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第一部分閱读(共两节,满分50 分)




Tibetan food

Butter tea

When making butter tea, one needs to stir (搅拌) theyak butter and tea until they mix well. Butter teas fragrancecan easily fill one‘s nose, and it is an essential daily drinkfor Tibetans. Butter tea can strengthen the body, nourish thesoul, coordinate dispositions, make the soul calm, and keepout the cold. It contains Tibetans‘ comprehension and wisdom of survival.

Tibetan noodles

The favorite wheatbased food of Tibetans is the localnoodles. When a bowl of Tibetan noodles is presented, thedelicate color of the container, the clear soup, the thicknoodles and the pleasant beef, along with a small bowl ofhot sauce (酱) make people lick their lips. No wonder someoneexclaimed, after having a big meal in a Tibetan noodlerestaurant,“This is not only the liveliest Tibetan meal, but also represents the vitality of Tibetans. ”

Stone?pot chicken

The stonepotchicken is perhaps the most distinctive dish inTibet. The pot is made of natural stones on the shores of YarlungTsangpo River. These stones are hollowed (挖) out and soaked inthe water of Yarlung Tsangpo for thirty days before being used aspots. This especially delicious dish is made by putting Tibetanchicken and dozens of Chinese herbs into the pot and stewing it for several hours.

Tibetan yogurt (酸奶)

After tasting Tibetan yogurt, your concept of yogurt mightbe completely changed. The yogurt in Tibet is thick and strong,but it‘s very sour. Even with sugar and honey, people who taste itfor the first time still wince at this sourness. However, if you beginto like this yogurt‘s originality, then every time you have thisyogurt, it will seem like a festival treat.

1. If you want to get relaxation and keep warm, what can you take?

A. The butter tea.

B. The Tibetan yogurt.

C. The stonepot


D. The Tibetan noodles.

2. What is special about the stonepot chicken?

A. It can strengthen the body.

B. Its pot is delicate and colorful.

C. Its pot is made of natural stones.

D. The chicken is thick and strong.

3. What‘s the purpose of this text?

A. To compare some famous Tibetan food.

B. To introduce some famous Tibetan food.

C. To attract people to make Tibetan food.

D. To make comments on some famous Tibetan food.


Food, and the way we eat it, are always changing. As society develops, we learn newways of growing, processing and cooking food. What we ate 200 years ago was very differentfrom what we eat today. Also, when people travel to live in other countries, they taketheir knowledge of cooking with them. And food must fit modern lifestyles and local tastes,too. One food that has done this successfully is pizza.

The pizza we recognize today first appeared in Italy in 1889. A famous baker fromNaples made a special pizza for the Italian royal family. He was very worried they wouldn‘tlike it, but they did. Queen Margherita loved the dish so much, and the baker named it afterher. Since then, this simple meal of bread, cheese, and tomato has traveled the world,and it has adapted to local cultures. The pizza began its journey in the 1890s, when manyItalians moved to New York in search of a better life. There they continued to make pizzas,and the first pizzeria opened in 1905.

At first, it was only popular with Italians, but by the late 1940s, Americans discovereda taste for it. Today, they spend $37 billion a year on pizzas. That‘s more than $100 per American!

The pizza continued its travels around the world, adapting all the time. In Sweden, forexample, it is usual to have bananas on pizzas. In Belgium, people eat chocolate pizzaswith marshmallows on top. Japan is a nation of seafood lovers, so not surprisingly, they loveoctopus and squid, as well as roasted seaweed, toppings.

The popularity of the pizza is also related to our changing lifestyles. In today‘s superfastsociety, people often don‘t have the time or energy to cook. So, they order takeout andvery often, it‘s a pizza. Sometimes you don‘t even have to pick it up; it‘s delivered to yourhome. If you don‘t even have time to sit down, buy a single slice and eat it standing up!

The pizza has come a long way. From its beginnings in an Italian city, it has grown tobecome one of the world‘s favorite foods.

