

In November 2019, Luke Summerscales and Jessica Jacobs were in a remote mountain range of New South Wales, fighting some of the worst bushfires on record in Australia, when another disaster struck: a fellow firefighter collapsed from a heart attack. The nearest ambulance was more than an hour away and the terrain(地形) was too steep for a rescue heli?copter to land, so the pair started doing CPR on 53?year?old John Kennedy until he was able to breathe on his own.

In November 2020, the Country Fire Authority recognized their actions by giving them both Chief Officer Commendation awards. But theyre volunteers. Summerscales builds houses for a living; Jacobs works as a university lab technician. Starting in late 2019, as record fires spread fast across their nation during its summer season, they joined tens of thousands of Australians who set aside their usual lives to help stop the spread of the fires.

As climate change heightens both the frequency and intensity(強度) of bushfires, firefighters are being tested to new extremes. Australia unusually relies on volunteer labor in the state of New South Wales, which suffered some of the countrys most severe fires during the 2019?2020 bushfire season. Close to 90% of the men and women fighting fires were volunteers. Its been this way for more than a century in Australia, with ordinary citizens working together to protect the land.

2019 was Australias hottest and driest on record, and the resulting fires all but exhausted the men and women constantly called to battle them. Peter Holding, 66, who has been a volunteer firefighter for 43 years, says hes never seen anything as severe as last summers bushfire season. Still, as Australias fire season intensified in late 2020, its volunteer firefighters were preparing to do battle again.

1. What can we know from paragraph 1?

A. Australia keeps a world record of the worst bushfire.

B. Kennedy has been a volunteer firefighter for a long time.

C. Australia cant provide search and rescue service for remote areas.

D. Summerscales and Jacobs knew how to perform first aid.

2. What can we infer about Summerscales and Jacobs?

A. They used to work in a hospital.

B. They once suffered a heart attack.

C. They are not professional firefighters.

D. They dont deserve to get the award.

3. What does the underlined phrase “this way” in paragraph 3 refer to?

A. Volunteers are the main force in fighting fires in New South Wales.

B. Ordinary citizens are unwilling to be professional firefighters.

C. New South Wales always suffers the most severe bushfire.

D. Firefighters in New South Wales bear great pressure in summer.

4. What is the text mainly about?

A. Australias forest fires.

B. Fire management in Australia.

C. Australias volunteer firefighters.

D. The climate change in Australia.

Ⅱ. 完形填空

Today on the news I saw a woman with no legs trying to become an Olympic swimmer. It made me think of when my father first got in a   1   . Way back in 2016 my father had a stroke. It was a   2   stroke(中風) and he could not walk. The doctors said he would be in the wheelchair for the   3    of his life. My father

4    to walk back to the hospital and he was determined to   5    that they were wrong.

He soon got out of the hospital and   6    himself a walker and a cane(手杖) in a shop. And he   7    everyone that he would walk again! Every day after that I saw my father walking in the walker   8    to walk. Each month he got a little   9   . And that pushed himself past the   10    of anyones possibility of thinking. Until finally one day, he   11    up and down the hall over 25 times. I have never seen my father so   12    himself. Later he started using his   13    but just as before he didnt get very far.

A few years later, my father could   14       walk. He had to   15    a cane since he is still not too good at walking. My father often said “where there is a will, there is a way”. I hoped his efforts would pay off and could walk back to the hospital on his own at last.

1. A. hospital B. bed

C. situation         D. wheelchair

2. A. rare             B. mild

C. natural         D. familiar

3. A. remaining B. rest

C. majority         D. end

4. A. swore         B. required

C. desired         D. stuck

5. A. suggest         B. explain

C. prove            D. report

6. A. stole         B. sold

C. taught         D. bought

7. A. shouted      B. told

C. talked         D. said

8. A. intending        B. attempting

C. determining     D. managing

9. A. harder         B. quicker

C. slower         D. further

10. A. limits B. accounts

C. approaches D. barriers

11. A. turned         B. climbed

C. walked         D. jumped

12. A. surprised by B. proud of

C. satisfied with     D. afraid of

13. A. cane         B. walker

C. chair     D. leg

14. A. firmly B. surely

C. finally        D. hardly

15. A. cut B. make

C. use             D. throw

Ⅲ. 語法填空

Today I will introduce some new teachers in our class. Mrs Li is my English teacher. My first 1.             (impress) of her was that she 2.               (be) nervous and shy. But now, I find shes kind, teaches 3.              (patient), and explains grammar clearly. Ive always hated making mistakes or 4.              (pronounce) a word incorrectly when I speak English, but she just smiles, which makes me feel easy. With her help, Ive learnt many useful 5.                (strategy) for learning English.

Mr Chen is 6.               experienced physics teacher, but he looks very serious. All of us are afraid of him, and no one dares to be late for his lessons. Some of our classmates dont like him, 7.               most of us really appreciate him  because his teaching is so well  8.               (organize) and clear. I believe Ill do well in the exam with Mr Chen teaching me.

Another teacher I will mention below is Mr Wang. He teaches us Chinese. He is popular

9.               us because he really enjoys teaching Chinese literature. He has many ways to arouse 10.             (we) interest in studying. Even things like compositions and summaries are fun with him.

Ⅳ. 读后续写

One windy day in March, Kitty Miller was on her way to school, when she spotted a great pile of lovely red apples in a store window. “Oh, how lovely!” she said. “If only Mamma could have one!”

Kittys mother was very poor. She had been a dressmaker ever since Mr Miller died, and had worked so hard to earn a living for herself and Kitty that she had become sick. She had to lie in bed all day, and when Kitty was away at school, the house was very lonesome to her.

When Kitty reached the school that day, her thoughts were full of her sick mother and the lovely apples. She was usually a good student, but today she made so many mistakes that the teacher looked at her in surprise. The little girl could only sit at her desk, with her book before her, and dream of those red apples. When school was dismissed, Kitty started slowly homeward. She had gone only a short distance when she saw a gentleman in front of her drop his wallet. Running quickly forward, she picked it up. It felt quite heavy in Kittys little hand.

There must be a good deal of money in it, thought Kitty. “How I wish I could keep it. Then I could buy Mamma a red apple and so many other things she needs.” But she knew this would not be right, so she hurried after the gentleman. Touching him on the arm, she said, “Please, Sir. You dropped your wallet.” “Thank you, dear,” said the gentleman, taking the wallet. Then noticing how poorly dressed she was, he said, “Why did you not keep the wallet, my child?” “Because that would be stealing,” replied Kitty. “But,” she continued honestly, “before I thought I must give it back to you, I did wish I could keep it, for then I could buy Mamma a red apple.”


Paragraph 1:

The gentleman was surprised.




Paragraph 2:

When Kitty reached home with her treasures, she found her mother asleep.





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