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Final Test



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


1. What is the man complaining about?

A. The food. B. The project. C. The noise.

2. What did the man volunteer to do?

A. Do gardening. B. Collect stamps. C. Protect the plants.

3. Where are the speakers?

A. At home. B. In a classroom. C. In a bookstore.

4. What will the man probably do tonight?

A. Do some printing. B. Write a report. C. Do his work.

5. When will the post office open?

A. At 8:10. B. At 8:20. C. At 8:30.

第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)



6. What does the man like best?

A. Bike riding. B. Football. C. Swimming.

7. When does the man usually play table tennis?

A. In the evening. B. In the afternoon. C. In the morning.


8. What are the speakers mainly discussing first?

A. The weather. B. Travel plans. C. Inventions.

9. What season is it?

A. Winter. B. Spring. C. Summer.

10. What is the best invention according to the man?

A. The smartphone. B. The air conditioner. C. Wi-Fi.


11. How old is Zen probably?

A. 5. B.13. C. 18.

12. What will Nora probably do?

A. Have a vote with her family. B. Ignore Zen’s opinion. C. Communicate with Zen.

13. What is the relationship between the speakers?

A. Husband and wife. B. Workmates. C. Mother and son.


14. When did the woman’s sister arrive in the city?

A. On Friday. B. On Thursday. C. On Wednesday.

15. How will the woman and her sister go to the café?

A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On foot.

16. What will the woman probably buy?

A. A pair of shoes. B. A pair of sunglasses. C. A handbag.

17. What will the woman do on Sunday?

A. Do some shopping. B. Go to the movies. C. Walk the dog.


18. Who are the listeners?

A. Teachers. B. Parents.   C. Students.

19. What is the purpose of the museum?

A. To help school children. B. To make some products known. C. To show different computers.

20. Why does the company invite the listeners?

A. To get some advice.

B. To sell them computers.

C. To introduce the history of the company.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)

第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)



If you’re looking for competitions, don’t sweat it. You have arrived at the right place where you’ll be updated on the latest competitions which require participation on the Internet. These competitions don’t need any money, and what’s more, they accept individuals from any part of the world. You can click the name of each listed contest, which is a link. It will direct you to a web page where you will get more detailed information on how to register (注冊) or participate.

Writer Contest

Genre (类型): Sci-fi and fantasy. They don’t accept poetry or children’s stories.

Length: About 17,000 words

Prize: $5,000 for the grand prize winner at the end of the year

Deadline: The quarterly contest ends on September 30.

Creative Writing Ink Competition

Submission (提交) of poems only. You can submit multiple entries (参赛作品).

Theme: Open

Length: Up to 40 lines

Prizes: Publication on the website and a voucher worth £10

Deadline: Last day of every month

12th Casa Africa Essay Contest

Theme: Climate Change in Africa

“Casa Africa gives the focus of the 12th essay contest to climate change, its effects, future trends and, especially, the way in which this threat is being fought.”

Length: 15,000—20,000 words

Prize: €2,000

Deadline: September 17 each year

Yale Drama Series

Prizes: $10,000, a staged reading at Lincoln Center’s Claire Tow Theater and publication of the entry by Yale University Press

Length: Full-length plays of over 65 pages

Submissions must be original and not professionally produced. Translations, musicals and children’s plays aren’t accepted.

Deadline: August 15 each year

21. What should a participant do?

A. Pay some entry fees. B. Submit an entry online.

C  Register on this web page. D. Email to get related information.

22. Which competition is held most often?

A. Writer Contest. B. Yale Drama Series.

C. 12th Casa Africa Essay Contest. D. Creative Writing Ink Competition.

23. Who might Yale Drama Series attract?

A. A translator. B. A short play writer.

C. One wanting to get his work published. D. One writing children’s literature.


In movies and books, people often describe a decisive moment when they figure out who they are. However, I never thought it actually happened in real life. I never expected to have a “moment” of my own. When it arrived, mine was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined.

During the spring of my junior year, my class watched a documentary called “The Invisible Children”. It was about three college students who take a trip to Africa and document their experience. At first the film was slightly humorous. However, once the group arrived in northern Uganda, the mood changed. They learned what the consequences (后果) of a 23-year war had been for thousands of children. Some had lost family and friends, others were caught by the opposing force and became child soldiers.

Before long, I was sobbing. I couldn’t believe these things were happening, yet at the same time I knew they were. I just hadn’t been paying attention, for in the past 17 years, I was blessedly protected. When the movie ended, I couldn’t get it out of my head. For the next week, I was not myself. Every bite of food I took I thought of Grace, the 15-year-old who had little to eat. When I went to bed, I pictured Sunday, the 14-year-old boy sleeping on a straw mat on the ground in a camp. My whole world changed.

