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1 Yong Donglin, a farmer in Muchuan County, Sichuan Province, woke up earlier than usual since he was to prepare for a special straw dragon dance (舞草龙). The 58?year?old had practiced the traditional dance for two years. But he felt very excited this time because he and about 20 fellow farmers in the county took part in a performance, at a major event of the fifth Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival held in Xinjin District of the provincial capital Chengdu.

2 In 2018, China designated the autumnal equinox (秋分) as the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival, in order to further strengthen the role of agriculture and rural areas and improve the sense of gain and happiness among farmers.

3 Despite the rain, performers from different parts of Sichuan presented songs and dances featuring their farming culture at the opening ceremony of the festival. One of the performances most impressive highlights came with the debut (首次登台) of an actor playing Li Bing, a governor of Sichuan more than 2,000 years ago. Some people watching the performance applauded Lis words, “My dream of turning the land of abundance into the land of a granary more than 2,000 years ago has now come true.”

4 The phrase “land of abundance” is a reminder in Sichuan of how major farming achievements were made—they were the result of the Dujiangyan irrigation project. The Chengdu Plain has almost been spared from flooding and drought for more than two millennia thanks to the project, making Sichuan the “land of abundance” since ancient times.

5 At the festivals opening ceremony, award winners of the countrys Top 10 Farmers were also announced. Gai Yongfeng, a farmer from Heihe, Heilongjiang Province, made the list. The 45?year?old started farming in 1996 and works on about 1,700 hectares of soybeans. Farmers in 11 townships in the city who also plant soybeans have benefited from his state?of?the?art farming techniques.

6 According to Tang Ke, head of the office of the festivals organizing committee, the festival this year highlights the promotion of new varieties of seeds and new farming technologies, in line with an ancient Chinese saying about how “a full warehouse starts with a good seed”.

1. Why is Yong Donglin mentioned in the text?

A. To tell us he is a professional farmer.

B. To explain the straw dragon dance.

C. To introduce the topic of the text.

D. To show us he lives a happy life.

2. Whats the influence of the Chinese Farmers Harvest Festival?

A. It strengthens the role of modern life.

B. It increases farmers sense of happiness.

C. It encourages farmers to become creative.

D. It changes the present situation of rural areas.

3. What does the underlined phrase “been spared from” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. Avoided. B. Affected.

C. Suffered. D. Recognized.

4. Where is the text probably taken from?

A. A personal diary. B. A research paper.

C. An advertisement. D. A popular magazine.

Ⅰ. Difficult sentences in the text

1. Despite the rain, performers from different parts of Sichuan presented songs and dances featuring their farming culture at the opening ceremony of the festival. 盡管下着雨,但来自四川各地的表演者在节日开幕式上表演了展现他们农耕文化的歌舞。

【点石成金】本句中,Despite the rain为介词短语作状语,featuring their farming culture at the opening ceremony of the festival为现在分词作后置定语。

2. Farmers in 11 townships in the city who also plant soybeans have benefited from his state?of?the?art farming techniques. 该市11个乡镇的农民也种植大豆,他们从他最先进的农业技术中受益。


Ⅱ. Text?centered chunks

wake up 醒来

take part in 参加

come true 实现

thanks to 多亏

benefit from 从……中受益

in line with 与……一致;符合


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