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My mother Roberta and I live together. Every day, my mother is in the habit of taking a walk down a driveway and back to her Charles County, Maryland home. It was business as usual for her one Friday, but instead of stopping at the end of the driveway, she just kept going.

So when I realized my mother had been gone for far too long, I called 911. I told officers that my mother had dementia (痴呆), and was assured they would find her soon.

They told me that afterwards. After about 40 minutes, they found my mother walking along a wooded path near our home. At first, she seemed confused at the sudden appearance of them, and she asked if they were out taking a walk too. They quietly replied “Yes”. After all, it was a beautiful day. And then she seemed relieved and told them she had lost her way. “No problem,” said Officer Morrison who then gently took her hand and, along with the other officers, walked her back to her house.

Along the way, they made small talk with her, to make her feel at ease. When asked what the key to a long, healthy life was, my mother replied, “Eat good and stay active.”

Officers encounter different situations every day. Some are good, some not so good. In this case, a frightening situation for my family ended happily. For us, we were thankful. For them, I think, its the rewarding part of policing.

Which scene gives you the deepest impression? Why?


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