4. What did the pizza first appear as?

A. Homemade white bread.

B. Fast food for travelers.

C. A dish for the Italian royal family.

D. A popular local food.

5. When did the pizza arrive in New York?

A. In 1889. B. In the 1890s.

C. In 1905. D. In the 1940s.

6. In which country do people love pizzas with bananas on top?

A. Japan B. Belgium. C. Sweden. D. Australia.

7. What does the text mainly tell us?

A. How the pizza gets popular. B. Who made the first pizza.

C. How the pizza is made. D. Where the pizza comes from.


In the first days after a team of 25 delivery robots landed on George Mason University‘scampus in January, they appeared to cause curious glances and many photos but not muchelse.

It was clear, officials said, that more time and more data would be necessary to understandwhether the robots would change the campus culture or become forgettable. Twomonths later, an extra 1,500 breakfast orders have been delivered autonomously, accordingto the technologists of Sodexo, a company that manages food service for GMU and worksclosely with the robots.

Research has shown that up to 88 percent of college students skip breakfast, primarilybecause of a lack of time, but that number is starting to turn around when delivery robots arriveon campus. They‘re constantly seen making a 15minutetrip from the campus restaurantto a handful of nearby dorms, as well as to other buildings across campus, where studentsmeet them. Two months later, breakfast has replaced dinner as the gotomeal for robotdelivery.

Sodexo officials have noted that college students are the main users of food deliveryapps and place a high value on convenience and multiple options when they dine. During the morning hours, restaurant experts say, there is generally more emphasis ( 強调) onspeed than any other part of the day. Combine college students‘ love of food delivery withmessy morning routines, and perhaps they have a perfect recipe for robots to deliver inthe campus.

The robots also provide campus officials with valuable data showing how meal plansare being used, which could lead to changes in how the university serves students overtime. Sodexo technologists also announced Monday that a new team of more than 30 robotsis launching at Northern Arizona University.

8. Why do most college students dislike having breakfast according to the research?

A. They are on diets.

B. They have a tight schedule.

C. The food doesn‘t suit their appetite.

D. GMU doesn‘t offer delivery services.

9. What does the underlined word“they”in paragraph 4 refer to?

A. College students. B. Campus officials.

C. College professors. D. Restaurant managers.

10. What do we know about the first 25 delivery robots?

A. They make timely deliveries.

B. They were ignored at first.

C. They mainly carry dinner at present.

D. They have changed the whole campus culture.

11. Whats the best title for the text?

A. Delivery services grow fast in college

B. Breakfast is necessary for college students

C. Robots help with GMU‘s campus management

D. Delivery robots are changing students‘ eating habits


Each culture has a diet of its own. The diet of the people in that land is influenced by

the availability of food in that area. For example, meat is one of the main sources of energyfor the body in colder climates. Therefore, it can be seen that meat in the diet of people incold countries is more plentiful.

In Kerala, India, people eat more fish. Rice is Keralas main food. In all three meals,rice dishes can be seen. While preparing powdered porridge, baked pappadam and healthycoconut milk, a grandmother was listening to her grandchildren call her. Then the dooropened and there came her grandchildren. Something unfamiliar was found in the bowl intheir hands. The grandmother gave it a sniff (嗅) and put it back. Through the look on herface, you could tell that she did not like the smell. Then one of the grandchildren said,“How easy it is to make noodles! Only five minutes is enough.”This is the experience of anold grandmother who came to stay with her kids and grandchildren. Two days later, thegrandmother, who was ready to spend at least two months with her children, returned to hervillage.

Traditional dishes of Kerala, such as powdered porridge, pappadam, bread, kappa,fish curry, sambar and spices, are disappearing. Instead, even in the slums (貧民窟) ofKerala, many foreign dishes, such as fried rice, chilli chicken and ginger chicken, are becomingavailable. After working in the sun all day in the fields, the last generation could beseen drinking a cup of sambaram, a traditional Indian tea. But today, people prefer drinkingmodern red and yellow flavoured water.

