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1 A few months ago, Taylor Salazar of Cripple Creek, Colorado lost her fur baby, Farah. The golden dog was purchased in 2019 as a companion for her husband, Fili Salazar, who had deadly cancer. When he passed away, three months later, Farah brought the entire family a lot of joy and comfort. “We needed something to brighten up our household,” said Taylor. “And she did just that. My husband was in love with her the minute he saw her.”

2 In 2022, Farah was riding in Taylors fathers car when he had an accident. Farah became scared and ran off into the woods somewhere near US 50 and Colorado 9 at that time. This area is extremely rural and dark, with lots of cars. They searched and searched, but Farah was nowhere to be found.

3 Months later, Taylor was convinced that Farah was still alive in the woods somewhere. People had even captured her by their security cameras drinking water from animal troughs (饲料槽), but she ran away whenever someone got near her. It wasnt until an officer at the Fremont County Sheriffs Office heard the story that Taylor finally got a break in the missing dog case. The Sheriffs Office planned a training mission with their drone (无人机), and it seemed like a good opportunity to search the area where Farah was last seen.

4 Officers set up their equipment and launched the drone. Mere minutes later, they

found Farah in their sight! The officers tracked the dog and called Taylor. Taylor arrived with chicken to attract the dog towards her. “She stuck her head through the barbed (带刺的) wire fence, and then the next minute she was laying in my lap. ‘I got her!” said Taylor happily.

5 Farah is now back home, but she will need to have one of her legs amputated because its badly injured. She may have been hit by a car when she was lost. She has also lost half her body weight, but Taylor is happy to get her fattened back up with lots of good food and treats.

1. What made Farah lose her way and run off into the woods?

A. An accident.      B. Fili Salazars death.

C. A lot of cars.      D. Taylors fathers car.

2. Which of the following best explains the underlined word “amputated” in the last paragraph?

A. Cut off.    B. Carried out.

C. Broken up.  D. Taken over.

3. What change did Taylor find after Farah came back home?

A. Farah lost one of her legs.

B. Farah didnt want to come back.

C. Farah was only half of her original weight.

D. Farah liked eating chicken more than ever before.

Text?centered chunks

pass away 去世

brighten up 使更光明

run away 逃走

get a break 交好運

set up 调试


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