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On July 1, hosted by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China, the welcome reception of the new consuls general of Poland, Switzerland and Germany in Chengdu was held in the SINOSWISS (Chongqing Liangjiang) TECHNOPARK.

Zhang Yongwu, director general of Foreign Affairs Office of the Chongqing Municipal Government, Tang Wen, deputy director general, Grzegorz Piotr Morawski, consul general of Poland in Chengdu, Conny Camenzind, consul general of Switzerland in Chengdu, Wolfgang Rudischhauser, consul general of Germany in Chengdu, Nobuyuki Watanabe, consul general of Japan in Chongqing, Quina, acting consul general of Uruguay in Chongqing, Gergely Kadar, consul general of Hungary in Chongqing, Davide Castellani, deputy consul general of Italy in Chongqing and other consular officials in Chengdu and Chongqing, as well as more than 100 representatives from the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China attended the event. Paul, vice president of the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China and president of the Southwest Branch, and Huang Huan, general manager of the Southwest Branch, presided over the welcome reception.

Zhang Yongwu extended a warm welcome to the arrival of consuls Grzegorz Piotr Morawski, Conny Camenzind and Wolfgang Rudischhauser and expressed his heartfelt gratitude to them for their vigorous promotion of friendly exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and their home countries as well as their active support and cooperation with the citys epidemic prevention and control work.

Zhang Yongwu said that at present, as the epidemic prevention and control is being normalized, the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government is actively exploring a new cooperation mode and direction with friendly countries to continuously promote exchanges and cooperation between Chongqing and various countries. The "Foreign Investment Cloud Promotion · European Special Session" held in Liangjiang New Area on June 10 turned out to be a successful example. "It is believed that with the pragmatic promotion of the three consuls general, Chongqing's cooperation with Poland, Switzerland and Germany will certainly scale a new height."

"This year, we have ushered in another great opportunity to build the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Circle." Zhang Yongwu said that the Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government will continue to make efforts to seize the new opportunities, constantly expand the fields of cooperation with other countries, deepen the achievements of cooperation, and realize mutual benefit, win-win and shared development, so as to help Chongqing become an aggregable development highland for investment and business opportunities.

At the welcome reception, Grzegorz Piotr Morawski, Conny Camenzind and Wolfgang Rudischhauser respectively delivered speeches and introduced the exchanges and cooperation plans between their home countries, China and Chongqing in various fields.

Director of the Consular Division of Foreign Affairs Office of Chongqing Municipal Government and representatives of relevant departments and organizations in Chongqing attended the event.


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