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Ⅰ. 主题词汇


the Spring Festival 春节

the Lantern Festival 元宵节

Youth Day 五四青年节

Tomb⁃Sweeping Day 清明节

the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节

the Double Seventh Festival 七夕节

Army Day 八一建军节

the Mid⁃Autumn Festival 中秋节

National Day 国庆节

the Double Ninth Day 重阳节

pay a new year call 拜年

firecracker 爆竹

a string of small firecrackers 成串的鞭炮

year⁃end household 大扫除

lantern riddle 灯谜

temple fair 庙会

New Year picture 年画

hang out New Year pictures 挂年画

family reunion dinner on lunar New Year 年夜饭

stay up late or all night on New Years Eve 守岁

money given to children as a lunar New Year gift 压岁钱


gunpowder 火药

compass 指南针

paper⁃making technology 造纸术

art of printing 印刷术


the Three Gorges Project 三峡工程

Project Hope 希望工程

Shopping Basket Program 菜篮子工程

Economy Housing Project 安居工程


sister city 友好城市

culture shock 文化冲击

cross⁃cultural communication 跨文化交流

high culture 高雅文化

knowledge sharing 知识共享

ever⁃developing era 日益发展的时代

Chinese Overseas Exchange Association 中国海外交流协会

picture show 图片展

education internationalization 教育国际化

Institute of International Education 国际教育协会

brain drain 人才流失

intellectual circulation 人才流動

cultural diplomacy 文化外交

national publicity film 国家形象宣传片

cultural icon 文化图标

cultural information technology system 文化信息技术系统

cultural trap 文化陷阱

local culture 本土文化

mass culture 大众文化

multi⁃cultural society 多元文化社会

cultural diversity 文化多样性

Ⅱ. 主题美句

1. We need culture like we need air. 我们需要文化,就像需要空气一样。

2. The future of world culture is closely related to the revival of Chinese culture. 世界文化的未来与中国文化的复兴密切相关。

3. Culture is the condition of language and also the product of it. 文化,是语言的条件,也是它的产物。

4. The value of culture is its effect on character. It avails nothing unless it ennobles and strengthens that. Its use is for life. Its aim is not just beauty but also goodness in particular. 文化的价值在于它对品性的影响。除非文化能使品性变得高尚、有力,否则它毫无用处。文化的作用在于裨益人生。它的目标不仅是美,更是善。

5. There are painters who transform the sun into a yellow spot, but there are others who, with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into the sun. 有些画家把太阳变成一个黄斑,但有些画家借助他们的技巧和智慧,把黄斑变成了太阳。

6. Yet, for different people, culture means different things. Similarly, every human society has its own cultural heritage. 然而,对不同的人来说,文化意味着不同的东西。同样,每个人类社会都有其文化遗产。

7. History is an essential part of human civilization. Its value cannot be underestimated. We dont have to live in the past, but we can definitely learn from it and use the lessons learnt to lead more meaningful lives. 历史是人类文明的重要组成部分。它的价值不容小觑。我们不必生活在过去,但我们一定可以从过去中吸取教训,过更有意义的生活。

8. In general, culture is a collection of ideas, practices, beliefs, and symbols of a society. Culture is an integrated whole that influences a persons worldview and way of life. It can include mental aspects, such as values, norms, and philosophies. 一般來说,文化是一个社会的思想、实践、信仰和符号的集合。文化是一个整体,影响着一个人的世界观和生活方式。它可以包括心理方面,例如价值观、准则和人生哲学。

Ⅲ. 主题写作

假定你是某国际学校的学生李华,你校拟举办“Star of Cultural Exchange”的评比活动,你打算参加。请你写一篇英文参评稿,内容包括:

1. 自我介绍;

2. 参评理由。


1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。


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