When our taste in food changes, it can affect more than just our diets. Those who don‘tknow how to make overseas dishes don‘t even get kitchen work today. We try to mimic (模仿) foreigners and accept the dishes they find unhealthy, even though foreigners are culturallyinclined towards our diet. Though visitors come to Kerala to buy our bread, fish curry,pudding and fruit, people in Kerala go to restaurants to buy foreign rice and soups andempty their pockets.

12. Why did the old grandmother return to her village ahead of time?

A. She got terribly angry with her kids.

B. She had something important to deal with.

C. She didn‘t enjoy the food at her kids‘ home.

D. She didn‘t get along well with her grandchildren.

13. What is paragraph 4 mainly about?

A. The loss of Kerala‘s traditional dishes.

B. Measures to save Kerala‘s traditional dishes.

C. Benefits of keeping Kerala‘s traditional dishes.

D. The improvement of people‘s living conditions in Kerala.

14. What can we infer from the last paragraph?

A. Kerala has shaken off the“poor”label.

B. Foreign food is popular in Kerala.

C. Kerala offers cooks few job opportunities.

D. Fewer and fewer people in Kerala cook for themselves.

15. How might the author feel when writing the text?

A. Worried. B. Grateful.

C. Doubtful. D. Satisfied.



Eating healthily can help you lose weight and have more energy. It can also improveyour mood and reduce your risk of disease. Yet despite these benefits, maintaining ahealthy diet and lifestyle can be challenging. Here are ways to stick to a healthy diet.

Practice mindful eating

16 . Take time to enjoy your food and appreciate its ability to nourish you. Adoptinga mindful eating approach can help you achieve a better relationship with foods and may reducebinge eating (饮食无度).

Start the day with a high?protein breakfast

Eating a highproteinbreakfast helps you stay full.17. If your first meal is wellbalanced and contains enough protein, you‘re more likely to maintain stable blood sugar levels and not overeat for the rest of the day.

Get your nutrition from a variety of completely unprocessed foods

These include fruits and vegetables.18. In other words, when buying foods at themarket, focus on things that have not been cooked, prepared or changed in any way.


It‘s difficult to eat healthily if you‘re surrounded by junk foods. Having foods on displayin various areas of the house has been linked to obesity and increased consumption ofunhealthy foods. Keeping unhealthy foods out of the house, or at least out of sight, can increaseyour chances of staying on track.

Drink enough water

Many studies have shown that drinking enough water may benefit weight maintenanceand even slightly increase the number of calories you burn daily.20.

A. Eat your greens first

B. Keep unhealthy foods out of the house

C. It can also prevent overeating later in the day

D. Eating mindfully can help you maintain a healthy lifestyle

E. This may lead you to eat fewer and healthier calories overall

F. They also include meat, fish and eggs that haven‘t been processed

G. Studies also show that drinking water before meals can reduce appetite and calorie intake

第二部分语言运用(共两节,满分30 分)



My career as a chef started at the age of 25, but my21for cooking started at an early age, when I was about 5 years old—by watching my grandmother and my mom in the kitchen22daily meals for the family. I was also23by going with my grandfather to markets to24the freshest ingredients. My grandfather taught me the art of picking and recognizing the“25”.

From my youth, I have had this passion for food. Growing up in Morocco, I witnessedthe most amazing hospitality and26through my grandparents. They openedtheir27to  everybody, and fed and sheltered the poor, travelers, family and friends.

I remember as a young kid coming home from school to the28of fragrant (芳香的) fresh bread coming out of the oven. Those smells stimulated (刺激) my senses at ayoung age. The29were fresh and seasonal—they were very simple dishes but delightfully30.

Food is almost as31as it is necessary. Food makes people feel things. I reallythink that food tastes its best when there is a32behind it. It shapes cultures, religion,politics and health. Food brings people together, and goes straight to the33.

