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探索美食 享受美味



第一部分 语言基础(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 单句填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. At the age of five, he showed__________(exception) talent as a musician.

2. There is convincing evidence that skin cancer is linked__________exposure to the sun.

3. Even though we completely differ__________each other in character, we are still close friends.

4. In the past few years, China__________(make) great achievements in environmental protection.

5. When she got home, she found that her luggage__________(leave) on the train.

6. The seaside had all sorts of pleasant__________(associate) with childhood holidays for me.

7. You can conveniently pay__________credit card, so the whole transaction (交易) only takes a few minutes.

8. All of the basketball players made full preparations prior__________the match yesterday.

9. __________(tire) and hungry, the tourists wanted to find a restaurant to have something to eat.

10. The results are entirely__________(consist) with our earlier research.

11. As an absolute m__________, you should spend two hours in the evening studying.

12. And s__________them with a knife on a cutting board.

13. I'm sure many of us have too much s__________that we don't really use.

14. It was a b__________move on their part to open a business in France.

第二节 完成句子(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)

1. 更重要的是,有规律的运动强化了你的意志和决心。(strengthen)

What is more important is that_____________.

2. 除了勤奋和坚持,成功没有秘诀。(other than)

There is no trick to success_____________.

3. 我剛开门,他就告诉了我这件事。(hardly...when)

_________________when he told me the thing.

4. 到去年年末为止,我们已经建了五座新楼。

By the end of last year,_________________.

5. 在老师回来之前,教室没有被打扫。(before)

The classroom hadn't been cleaned_________________.

6. 每个房间肯定已经堆满了东西。(be stuffed with)

Every room_________________.

7. 她感谢医疗和护理团队为她所做的一切。(had done)

She was grateful for everything_________________.

8. 建议每年一定把机器检修一次。

It is strongly recommended_________________.

9. 我们之间的关系远比我们许多朋友之间的关系好得多。(superior to)

We have a relationship infinitely_________________.

第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)



Chinese people are, quite rightly, proud of their food. However, when foreigners likeBritons and Americans think of Chinese food, their impression of it is different to what youmight think.

Because I was growing up in the UK, the Chinese food I was used to eating was food Inow recognize as being from Guangdong. For example, a typical dish I would order wouldbe pork in sweet and sour sauce, probably with some rice and spring rolls on the side. Thisis the type of food we generally eat because most Chinese immigrants to the UK have comefrom Guangdong. You can tell, because when most British people try to copy the sound ofChinese, they actually copy the sound of Guangdong people—hearing the real putonghua issometimes a shock to British people who have grown up thinking it sounds completelydifferent!

British attitudes to Chinese food may be changing, though. ChineseAmerican chef Ken Hom has been on British TV more than 30 years, and he said,“ Chinese food at the beginningof the 80s (in the UK) was sweet and sour pork, mainly. Most Brits had the unchangeableview on Chinese food. Now you are seeing more local Chinese food fromSichuan, Hunan and other areas of China. It is no longer just Guangdong food.” Similarly,to most Americans, Chinese food doesn't go too far past orange chicken and fortune cookies,but more Chinese local dishes are becoming successful, especially in big cities likeNew York.

Attitudes have not quite changed completely, though. Many foreigners who live inChina will be familiar with this question from a relative back at home,“ Have they givenyou dog meat yet?” Yes, perhaps because people still know too little about Chinese culture,many people believe that Chinese people love to eat dog meat. And of course, some peopledo eat dogs, which to Americans is like“ eating a member of one's family” according toVision Times. Also, Chinese people eat many other things people in the West do not—chicken claws, duck heads and some animals' organs.

But what do foreigners think when they come to China and taste real Chinese food?You'll be glad to know that in my experience, the impressions have been very good.

1. What does chef Ken Hom think of the present Chinese food in the UK?

A. More popular. B. Richer.

C. Tastier. D. Better.

2. How does paragraph 3 develop?

A. By giving examples.

B. By making comparisons.

C. By analyzing.

D. By reasoning.

3. What can we infer from“ Have they given you dog meat yet?”?

A. Foreigners don't like eating dog meat at all.

B. Chinese hate dogs so they often eat them.

C. Chinese eat everything including dog meat.

D. There are differences between cultures.


When I picked up The Woks of Life, a cookbook written by the Leung family, I wasvery excited. Inside there are momanddadapproved recipes with stories and photos—even a timeline—of the family's history.

