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1 Liang Jianying is the vice?president and chief engineer of China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Qingdao Sifang, the company behind the Hexie and Fuxing bullet trains, which have pushed China to the position of a global powerhouse in high?speed trains. Liang and her team received the Special Prize of the 2015 State Scientific and Technological Progress Award for the development of the Beijing?Shanghai high?speed railway network. She is currently the director of the National Innovation Center of High Speed Train.

2 In 2004, China published a plan to greatly expand the nations railway system, thus kick?starting the era of high?speed rail. China had to import high?speed trains at that time, and Liang soon realized the importance of building the innovation capability and being self?sufficient in science and technology. Two years later, Liang was tasked with designing her first 300?kilometer?per?hour high?speed train. “The shoulders of giants can be shaky and hard to stand on. We have to become giants ourselves,” she said.

3 But designing a bullet train is no easy task. A single train can contain over 500,000 components, and improving its speed from 200 km/h to 300 km/h means overcoming numerous technical obstacles. The challenge did not faze (使慌乱) Liang, and by December 2007, she created Chinas first high?speed train with a speed between 300 km/h to 350 km/h. In 2010, she broke the world speed record at the time with CRH380A, a bullet train from the Hexie series with an operation test speed of 486.1 km/h.

4 In 2017, the new and improved Fuxing series bullet train entered service, gradually becoming the mainstay of Chinas high?speed rails. As of the end of 2021, there were 1,191 Fuxing trains in operation and they had safely served over 1.37 billion passengers across approximately 1.36 billion kilometers.

5 On July 20, 2021, after five years of hard work by Liang and her team, Chinas first 600 km/h high?speed magnetic levitation train made its debut in Qingdao, Shandong Pro?

vince. It is one of the fastest examples of ground?based public transportation in the world.

6 “I believe that in the foreseeable future, there will be more Chinese high?speed trains with independent intellectual property debuting new styles and speeds,” Liang said.

1. What is the first paragraph mainly about?

A. Chinas position in high?speed trains.

B. A brief introduction to Liang Jianying.

C. The development of high?speed trains.

D. Liang Jianyings contributions to China.

2. What does Liang mean by saying “we have to become giants ourselves”?

A. We should learn from advanced countries.

B. We need the support of advanced countries.

C. We must make our country more powerful.

D. We have to rely on ourselves in science and technology.

3. What can we infer about Liang from the third paragraph?

A. She faced the challenge calmly.

B. Her aim was to break the world speed record.

C. Designing a bullet train is a piece of cake for her.

D. She was embarrassed at technical obstacles at first.

4. In which order does the author organize the text?

A. In order of time. B. In order of logic.

C. In order of space. D. In order of importance.



Ⅰ. 语料荟萃

Ⅱ. 语句分析

1. Liang Jianying is the vice?president and chief engineer of China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Qingdao Sifang, the company behind the Hexie and Fuxing bullet trains, which have pushed China to the position of a global powerhouse in high?speed trains. 梁建英是中车青岛四方机车车辆股份有限公司的副总经理兼总工程师,和谐号和复兴号动车组隶属该公司,这两列动车组将中国推到了全球高速列车强国的位置。

【点石成金】Liang Jianying is the vice?president...Fuxing bullet trains是句子的主干,the company behind...Fuxing bullet trains是China Railway Rolling Stock Corporation Qingdao Sifang的同位语,which have pushed China to...in high?speed trains是which引导的非限制性定语从句。

2. In 2017, the new and improved Fuxing series bullet train entered service, gradually becoming the mainstay of Chinas high?speed rails. 2017年,全新改良的复兴号动车组投入使用,逐渐成为中国高速铁路的支柱。

【点石成金】the new and improved Fuxing series bullet train entered service是句子的主干,gradually becoming the mainstay of Chinas high?speed rails是现在分词短语作伴随状语。


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. 我们学校有各种各样的课外活动,这些活动对我们很有益处。

There is a variety of after?class activities in our school,                                   .

2. 他的家面对着两座高山,这给他和他家人的出行带来不便。

His home faced two high mountains,                                   .

Ⅱ. 寫作实践


[姓名 梁建英 出生年份 1972年 主要经历 (1)1995年大学毕业后开始从事高铁研究工作


(3)2015年获奖 ]


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇:高速动车组 high?speed EMU


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