Since that day, I haven’t been able to picture my future in a way that doesn’t involve going to Africa and doing what I can to help. Ultimately, this is why I decided to major in engineering. With an engineering degree, my potential (潛力) for change will be limitless. I will build wells and schools, and design irrigation systems. Engineering is tough, but I know—in what Yeats called “my deep heart’s call”—that this is what I’m supposed to do with my life.

24. How did the author think of a decisive moment at first?

A. It was impossible. B. It was unforgettable. C. It was common. D. It was powerful.

25. How did the movie influence the author?

A. It amused him. B. It changed his attitude towards life.

C. It made him unsure of himself. D. It made him unable to eat or sleep.

26. Why does the author choose to study engineering?

A. To achieve his goal. B. To gain recognition.

C. To challenge himself. D. To realize his childhood dream.

27. In which section of a newspaper may this text appear?

A. Celebrity. B. Health. C. Education. D. Science.


The men of influence in our lives are usually our fathers, brothers, grandfathers, uncles, and friends and they play an important role in our lives. They lead by example, teaching us how to move physically through our world, how to be strong in the face of adversity (逆境), how to be wise, and how to provide for ourselves and our families.

My dad taught me how to have natural fun, playing baseball in his stocking feet. Today my dad continues to influence me in positive ways. He has faced a challenging health problem over the past few months and has carried on with his life in much the same way as he did before his illness, going about his daily business a bit slower and needing to take more rests but still living his life the way he wishes to.

My grandfather taught me the value of being trusted. My father-in-law influenced my life in a different way. He was quiet, loving and a man of power. When he spoke, I listened, as he did not speak unless he had something to say.

My loving husband has encouraged me to be strong and independent, to think for myself, and not to look to him for permission. My husband has also taught me to adapt with him to the ever-changing reality of his journey with illness, and he has met each one with courage and dignity.

I have learned much from the men who have had an influence on my life. For all that I have learned and for the role they played and continue to play in my life, I am forever thankful.

28. What can we learn about the author’s father?

A. His life has completely changed. B. His business is in difficulty.

C. He needs to rest most of the day. D. He has something wrong with his body.

29. Who encouraged the author to win the trust of others?

A. Her father. B. Her husband. C. Her grandfather. D. Her father-in-law.

30. Which word best describes the author’s husband?

A. Lonely. B. Brave. C. Talkative. D. Quiet.

31. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The influence of men. B. The advantages of men.

C. Holiday greetings. D. Women’s source of support.


Exams are brain-burning. The silence of the hall; the beating of the clock; the watchful eye of the teacher; the proud expression of the person sitting at the neighboring desk who has finished 15 minutes early. It therefore seems hardly surprising that those who feel anxious about taking tests do worse than those who do not. But different from the existing point of view, the recent study published in Psychological Science by Maria Theobald suggests it is the pressure of revision (復习) that affects your exam performance.

To test this idea, Dr Theobald worked with 309 German medical students who were preparing for their final exam, the most important that they take. During the 100 days before the real exam, these students used an online digital-learning app which presented them with old exam questions and recorded their performance. And 40 days before the real exam, they also took a mock (模拟) exam. Their levels of anxiety were also be recorded and assessed (评定), every day for 40 days before the real exam and also on the day of that exam.

What Dr Theobald found was not what she expected. Anxiety on the day of the test did not predict exam performance at all. What did predict it was the level of knowledge a student showed in the mock exam and the earlier practices.

It turned out that what really affected students were high levels of anxiety during the weeks before the exam took place. The greater a student’s anxiety in the days before the exam, the lower his or her knowledge gain was during that period. To reduce this anxiety, she gives some advice for students to consider as they revise. First, they can raise their belief in their own abilities by reminding themselves of just how much they know. Second, they can diminish the importance of the test by reminding themselves that, while it is important, it is not a life or death situation. It really isn’t.

32. What influences exam results based on the existing view?

A. Exam levels. B. Exam schedule.

C. Pressure of the exam hall. D. High expectations from others.

33. How did Dr Theobald carry out the study?

A. By interviewing students. B. By collecting the former data.

C. By referring to experts’ advice. D. By tracking students’ performances.

34. What does the underlined word “diminish” in the last paragraph probably mean?

A. Reduce. B. Affect. C. Realize. D. Understand.

35. What can be the suitable title for the text?

A. Never Too Late to Revise B. Never Put off Revision till Tomorrow

C. Anxiety in Revision, Failure in Exam D. The More Pressure, the Better Results

第二節 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)


If you have planned a trip during summer holiday, certainly you will want to share some photos on WeChat. 36 Don’t worry! Here is some advice you can follow to take wonderful photos.

Turn back and smile. While on the road, the moment you turn back with a smile is the most impressive. Just walk away from the camera and do a turn-back for the most natural effect. You can also pretend (假装) to hear your name called, turn back, and run your fingers through long hair. 37

Look away from the camera. There are many ways for you to avoid looking at the camera. 38 Looking down on the ground or looking out of the window is a good choice, too. If there is nothing to see, you can also choose to close your eyes and enjoy this moment of quietness.

