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Hunger crisis amid the pandemic疫情下的饥饿危机




1 Its Friday morning in Alexandra township, a poor neighborhood on the outskirts of South Africas largest city, Johannesburg. Dozens of people are gathered in a field outside a food distribution point, hoping today might be the day they get something to eat.

2 “If youre hungry, its easy to get sick from stress and everything,” says Mduduzi Khumalo, whos been lining up every day for two weeks. To get food, their names have to be on the list. However, despite registering multiple times, his hasnt been.

3 Khumalo worked as a delivery man before South Africas coronavirus lockdown decimated his income. His children used to get two meals a day at school, but schools are closed now. Every day, the kids wait for him at the familys tiny home, and every day he brings the same bad news. “They know that if I dont get anything for them, its over,” says Khumalo.

4 Thandi Lebho, 39, lives in the South African township of Diepsloot. She and her husband and three children have been waiting for food donations for three weeks. They failed to get what they needed when South Africas lockdown began and her income dried up. She has registered online and by phone. She came to the clinic and registered, but nothing happened. When she managed to get to the food distribution truck, it already ran out of supplies.

5 “The kids are not going to school and education is going low. We are struggling to get money because Im working for myself. Im not earning anything now,” she said. “Im starving now. I dont have anything.” She will be back in the food line the next day, trying to get something to keep her family going. “Im afraid of getting sick, and Im afraid of starving,” she added.

6 Theres “a real crisis that more people could possibly die from the economic impact of COVID?19 than from the virus itself”, warned David Beasley, director of the United Nations World Food Programme.


Ⅰ. Fill in the table with only one word for each blank.

[People Background Challenges Solutions Results Emotions Mduduzi KhumaloA resident in Alexandra township

A former 1.           man He and his  children are in need of 2.          .He has been 3.           up every day for two weeks.

He has registered  multiple times. He brings the same 4.           news every day. 10.          5.          A resident at 39 with her husband and three children in Diepsloot She failed to get what her family needed when South Africas 6.           began and her income dried up. She has 7.           online and by phone. She 8._______ to get food supplies. David Beasley 9.           of the United Nations World Food Programme Worried/Concerned ]

Ⅱ. Discussion

Hearing about the experience of Mduduzi Khumalo and Thandi Lebho amid the crisis, what would you say to them and their family?


Memorize some text?centered chunks

a food distribution point 食物分配点

get sick from stress 因为压力而生病

line up 排队等候

work as 担任……;充当……

used to do 过去常常(而现在不)……

fail to do sth 未能做成某事

dry up 耗尽

run out of 花光……;用完……

be afraid of 害怕……;担心……


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