“We call our cookbook culinary genealogy (烹饪家谱). We wanted the book to be ourfamily's stories told through food, rather than just characteristic recipes,” said SarahLeung, who cowrotethe book with her parents and younger sister. “We grew up in afoodobsessed(著迷的) family. Honestly, I've developed a quarter of these recipes myself,”Sarah added.“ Over time, well accomplish our goal: All family members are competent Chinesecooks.”

The cookbook features dishes which might be made in a ChineseAmericanhome aswell as in ChineseAmericantakeout restaurants.“ Homestylecooking and restaurantstylecooking have equal importance, but they are different,” Sarah said, adding that the familyalso discussed how to be respectful of each point. “I hope the recipes will appeal toChinese Americans, like my family, and also those less familiar with Chinese cooking.”

Part of their cookbook has also been posted on their website, attracting millions offaithful followers. The success of the cookbook is that it honors tradition and reflects moderninterpretations, making it a mixture of the old and the new. It also offers building blocksfor home cooks who want to learn to cook Chinese food.

I started my exploration with the Kung Pao Chicken, a popular dish and also myfavorite. Joyfully, the dish I made tasted like it was supposed to be. It really built up myconfidence. Surely, as you can imagine, I have also set up my goal to be expert in Chinesecooking.

The cookbook is promoting Chinese cooking as the domain of home cooks in theUnited States. For too long, Chinese cooking has been a cuisine that many people are usedto only eating out.

4. Why is the cookbook called culinary genealogy?

A. It runs in the family.

B. It is written by family members.

C. It includes the story of a family.

D. It contains momanddad approved recipes.

5. Which of the following best describes the Leung family?

A. Easygoing and helpful.

B. Faithful and energetic.

C. Devoted and considerate.

D. Fortunate and adaptable.

6. What does the author think of The Woks of Life?

A. It is a typical Chinese cookbook.

B. Its success lies in honoring tradition.

C. It offers building blocks for all cooks.

D. It helps improve the author's cooking skills.

7. What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A. Most Americans are used to eating out.

B. The cookbook has become a best seller.

C. American home cooks prefer Chinese cooking.

D. The cookbook benefits the spread of Chinese cooking.


Ask people in the UK what the words “Sunday roast” mean to them, and theyllprobably take you back to their grandmothers' dining rooms—maybe with a few stories of“the greatest puddings” and“ the best ever steak”. But now the traditional Sunday roastseems to have been left back in the old days. According to Daily Mail, just one in 50British families sits down to this weekly meal together.

There are many reasons why the roast is becoming less popular. In the busy modernworld, where breakfast is a slice of toast eaten on the way to work or school and lunch is aquick sandwich in front of the computer screen, people just dont seem to have the time orpatience to make a roast.

And Sunday was once a day when people could easily go to the kitchen to cook. Nowadays,people are often out shopping or at the cinema until it's far too late to start thinkingabout heating the oven (烤箱) up.

However, a recent article from The Telegraph warned against being carried away byour tight schedules“: It would be a shame to let this fine old tradition disappear.”

The Guardian further explained that the eating of the big meal is only the half of it.The Sunday roast also makes for relaxed morning activities in the kitchen, and the table becomesthe perfect place to share good food and chat with family and friends.“ For busymoms and dads, even if you can manage to turn off your mobile phone and the TV onlyonce a week and turn the Sunday roast into a real family event, children can have funcooking the food and clearing up together.”

8. Why do people pay less attention to the Sunday roast nowadays?

A. They have a busy lifestyle.

B. They have no interest in cooking.

C. They dont think it worthwhile.

D. They are living in modern society.

9. What does the underlined word“ it” in paragraph 5 refer to?

A. A recent article.

B. The fine old tradition.

C. A traditional kitchen.

D. The Sunday morning activity.

10. How does the author feel towards the Sunday roast's decline?

A. Sorry.

B. Doubtful.

C. Uncertain.

D. Positive.

11. What is the best title for the text?

A. Sunday—best time for family

B. The Sunday roast is dying out

C. The perfect time for us

D. Let's sit down together


For many Chinese consumers, a satisfying breakfast is one that includes either hot porridge(粥) or steamed buns (饅头). Cold sandwiches, which are usually popular withWesterners, are probably one of the last options on their minds. But that is not to say thatconsumers, especially those in an international city like Shanghai, would avoid everythingconsidered Western for breakfast. For instance, coffee, which has steadily grown inpopularity in the country, is one drink that many cannot do without today.

