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1 Island Keeper, directed by Chen Li, tells the story of Wang Jicai and his wife Wang Shihua, who lived on Kaishan Island in Guanyun County, East Chinas Jiangsu Province, and devoted their lives to the national coast defense.

2 Director Chen Li revealed that in order to re⁃enact (再现) the protagonists lives, the creative team and crew traveled to Kaishan Island many times to conduct interviews and experience the life and harsh environment there. They even lived alongside Wangs wife, who still lives on the island, to note down details and understand the duties of an island guard.

3 As an outpost (前哨) on Chinas Yellow Sea, Kaishan Island measures only 0.013 square kilometers, about the size of two football fields, and living conditions are poor. The Wangs lived and worked there for more than three decades until Wang Jicai died of illness at 58 in July 2018. Following his death, Wang Shihua applied to take over her husbands duties.

4 The film highlights several events in the couples lives, such as how they felt lost when they first moved to the island, how they saved a man from drowning, fought with smugglers, delivered their baby in a rainstorm, and celebrated the Spring Festival on the island. These scenes convey the love and inner world of Wang and his wife, as well as their noble commitment and belief that “guarding the island is protecting the country”. The film also re⁃enacts the couples 32⁃year⁃long struggle with the islands harsh natural environment and how they battled typhoons and rainstorms throughout the years.

5 The real Wang Shihua, who was a teacher before she moved to the island with her husband, attended the films premiere in Beijing and shared memories of her husbands patriotism (爱国主义) and dedication. “He wanted to guard the island, so I decided to stay with him,” she said before expressing gratitude to the films creators. “The film made me think of many things that had happened. While my husband doesnt have the chance to see the film, I want to thank you on his behalf for telling the island guarding story to the world.”


Inference 1. What can we know about the film Island Keeper?

A. It is about the love story of a couple.

B. It is based on a real?life story.

C. Its a documentary film directed by Chen Li.

D. Its a film starring Wang Jicai and his wife.

Detail 2. Why did Wang Shihua go to Kaishan Island in 2018?

A. To go sightseeing.

B. To have an interview.

C. To help her husband.

D. To carry on her husbands duties.

Detail 3. What did the Wangs experience on Kaishan Island?

A. Their wedding ceremony.

B. The birth of their child.

C. Being rescued in a rainstorm.

D. Fighting wild animals.

Inference 4. Whats Wang Shihuas attitude to her husbands career?

A. Curious.

B. Concerned.

C. Supportive.

D. Uninterested.


Ⅰ. Difficult sentences in the text

1. They even lived alongside Wangs wife, who still lives on the island, to note down details and understand the duties of an island guard. 他們甚至和仍然住在岛上的王的妻子住在一起,记录下细节,了解岛上警卫的职责。

【点石成金】本句是一个主从复合句。句中,who引导的是一个定语从句,在从句中作主语,修饰先行词Wangs wife,后面的动词不定式to note down details and understand the duties of an island guard作目的状语。

2. These scenes convey the love and inner world of Wang and his wife, as well as their noble commitment and belief that “guarding the island is protecting the country”. 这些镜头传达了王继才夫妇的爱和内心世界,以及他们的崇高承诺和“守岛就是守国”的信念。


Ⅱ. Text⁃centered chunks

devote...to 专心于;忠于

note down 记录;记下

take over 接收;接管

on ones behalf 代表某人


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