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Modules 5—6(二)





听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。


1. What time is it now?

A.4:30.        B.5:00.         C.5:30.

2. What does the man mean?

A. Jean will use his car.   B. He can't help the woman.  C. The library is closed tonight.

3. What is the woman going to do?

A. Rewrite the paper.    B. Read the paper again.   C. Throw the paper away.

4. What is the man's last name?

A. Jensen.       B. Jenson.        C. Genson.

5. What kind of music does the woman like?

A. Jazz.        B. Classical.       C. Rock and roll.


听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题。从题中所给的A 、B 、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。


6. Why did the woman go to France?

A. To study.       B. To see friends.      C. To attend a meeting.

7. How long did the woman stay in France?

A. About three days.    B. About three weeks.    C. About three months.

8. Why didn't the woman visit many places in France?

A. She was too busy.

B. She didn't have enough money.

C. She had traveled around the country.


9. Where is Sally?

A. In the garden.     B. On the grass.C. In the tree.

10. What is Tim doing?

A. Sitting under the tree.  B. Climbing the tree.C.Playing on the grass.

11. What is the dog doing?

A. Drinking milk.     B. Swimming.C. Running after a cat.


12. What will Emmy have?

A. A dancing party.    B. A dinner party.C.A game party.

13. How will the party be?

A. A small one.     B. A medium one.C.A large one.

14. What can we learn about the Browns?

A. They talk a lot.     B. They are unfriendly.C.They like to attend parties.


15. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. In a hotel.      B. In an office.C. In a hospital.

16. Which floor is the man's aunt on?

A. The third.      B. The fourth.C.The fifth.

17. Why doesn't the man see his aunt?

A. He is not allowed to.   B. His aunt is not in.C. His aunt is busy.


18. Why did Mr Grey like walking from the station to his office?

A. It was not far.     B. He disliked taking a train.C. It gave him some exercise.

19. Why did Mr Grey lend some money to the stranger years ago?

A. To avoid trouble.

B. To let him buy a ticket.

C. To help start the stranger's career.

20. Why did the stranger stop Mr Grey this time most probably?

A. To thank Mr Grey.   B. To return the money.C. To borrow money again.



阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B 、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。


If you want to find a book for children, here are some books that you can choose from.

Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation by Stuart Gibbs

The CIA is on a task to find an equation (方程式), which could destroy the world if the bad people get it. For help, they turn to Charlie, a 12-year-old girl who is as smart as Albert Einstein. Children who like exciting mysteries will enjoy reading this book.

AstroNuts by Jon Scieszka and Steven Weinberg

In AstroNuts, the Earth has been destroyed by humans for thousands of years. Four animals set out from Mount Rushmore, the main office of NASA. Their task is to find a new planet fit for human life. Finally, they discover one: Plant Planet. Readers who love science fiction will enjoy AstroNuts.

Stargazing by Jen Wang

Christine hears that Moon, who is new in town, is the kind of kid who beats people up for fun. But Moon and her mom come to live with Christine's family, and the two kids become best friends. Moon even shares a big secret with Christine. Stargazing is based on Jen Wang's experiences as a child.

Roll with It by Jamie Sumner

Roll with It is a story about a 12-year-old girl named Ellie. She has difficulty walking on her own and uses a wheelchair. When Ellie and her mom move to another state to take care of Ellie's grandpa, she must learn to deal with a new school and new friendships. It's a heart-warming story that really shows the value of family and how being different is special.

21. What is Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation probably about?

A. Albert Einstein's childhood life.   B. A girl's efforts in saving the world.

C. A new way to deal with criminals.  D. A girl's adventure with friends in the wild.

22. Who would be interested in reading AstroNuts?

A. Children having enthusiasm for history.

B. Children concerned about animal protection.

C. Children loving stories of space travel and life on other planets.

D. Children wanting to know the causes for environmental pollution.

23. Which book is a good choice to know the life of the disabled?

A. Stargazing.         B. AstroNuts.

C. Roll with It.         D. Charlie Thorne and the Last Equation.


A couple in their 60s has traveled 12,000 miles across 16 countries from Britain to China—riding their bikes the entire way. Grandparents Peter and Chris stepped on the long journey after deciding to “do something a bit different”. They traveled across cities, deserts, mountains and everything in between across Europe, the Middle East and the East Asia. The married couple of 37 years enjoyed themselves with delicious local food and spent most nights inside a tiny tent put up wherever they could find shelter.

Peter, 66, said the moment they finally had a look at the famous Great Wall after a year and a half of cycling 30 miles a day was “really exciting”. At the end of their journey, the special pair didn't fly homebut instead chose to book a cabin inside a 400m-long container ship. The final part was a three-week voyage from Singapore across the Indian Ocean and into the Mediterranean Sea before arriving at


“You never know what the day is going to bring. All you know is that you are going to get on your bike and cycle. Every day is an adventure and every day is new. Overall, the experience is absolutely unbelievable,” Peter said.

Peter and Chris initially set out to cycle from Britain in January 2017 but were forced home. They had cycled all the way to Hungary when Peter slipped on tiles and broke his leg. After several months of recovery, the couple set out again in Britain. They finally arrived in China in November 2018.