To satisfy this growing demand for breakfast sets that combine elements from the Eastand the West, food companies have been rolling out a host of new offerings to attract thecustomer. One example is Shanghai Qiao Coffee, which was launched by local timehonoredfood company Qiaojiashan at the end of 2019. Apart from its traditional dim sum,the store also sells various types of coffee.

According to Shen Yan, deputy manager of Shanghai Qiaojiashan Catering FoodDevelopment Co., Ltd., the most popular breakfast set at the moment is the steamedvegetable bun paired with black coffee.“ The calories that one gets from a meal featuringChinese dim sum and coffee are less than those of a Western breakfast. Since a steamedbun has nearly 200 calories and a cup of black coffee barely has any calories, this combinationcan be considered healthy and delicious,” said Shen.

Even the smaller shops in the food scene are jumping on the EastWestbreakfasttrend. Western food establishments, too, have been rolling out Chinese breakfast options.“Consumers and even cultural heritage will also benefit from the increased competition. Ifnot for the current trend which has revived interest in certain traditional dim sum, thesefoods could soon be lost to history,” Shen said.

12. What can we learn about breakfast in Shanghai in paragraph 1?

A. People favour porridge and steamed buns.

B. Coffee is a necessity for many people.

C. People avoid Western food for breakfast.

D. Cold sandwiches are a popular choice.

13. Why does the set of the steamed vegetable bun with black coffee sell well?

A. It is newly launched.

B. It is tasty and healthy.

C. It has Chinese characteristics.

D. It contains more nutrients.

14. What can we learn from Shen's words in the last paragraph?

A. Western food companies don't care about EastWest breakfast.

B. Only big companies have the capacity to seize the market share.

C. The combination trend helps keep some traditional foods alive.

D. The competition for breakfast sets is of no benefit to consumers.

15. What does the author intend to tell us?

A. Western breakfast is well received by Shanghai people.

B. Chinese consumers show more interest in Western food.

C. Shanghai Qiao Coffee has won great success for its breakfast sets.

D. The ChineseWestern breakfast set is warmly welcomed in Shanghai.

第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)


Most of us grab a cup of coffee and a quick bite in the morning and eat more as theday goes on.16However, more and more studies on health suggest we may be doing itall backward.

17It suggests that we should start our day with a big breakfast and follow it witha smaller lunch and a light supper. More research is needed, but a series of experiments inanimals and humans have pointed in the same direction.18 “ I always tell people notto eat close to bedtime,” said a doctor in the United States“. Try to eat earlier in the day.”

“Having the largest meal in the morning appears to have advantages for weight controlcompared with having a large meal in the evening,” said Dr Hana Kahleova, one of the authorsof the study. Our body uses insulin (胰島素) to process the sugars in foods, she explained.The action of the hormone (激素) appears to be at its peak performance early inthe day.“ If you give a healthy individual a big meal in the morning, the blood glucose (葡萄糖) might stay high one or two hours before coming back to normal,” Dr Kahleova added.“Now, you give the same big meal to the same healthy individual at night.19 ” Doctors call this“ evening diabetes (糖尿病) ”

Dr Kahleova said that the message is simple. Its just like the old proverb:“ Eat breakfastlike a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a beggar.” Good as it is, this piece ofadvice may be hard to follow. Nowadays, family life and social gettogethersso often revolvearound sitting down to a big meal at the end of the day.20

A. Doctors have already taken note.

B. The blood glucose will stay high up to three hours.

C. The largest meal of the day usually comes in the evening.

D. A US study of the diet patterns provides the latest evidence.

E. For most of us, it is hard to make dinner our lightest meal of the day.

F. Not surprisingly, those who loved snacks tended to gain weight over time.

G. They suggested that rethinking when and how much we eat may have benefits.

第三部分 語言运用(共两节,满分30 分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)


Teaching your child healthy eating is important so he or she has a good relationshipwith food. Children who21too much of the wrong types of foods are at22risk ofhealth conditions like fatness, heart disease and cancer. With all the ads for junk food, itcan be hard to keep your child eating healthily.23 , there are ways you can employ to 24children achieve this goal.

