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一個贫穷的报童曾两次赠送报纸给当时并不富有的比尔·盖茨。 当比尔·盖茨成功后想要报答那个报童时,报童却拒绝了……

Im Bill Gates. Someone asked me, “Is there anyone richer in the world than you?” I said, “Yes, theres a person whos richer than me.” Then I told a story to him: It was a time when I wasnt rich or famous. I was at an airport when I saw a newspaper boy. I called him because I wanted to buy a newspaper, but I found I didnt have enough change. The seller said, “Im giving it to you for free.” At his request, I took the newspaper.

After two to three months, I landed again at the same airport and saw the same newspaper boy standing there. That day, I also wanted to buy a newspaper, but I was short of money, too. The seller again offered to give me the newspaper for free. I refused, but he said, “You can take it. Im sharing it with my profit.” I took the newspaper after hearing his words.

Afterwards, I became famous, and then one day suddenly I remembered that newspaper boy.

So I managed to find him, asking, “Do you remember that once you gave me the newspaper twice for free?” The newspaper boy answered, “Yes, I remember.” I said I was so grateful to him, adding, “Whatever you want in your life, tell me and Ill fulfil it.” The newspaper boy said, “Sir, do you think that by doing this youll be able to match your help with mine?” I asked, “Why?” The newspaper boy said, “I helped you when I was a poor newspaper seller and youre trying to help me now when youve become rich. How can your help equal mine?” That day I realized the newspaper boy is richer than me because he didnt wait to become rich by helping someone.


Why did Bill Gates want to find the newspaper boy?


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