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On June 24, it was reported from Chongqing-Hong Kong Online Investment Promotion Conference that, from January to May this year, Chongqings total imports and exports to Hong Kong stood at 10.88 billion yuan, up 113.3% year-on-year. There are 48 newly added Hong Kong-invested enterprises in Chongqing. The contracted foreign investment registered US$1.504 billion, and actualized foreign investment amounted to US$1.571 billion. As of May, Hong Kong has accumulated a total of 3,124 investment projects in Chongqing, with contracted foreign investment of US$53.387 billion and actualized foreign investment of US$62.793 billion. According to the actualized foreign capital, Hong Kong accounted for 55.7% of Chongqings cumulative total investment absorbed from overseas. 


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