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The real-scene performances introduced by various scenic spots in Chongqing have brought fresh experience to visitors. In the metropolitan area, you may enjoy dance drama Du Fu, in Fengjie  county the real-scene performance Return to the Three Gorges that showcases the rich cultural heritage of Chongqing, in Zhong county the Romance of the Three Kingdoms that reproduces the magnificent historical moment of the Three Kingdoms as well as the loyalty and righteousness of the characters, and in Wulong the Impression Wulong which shows the local culture and customs of Chongqing. Many excellent shows have successfully brought culture and tourism together and offer aesthetic and artistic surprises and satisfaction to the visitors.

| Performing arts becoming core IPs in local culture and tourism |

In recent years, with the upgrading of tourist consumption, people now have higher demands for traveling experience. Immersive travel, which gives visitors more in-depth experience, has become more and more popular. As a result, a number of new tourist programs with immersive experience and distinctive cultural features have emerged in various parts of Chongqing, offering fresh experience for its visitors.

The integration of cultural industry and tourism has produced a power of cohesion by making culture "travel further" and tourism more "poetic". Performing arts, as an important form for the integration of culture and tourism, are gradually becoming super IPs in various regions. The cultural theme shows, bringing visitors sensory stimulations and immersive interactive experience, both help develop local tourism and promote local cultural exchanges.

| Watch shows when you visit Chongqing |

At present, performing arts have flourished throughout Chongqing and different parts of Chongqing have launched their own cultural tourist projects

The large-scale poetry-themed performance Returning to the Three Gorges staged in Fengjie county, taking sky and earth as the stage, mountains and rivers as the backdrop, and poetry as the theme, shows the beauty of the Three Gorges' landscape, Chongqing's local culture and customs and the arts of ancient poetry. The show has been widely praised since its opening.

The dance performance Satire on Fair Ladies by Chongqing Song and Dance Ensemble, as an excerpt from the dance drama Du Fu, has done trial performances in Tongjing Spring to test water.  The magnificent dance performance featuring style of Tang dynasty shows the charm of the Tang dynasty from a thousand years ago, attracting a large number of visitors to Tongjing to watch the performance and bath in the hot spring.

"Stepping on the river bank, pulling on the string and moving forward bravely, the boatmen sing cohesively and are bound to overcome any difficulties ahead…" Impression Wulong, a large-scale real-scene scenery show in Wulong district, has been performed for more than 1,000 times so far. Chuanjiang Haozi (Song of the Batman), a local intangible cultural heritage, is creatively integrated with real-scene performance in the show, exploring a new path where intangible cultural heritage and tourism come together.

Zhong county, as the place of Loyalty Culture, uses large-scale stage machinery, 180-degree rotating seats and 3D holographic projection to perform the large-scale real-scene performance Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Through over-water stage and fire stunts, the exceptional historic legends, magnificent scenes of wars and the righteous heroes are reproduced in front of the visitors.  Singing and dancing, wires, acrobatics, martial arts, equestrian and other performances make the audience feel as if they have traveled through time and space to the past.

The new play at the Bayu Theatre in Hongya Cave, the Chongqing dialect comedy Happy Hongya Cave, integrates Chongqing traditional culture and hotpot cuisine culture and shows Chongqing's profound historical and cultural heritage and Chongqing people's tenacious, open and tolerant, generous, honest and frank character, offering visitors another thing-to-do when they visit Hongya Cave.

Chongqing International Circus Town , located on Nanbin Road, is a new thing-to-do for its visitors.  The Magic City, Extreme Happiness Show staged here brings together gold-medal-winning performances by Chongqing Acrobatics Troupe, as well as many other stunning performances such as extreme high-altitude rubber acrobatics, bicycle skills, death wheels, and trampolines, presenting the audience with an exciting, thrilling, and unprecedented extreme artistic experience.

In addition, there are Sichuan opera performances in Ciqikou ancient town, folk custom performances in Laitan ancient town, dragon dance performances in Anju ancient town, large-scale indoor real-scene performance "Miaozu Chiyou" in Chiyou Jiuli town, large-scale indoor real-life drama The Last Yelang King in Wansheng Stone Park, etc. The numerous performances offer visitors to Chongqing a real feast to their eyes and ears and a chance to get in-depth understanding in the local culture.

Each performance is a full expression of local landscape and folk customs and also opens a new channel for tourists to interpret local culture. Enjoying the views during the day and watching performances at night, performances for visitors have become an important driving force for the night economy. Numerous performances have already started when the night arrives and the city lights light up the sky. To understand Chongqing culture, let's start by watching a show...


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