39 Are you a little shy when facing the camera? Taking a back view photo is a good choice, which can leave room for imagination and bring a different feeling as well.

Take a seat. 40 If there are good places to sit down, please do it! You can make a variety of positions with your arms and legs.

If you follow these simple tricks above, your photos will start coming out beautifully!

A. Point to the distance.

B. Take a back view photo.

C. Not every photo needs to have you stand.

D. This is a fantastic way to increase your beauty.

E. But how do you choose and share your photos properly?

F. But what if the photos are not as pretty as you expected?

G. For example, you can look into the sky and let the camera catch your side face.

36.                            37.                            38.                            39.                            40.

第三部分 語言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)

第一节 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)


The 1,642-foot Squaw Peak of western Massachusetts is famous for its inviting views. However, it is also these views that has 41 visitors to get too close to the steep, slippery cliffs (悬崖), resulting in countless injuries and even 42 .

Henry Grant, a student at Ithaca College, was on the 43 for sightseeing. 44 , he heard a loud noise. Grant turned around and 45 a woman had fallen off the side of the mountain. Several 46 immediately started looking for her, but their view was 47 by trees. When Grant saw hikers 48 , he decided to lend a hand, hoping he wasn’t too 49 .

After 15 minutes of climbing over large rocks, 50 past prickly (多刺的) brush, and slipping down loose dirt, Grant 51 a figure about 25 feet above him. The woman had fallen about 75 feet. Incredibly, she was 52 . Grant called 911 to 53 her location and crawled (爬) on all fours up a tight, 54 path, gaining support by digging into the dirt with his fingers and feet until he reached Paula. She was almost senseless. Against a tree, Grant 55 put her hand in his and tried to keep her mind off the 56 by asking her questions: “Where are you from? Do you have kids?” Soon, they were joined by other responders. Eventually, Paula was flown by helicopter to a 57 .

Paula, who has fully 58 , stated in a letter to the Boston Globe that Henry was her new 59 .

“At 18,” she wrote, “Grant has already 60 in building the rest of my life.”

41. A. required B. persuaded C. tricked D. forced

42. A. wonders B. deaths C. cries D. fights

43. A. mountain B. rock C. ground D. tree

44. A. Finally B. Suddenly C. Definitely D. Actually

45. A. noticed B. forgot C. feared D. complained

46. A. workers B. doctors C. hikers D. students

47. A. covered B. impressed C. disappointed D. blocked

48. A. exploring B. wandering C. suffering D. searching

49. A. weak B. active C. late D. crazy

50. A. pushing B. running C. cutting D. jumping

51. A. saved B. saw C. remembered D. supported

52. A. energetic B. curious C. alive D. confident

53. A. repeat B. check C. clear D. report

54. A. narrow B. safe C. special D. fantastic

55. A. gently B. partly C. secretly D. obviously

56. A. sense B. pain C. dirt D. cliff

57. A. school B. hospital C. store D. house

58. A. woken B. understood C. recovered D. succeeded

59. A. guest B. friend C. partner D. hero

60. A. resulted B. failed C. believed D. participated

第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)


The tea that 61 (fascinate) the world for centuries has finally received global recognition as a shared cultural treasure of mankind. 62 is reported, traditional tea processing techniques and their associated (相关的) social practices in China 63 (add) to UNESCO’s Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity on 29th Nov, 2022. It consists of knowledge, skills and practices concerning management of tea plantations, the picking of tea leaves, and the processing, drinking and sharing of tea.

According to UNESCO, in China traditional tea processing techniques are 64 (close) related to geographical location and natural environment while associated social practices are shared throughout the country. Over 2,000 tea 65 (variety), mainly in six categories (種类) are grown in China. Not only have tea-related customs been found across the country, but they have influenced 66 rest of the world through the ancient Silk Road and trade routes.

Tea can be easily seen in Chinese people’s daily life. Tea is served in homes, workplaces, tea houses, restaurants and temples. 67 (greet) guests is regarded as an important means of 68 (communicate) in socializing and ceremonies such as weddings.

Up to now, China has 43 projects 69 (include) in the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage List, 70 ranks first in the world.

61.                            62.                            63.                            64.                            65.

66.                            67.                            68.                            69.                            70.

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)







Last week I catch a serious cold and lay in bed for quite few days during that time. I was too weak to going out. Feeling sad and boring, I didn’t even want to touch the books. I realized that illness could destroy our emotion of doing things but bring us a bad feeling. What I wish I could have done more exercises to become stronger. Some of us just don’t take health serious. Only when we lose it can they see its true value. So we need to eat well and do sports often to let us to keep fit and enjoy life.

第二節 书面表达(满分25分)








参考词汇:机器人展 robot exhibition

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Li Hua


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