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Deliver Chinese delicious food overseas中国美食,海外崛起


Ashley Strickland

主题语境:饮食文化 篇幅:348词 建议用时:7分钟

1 Hotpot chain Xiabuxiabu recently openedits first overseas store in Singapore, introducingits renowned small?pot individual servings,along with a special sesame sauce (芝麻酱). Tomeet local customers' preferences, these mealsare selected from five options created specificallyfor the overseas market, including pickledcabbage golden soup and pepper pork stomach and chicken soup. All options are servedwith a mushroom soup base.

2 The chain plans to expand further by opening a total of six overseas stores this yearin Singapore and Malaysia. Chinese restaurant businesses are accelerating their expansionplans in foreign markets. Large chains and smaller?sized brands are targeting SoutheastAsia—particularly Singapore—as well as North America.

3 Such expansion has shifted from targeting overseas Chinese to attracting local customers.It has also transitioned from small?scale fragmented operations to specialized andnetwork?based businesses with local supply chains, reflecting the growing popularity ofChinese cuisine and the global appeal of the nation's culture.

4 Coucou, another Xiabuxiabu hotpot brand, launched in Singapore a year ago. Formany Chinese restaurant businesses, Singapore is their first choice for overseas expansion,as the country has a sizable Chinese population and a multicultural society that enjoys differenttypes of cuisine.

5 Taier Chinese Sauerkraut Fish (酸菜魚) opened its first overseas store at Changi Airportin Singapore in August 2021, while Meow Barbecue launched its first store on foreignsoil in Singapore in September.

6 Tanyu, a restaurant chain focusing on roasted fish, has opened five stores in Singapore.Li Xiaoshuai, a spokesman for Tanyu's expansion, said Chinese companies'main consideration when exploring overseas markets is whether it fits the company'scustomer base of overseas Chinese, including students. Dishes offered by Tanyu featureflavors popular in China, giving overseas Chinese a taste of home.

7 Tanyu's stores in Singapore are managed by local teams. Li said the company's headquartersin Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, arranges online training to maintain consistencywith its food produced in China. Annual revenue from a single Tanyu outlet is about19 million yuan ($2.74 million), and Li said the business plans to expand to 10 to 20 overseasdestinations in the next two to three years.



1. Where did Xiabuxiabu open its first overseas store?

A. In Malaysia.

B. In Singapore.

C. In North America.

D. In Southeast Asia.

2. Why is Singapore a preferred choice for Chinese restaurant expansion?

A. It is a large land country.

B. It has a huge Chinese population.

C. Local customers like Chinese food.

D. Local overseas people like Chinese food.

3. How has the focus of Chinese restaurant expansion changed?

A. Expanding globally.

B. Small?scale operations.

C. Targeting overseas Chinese.

D. Transition to local customers.

4. What can we know about Tanyu from the text?

A. Its food is produced in China.

B. Its stores expand to 10 to 20.

C. It can give overseas Chinese a taste of home.

D. Its dishes feature flavors popular in Singapore.



Ⅰ. Difficult sentence in the text

Li Xiaoshuai, a spokesman for Tanyus expansion, said Chinese companies' main considerationwhen exploring overseas markets is whether it fits the company's customer baseof overseas Chinese, including students. 探鱼拓展业务的发言人李小帅说,中国公司在开拓海外市场时,主要考虑的是它是否适合公司的海外华人客户群,包括学生。

【点石成金】本句中,a spokesman for Tanyus expansion是Li Xiaoshuai的同位语;said后面是一个省略了that的宾语从句;when exploring overseas market是一个省略句;whether引导的是一个表语从句。

Ⅱ. Fill in the blanks with the words and phrases in the box in proper forms.

along with transition as well as focus on consistency with manage

1. His eyes slowly began to_________what looked like a small dark ball.

2. There was a significant decline in the size of the business as the company_________to an intellectual property company.

3. It's because of them that you_________to do it all yourself.

4. She lost her job when the factory closed, _________hundreds of others.

5. The results are entirely_________our earlier research.

6. Watersports enthusiasts should consider hiring a wetsuit_________ a life jacket.


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