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Reading Check

1~4 ABDC


Reading Check

1~4 DBCA


Reading Check

1~4 DACC


Reading Check

1~4 ADBD


Reading Check

Ⅰ. 1. Definition 2. contributes

3. Researching 4. question 5. explain

6. prove 7. bases 8. the prediction

9. use 10. Students

Ⅱ. Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Space exploration is vital

In recent years, scientists in many parts of the world have pooled their money, time and efforts to research space. They launch satellites, establish space stations, and even walk on the Moon. Space may hold wonders and mysteries of how the universe came into being, or whether there is life on other planets besides Earth.

Space exploration is of great significance. First of all, through space exploration, we human beings may uncover the unknown resources of the universe. Secondly, space exploration also provides a platform for nations to cooperate through participation in joint breakthroughs. Finally, space technology plays an indispensable role in our daily life, such as communication and transportation technology.



Reading Check

1~3 AAC


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD


Reading Check

1~3 CCDC


Reading Check

1~4 CBBA


Reading Check

1~3 ACB


Reading Check

1~4 CBAA



Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

An active family and his older dog brothers.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.


Reading Check

A Yankees jersey and hat, tickets to one of Yankees games and love from his family.


Reading Check

The author made a strict system, like review sessions, study groups and repetitive individual practice.


Reading Check

Any answer can be possible as long as it makes sense.



Reading Check

1~4 BDAA


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. which benefit us a lot

2. making it inconvenient for him and his family to get around

Ⅱ. 寫作实践

Since Liang Jianying graduated in 1995, she has been devoting all her time to researching into the development of the China high?speed railway. Afterwards, she created Chinas first high?speed train with a speed between 300 km/h to 350 km/h, making it more convenient for us to get around quickly. It is because of her outstanding contributions to our country that China is playing a leading role in high?

speed railways all over the world. As a consequence, she was awarded in 2015. However, she never shows any signs of pride.

Liang Jianying has set a good example to us. From her, I have learned that we should keep on trying until we realize our dreams.


Reading Check

1~4 CBAD


Ⅰ. 例句仿写

1. they finally arrived at what we now call North America

2. While these experiments are interesting and useful

Ⅱ. 写作实践

The scientist I admire most

Of all the scientists in the world, I admire Nikola Tesla most because we owe much of our modern electrified life to this great man.

Born in 1856, though he didnt finish his college education because of poverty, Tesla had unusual genius. He devoted his life to continuous research and obtained about  1,000  patented  inventions.  His  designs advanced alternating current at the start of the electric age and he is regarded as a wizard of the Industrial Revolution. He is so well?known that the worlds most famous electric car is named after him.



Paragraph 1:

Oh my goodness! The bookstore! It was the very one Id so badly wanted to find on our very first day in Lisbon. I took lots of photos of it with my phone in amazement. My delight must have been noticeable because one of the guys standing outside the store started telling me that its the smallest bookshop in the world! He was the owner of the bookstore. He led us inside the bookshop, which was no bigger than a walk?in closet. There was a desk at one end and shelves lined with books all round.

Paragraph 2:

Soon, it was time for us to say goodbye. I couldnt stop smiling. We had just visited the smallest bookstore in Lisbon. Wed met the owner and taken a tour inside! If we hadnt decided to visit the flea market at the last minute, if I hadnt insisted we turn right, if we hadnt gotten lost... That moment in Lisbon wasnt just a coincidence to me. It was a reminder that when you lose your way, your effort will still lead you exactly where you need to be.



第一部分 阅读




1~3 BAC


本文是一篇新闻报道。加州的科技公司Not Impossible Labs研发的一款利用振动脉冲,使聋人通过皮肤感受音乐的振动服。文章介绍了这种服装的工作原理、研究过程以及未来前景。

4~7 ADAD



8~11 CBAD


12~15 DABC



16~20 FCBDE

第二部分 语言运用



21~25 BDCAD 26~30 CDABA

31~35 DACBC



36. to change 37. an 38. continuously

39. scientists 40. which

41. is considered 42. closest

43. central 44. as 45. operation


Every year, the National Science?

Technology Award Ceremony is held in the Great Hall of the People. At that time, the top leaders of our country award medals to scientists who achieve those goals.

Its clear that the government attaches great importance to science and technology. Theres no doubt that science and technology play a vital part in a countrys deve?

lopment. Those who receive the awards deserve them because, through years of hard work, they have made outstanding contributions to our country. China needs more

scientists and inventors like them.

As a senior school student, Ill try my best to learn all my subjects well so as to serve the society as well as our country.


Paragraph 1:

Finally, it was Brians turn. Brian took the airplane that he had picked up the day before. He walked up to the line, and

with all his strength, he threw the plane. It went flying farther and farther, until finally it  landed —10  feet  past  Pauls  plane!  The whole school cheered. Brian won the contest. He jumped with joy. His friends and parents were delighted at his winning the game. Mr Moose gave him a prize, which was a toy airplane. He liked the prize very much and showed it to all his friends.

Paragraph 2:

Brian won because he tried out many solutions to the problem of how to make an airplane fly very far. He did this by testing out many different designs and comparing the results. His father helped him. They searched on the Internet for different designs and even studied the principles why an airplane could fly. When he found the design that worked best and the paper airplane that flew the farthest, he used it. Because Brian tried a lot of designs, he was able to make up for his lack of strength and beat Paul.


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