In my kitchen, I try to duplicate (復制) smells and flavors that make me think aboutmore than what I‘m actually smelling or34—it makes me think of life, my family, andmy history. I love to cook food that35people‘s emotions and memories; my philosophyis to“keep food real and simple”.

21. A. talent B. passion C. explanation D. admiration

22. A. changing B. ordering C. preparing D. searching

23. A. inspired B. bothered C. honored D. amused

24. A. ask about B. experiment with C. learn of D. shop for

25. A. biggest B. cleanest C. best D. cheapest

26. A. wisdom B. honesty C. success D. generosity

27. A. offices B. houses C. restaurants D. hotels

28. A. art B. signs C. creation D. smells

29. A. fruits B. vegetables C. ingredients D. goods

30. A. delicious B. useful C. organic D. convenient

31. A. nutritious B. sufficient C. emotional D. suitable

32. A. reason B. purpose C. cook D. story

33. A. kitchen B. heart C. source D. point

34. A. tasting B. chewing C. touching D. seeing

35. A. holds up B. drives away C. stirs up D. depends on



Severe locust (蝗虫) attacks in India and Pakistan have greatly damaged food crops,which might lead to a 3050percent 36.__________ (reduce) in food crops. According to onerecent report 37.__________ (issue) by the United Nations, the world is on the verge of theworst food crisis in fifty years. 38. __________report from the National Bureau of Statisticsshows that 39.__________ total amount of wasted food is 50 billion kilograms, 40.__________can feed 350 million people a year. Globally, some environmentalists say the waste of foodis also a waste of water, land, energy and other earth resources, 41.__________ (result) ingreenhouse gas emissions (排放) and other forms of 42. __________(environment) pollution.Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping 43.__________ (call) on the nation to maintain asense of crisis about food security. In order to put an end to the wastage of food, a“CleanPlate Campaign”has been launched in China. 44.__________ response to the nationwidecampaign, the China Consumers Association (CCA) has also called on the Chinese peoplenot to waste food while eating out. Meanwhile, some other organizations have come up withcreative ways 45.__________ (help) people form healthy food ordering habits.

第三部分寫作(共两节,满分40 分)



1. 饮食健康的重要性;

2. 吃零食的坏处;

3. 向同学们发出倡议。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear friends,







Yours,Li Hua



Lisa woke up on Saturday morning very excited. Today she was turning 10. Shethought her mother would make her a special breakfast. Last year on her birthday, Lisawoke up to the smell of pancakes and sausage cooking. The kitchen table was full of freshfruit and juice, and her family had even bought lots of fresh flowers to put on the table.

But when she went downstairs this morning, her father, mother and brother were eatingcereal (麦片) at the table, just like any other day. No one even said,“Happy birthday. ”

When the phone rang and her mother announced that Lisas aunt wanted to speak withher, she knew that it must be to wish her the best on her 10th birthday. But to Lisas surprise,her aunt simply wanted to remind her to pick up her mail the next week while heraunt was out of town.

Lisa was quite confused. She thought that her family would say something about herspecial day, but she didnt want to seem upset. She tried to be cheerful. After all, she waslooking forward to meeting her friends in the park, soon. Surely they were going to be excitedabout her birthday.

When Lisa arrived at the park, her friend Jane was the first to greet her.“Nice day,isnt it, Lisa?”she asked.

Lisa, ready for her friend to wish her a happy birthday, responded excitedly,“Yes, itis! Its a great day. You know why?”

“Because its Saturday and the weather is great!”Jane replied.

Lisa nodded, but looked down in disappointment.

Soon the rest of her friends arrived, and they all had a good time playing soccer and spending time together. But Lisa couldnt help but think that it was strange that none of them had mentioned her birthday.

As she walked home in the late afternoon sun, Lisa tried her best not to cry. How could everyone forget her birthday? She was close to tears by the time she reached her home.


Paragraph 1:

On stepping in, Lisa was quite surprised._______________________________________________________








Paragraph 2:

When the birthday candles were lit, the warmest moment came.____________________________








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