Serve your child mainly25snacks, such as fruits and vegetables or wholegrainbiscuits and cheese. Keep healthy snacks26by placing them on low shelves in thefridge or in the cabinets so your child can27them when hungry.

If you don't28your child to eat a particular food, keep it out of the29 . She/He can't eat foods that aren't there. Make less unhealthy foods—something you eat rarely.This will limit the30of junk food your child can eat.

Don't use junk food as a trading tool.31children with junk food or using it toplease children to get them to eat healthier foods32makes this food more appealingand healthier foods less attractive, so33nonfoodrewards (奖励).

Children learn by watching what you do. In my opinion,34you don't want yourchild to eat too much junk food, you should eat healthy food as a model and35eatinga lot of junk food yourself. Allow children to help pick out new, healthy foods for snacks.

21. A. eat B. waste C. have D. make

22. A. lower B. better C. higher D. bigger

23. A. Therefore B. However C. Formally D. Finally

24. A. notice B. see C. help D. hear

25. A. rich B. simple C. poor D. healthy

26. A. accessible B. ready C. prepared D. nearby

27. A. cook B. reach C. wait D. afford

28. A. hope B. want C. advise D. promise

29. A. house B. place C. school D. yard

30. A. quality B. character C. amount D. shape

31. A. Providing B. Rewarding C. Impressing D. Filling

32. A. only B. also C. even D. ever

33. A. choose B. buy C. exchange D. demand

34. A. once B. if C. though D. as

35. A. practice B. keep C. avoid D. ban

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


Emotional eating is that people use food as a way to deal with feelings. In other words,eating 36. ____________(use) by some people as a way to express their emotions. We've allbeen there, finishing a whole bag of chips out of boredom or eating cookie after cookiewhile 37.____________(study) hard for a big test.

Not many of us make the connection between eating and our feelings. However, understandingwhat drives emotional eating can help people take steps 38.____________(change) it.One of the 39.____________(big) arguments about emotional eating is that it is caused by negativefeelings. People often turn to food 40. ____________they're lonely, sad, bored or stressedout. But emotional eating can be linked to positive feelings too, like the romance of sharingdessert 41.____________Valentine's Day or the celebration of a holiday feast.

Emotional eating 42.____________(pattern) can be learned. A child who is given candyafter a big 43. ____________(achieve) may grow up regarding candy as 44.____________rewardfor a job well done. A kid who is given cookies as a way to stop crying may learn to linkcookies with comfort 45.____________(easy).

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40 分)

第一节 (满分15分)


1. 简述健康饮食的意义;

2. 列举不良饮食的现象;

3. 提出建议。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。

Dear friends,


That's all. Thank you!

第二节 (满分25分)


Good friendship can get people through almost anything. Many times, good friends willknow what you need before you even ask for it, and theyll want to offer a helping hand.That's what happened to two friends in Caddo Hills High School. When one differentlydisabled young man needed help, his friend went above and beyond.

When Brandon and Tanner met, Brandon was using a handpushwheelchair. Thechair was becoming kind of a pain for Brandon as he had to push his way down the hallsfrom class to class around Caddo Hills High School.“ My arms would get really tired and I would have to stop and take rests,” said Brandon.

Sometimes when they were together, Brandon would ask Tanner to push his wheelchair.Tanner was happy to help. Most often, Tanner would offer to help and he noticed howhard using this wheelchair was for his friend. Tanner thought that if his friend had had anelectric wheelchair, life would be easier for him. But Brandon's family was unable to affordit. Seeing how much his friend struggled in his wheelchair, Tanner made up his mind to dosomething about it.“ He's just been a really good friend and I wanted to do him a favor. Ijust felt like I needed to do it and I wanted to do it,” Tanner explained.

Then the enthusiastic high school student became devoted to getting his friend awheelchair. He got an afterschooljob at an auto repair shop and he worked there everyafternoon. In order to help his friend out, Tanner worked parttimefor two years. All of themoney he earned went towards saving for a selfpoweredwheelchair. That moment finallycame in late February, when he would present Brandon with a lifechanginggift during theschool day.


Paragraph 1:

At the beginning, Tanner had planned on giving Brandon all the money he had saved.


Paragraph 2:

Brandon cried when he first got the wheelchair.



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