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1 Im a medical student from Zimbabwe, studying at Gannan Medical University in China. As a foreigner, I have observed first⁃hand the countrys rapid economic growth, and have learnt a lot about developing the rural economy. China has made remarkable achievements in developing the rural economy, carrying forward the great tradition of working together and offering firm support. Such a programme should be adopted by the world, especially Africa, where many countries are still underdeveloped.

2 Governments need to collaborate with local people. The development of a country is not the governments duty alone; its also the duty of its citizens. As a concerned citizen of Zimbabwe, I want to contribute to developing the rural economy in my country, using the knowledge that I have gained in China.

3 I decided to play my part in developing my countrys economy by starting my own business. Taking advantage of the fact that I live in China where the prices of materials are reasonable, in 2020, I decided to start a brand for womens shoes, which are produced in China, and sold both in my country and here in China. I went to the shoe factory, where I learnt a lot. It was my desire to open a shoe factory in Zimbabwe in the future, where my Chinese partners would come to teach us and help build a local industry for shoes.

4 Using the profits gathered over time, I was able to give back to the community, both in China and in my country. I founded a charity organization, Patience of Hope Foundation, which aims to pay school fees for poor children in remote parts of Zimbabwe. Through the foundation, we have paid school fees for many children and provided food to poor families during the peak period of the COVID?19 pandemic.

5 I am so grateful to China for giving me the opportunity to learn and contribute positively, not just to my countrys economy but also here in China, which I consider my second home.


Ⅰ. Choose the best answers according to the text.

Detail 1. What does the author think of the development of Chinas rural economy?

A. She ignores its value.

B. She thinks highly of it.

C. She finds it hard to achieve.

D. She thinks it needs improving.

Detail 2. What do we know about the authors brand for womens shoes?

A. Its products are made in China.

B. Its products are made in Zimbabwe.

C. Its products are only sold in Zimbabwe.

D. Its products are only sold in China.

Vocabulary 3. What does the underlined phrase “collaborate with” in paragraph 2 mean?

A. Exchange with. B. Meet up with.

C. Keep in touch with. D. Work together with.

Inference 4. Which of the following words can best describe the author?

A. Independent and grateful.

B. Careful and determined.

C. Ambitious and generous.

D. Adventurous and realistic.

Ⅱ. Discussion

How do you find the authors future? Have you ever thought of starting your own business?


Ⅰ. Discover useful structures in the text

1. that引导同位语从句

Taking advantage of the fact that I live in China where the prices of materials are reasonable, in 2020, I decided to start a brand for womens shoes, which are produced in China, and sold both in my country and here in China. 中国的材料价格合理,在2020年的时候,我决定利用这一点开创一个女鞋品牌,产品在中国生产,在津巴布韦和中国销售。

2. not just...but also... 不仅……而且……

I am so grateful to China for giving me the opportunity to learn and contribute positively, not just to my countrys economy but also here in China, which I consider my second home. 我非常感激中国给了我学习的机会,也给了我为祖国和中国的经济发展积极贡献力量的机会。我把中国看作我的第二故乡。

Ⅱ. Text⁃centered chunks

carry forward 发扬

contribute to 贡献;捐助

play a part in 参与……

take advantage of 利用

give back to 回饋;归还

aim to 旨在

be grateful to 感激;感谢


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