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Lobster walking into the party宫廷“龙虾”




1 Little Brother was a young painter. Although he lived in the cheapest house, he always held his head high, spoke to everyone he met and showed his work to whoever would look at it.

2 One afternoon, a group of some fancy nobles invited him to a party in a castle in the Loire Valley that weekend. They said this was going to be the party of the year and only noble men were allowed to attend the party. “Dress up and join us!” they said.

3 Excited, Little Brother worked all week on a costume that he was certain would be highly impressive. Then he rented a car and drove three hours to the castle. He changed into his costume in the car and went up the castle steps. He entered the ballroom, head held high.

4 Upon arrival, he immediately realized his mistake. This was a themed costume party. All around him everyone was dressed in fancy clothes with sparkling jewels. Little Brother, however, was wearing a red coat, red tights, red ballet slippers, and giant red claws. Also, his face was painted red. He was dressed as a lobster.

5 He stood at the top of the steps for one long horrible moment. Running away in shame seemed like the easiest response. But he didnt run. Hed worked really hard to make this costume, and he was proud of it.

6 Though he was a bit nervous at first, quickly a slight triumph (喜悦) took over as he was amazed at his smooth footsteps. The dramatic scene where a beautiful princess danced with an funny lobster attracted all the dancers. Everyone cheered for them with thunderous applause.

7 When asked why he wore a costume like that, Little Brother spelled out his art inspiration,“Beauty comes from variety. Dont be afraid of being unique. Be confident. What if you were a star?”he said.


Inference 1. Which word can best describe Little Brother according to Para. 1?

A. Brave. B. Talented. C. Unselfish. D. Confident.

Detail 2. What did the nobles ask Little Brother to do?

A. To make some costumes. B. To draw several paintings.

C. To attend an upper?class party. D. To join them to work together.

Detail 3. What made Little Brother nervous at the party?

A. Finding no one to talk with.

B. Wearing a suit of inappropriate dress.

C. Being refused to dance with the guests.

D. Not knowing how to response to others.

Gist 4. What does this story intend to imply?

A. Confidence is a bridge to success.

B. Dont wait until everything is just right.

C. High expectations are the key to everything.

D. Ideals are the eyes that reflect the beautiful mind.



He entered the ballroom, head held high. 他高昂着头,走进了舞厅。

本句中,head held high是一个独立主格结构,表示伴随的情况,句中逻辑主语与过去分词held构成的是动宾关系。常见的独立主格结构还有以下几种:

1. 名词(代词)+现在分词

Night enshrouding the earth, nobody could make out what the dark mass was from a distance. 黑夜笼罩大地,谁也看不清远处黑压压的一片是什么东西。

2. 名词(代词)+不定式

Many trees, flowers, and grass to be planted, our newly?built school will look even more beautiful. 种上许多的树、花和草后,我们新建的学校看上去将更美。

3. 名词(代词)+形容词

Computers very small, we can carry them easily. 電脑很小,我们很方便携带。

4. 名词(代词)+副词

The meeting over, our headmaster soon left the meeting room. 散会了,校长很快就离开了会议室。

5. 名词(代词)+介词短语

He lay at full length upon his stomach, his head upon his left forearm. 他背朝上,四肢伸展,头枕着左臂,直挺挺地趴伏着。


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