Both Peter and Chris agreed that the best part of the entire trip was coming across the kindness of strangers along the way, many of whom invited the couple for food and drink. Chris, 64, said, “It was a wonderful experience, particularly wonderful because of the amazing people we met along the way.”

24. What is the couple's purpose of taking the long journey?

A. To try something new.

B. To break the world record.

C. To celebrate their 37-year marriage.

D. To enjoy delicious food in different countries.

25. How did the couple go back home from China?

A. By cycling.  B. By train.    C. By plane.   D. By sea.

26. Why did the couple put off their trip in 2017?

A. Peter had an accident.      B. They ran out of their money.

C. They met with a heavy snow.    D. Peter fell ill suddenly in Hungary.

27. What is the best part of the trip for the couple?

A. The beautiful scenes.      B. The help from others.

C. The delicious food and drink.    D. The kindness from other cyclists.


Sue Hendrickson is a self-taught fossil hunter (化石搜尋者). As a kid, Sue Hendrickson often walked with her head down.“People said, ‘Look up. Smile!'” she says.“Now, I realize I was born to look for things and just didn't know it.”

Sue Hendrickson does more than look—she finds valuable things: Shipwrecks (沉船) with treasure, ancient sunken cities, and in 1990, she found Sue, the world's largest, most complete Tyrannosaurus rex (霸王龙).

“I limit the area where I'm going to look,” she says. No one knew the location of the sunken ship San Diego in the Philippines. For a year, Hendrickson and other researchers searched papers and sailors' diaries.“The descriptions of the ship's sailors led us to the wreck,” she says. The team also used a tool that can respond to metal . This tool found the San Diego . All the work paid off. The 400-year-old ship was complete, with valuable gold and silver coins.

To find the dinosaur she calls “the biggest animal that ever walked on Earth”, Hendrickson started with maps made to search for oil. What Hendrickson found was the largest and most complete T-rex found to date. The T-rex is 42 feet long with 200 bones! Because it is so complete, scientists were able to infer that Sue walked at about 6 miles per hour and did not run faster than 15 miles an hour. Before Sue was

discovered, they thought T-rex was much faster. To learn more about T-rex Sue, go to the Field Museum in Chicago.

There's plenty left to be found, Hendrickson says, including answers to mysterious questions such as how T-rex lived.“I tell kids that they need to grow up and work them out because all of us old persons haven't yet!”

28. What is Paragraph 2 mainly about?

A. An ancient city.        B. Hendrickson's hobby.

C. The world's largest T-rex.     D. Hendrickson's findings.

29. How did Hendrickson find the sunken ship San Diego?

A. With a self-made tool.      B. By starting with research.

C. With the help of oil maps.     D. By following sailor's lead.

30. What can we learn about T-rex Sue?

A. It helped scientists learn new things about T-rex.

B. It let people know how T-rex lived.

C. It ran faster than any other T-rexes.

D. It was the biggest dinosaur.

31. What does Hendrickson advise kids to do?

A. Explore mysteries.       B. Respect scientific research.

C. Visit the Field Museum.     D. Learn more about fossil hunting.


When humans make friends, we often choose companions who share similar characteristics to us or enjoy participating in the same activities that we enjoy. Interestingly, it turns out that dolphins may not be so different, according to a study which found that the animals form strong social ties with those who have similar interests . In some ways, this may not be surprising, if we know dolphins live in groups characterized by complex social activities. However, the latest findings are yet another powerful example of the intelligence that these creatures possess.

For the study, an international team of scientists studied a unique group of bottlenose dolphins, who live in the World Heritage area of Shark Bay, Western Australia. They are particularly interesting because the females are known to use sea sponges (海綿) as foraging (觅食) tools, a behavior that hasn't been perceived anywhere else. The behavior known as “sponging”, helps the dolphins to find food in deeper waters and is socially learned, being passed down from mother to baby.

Previous studies have shown that females in this group who use sea sponges to find food often like to hang out with other females who do the same. However, studies of this behavior in males are lacking, leaving a gap (空白) in our knowledge. To try and address this gap, the researchers collected data on 124 male dolphins in Shark Bay over a 9-year period between 2007 and 2015. Among these dolphins, some had the sponging behavior, while others did not. After analyzing their data, the team came to the conclusion that those males who used sponges for foraging associated significantly more often with other “spongers”, no matter how related they were to their companions. Interestingly, male spongers spent significantly more time foraging and less time resting than non-spongers.

According to the lead author of the study, Manuela Bizzozzero, the findings cast new light on the social ties between male dolphins at Shark Bay.

32. What can we learn about dolphins according to Paragraph 1?

A. They are humans' good friends.     B. They make friends like humans.

C. They can understand humans' emotions.  D. They confuse human lifestyles with theirs.

33. What does the underlined word “perceived” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Influenced.           B. Prevented.

C. Observed.            D. Accepted.

34. Why does the writer mention previous studies in Paragraph 3?

A. To explain the intention of the latest studies.

B. To present their achievements in dolphin research.

C. To stress that dolphins have the socially learned behavior.

D. To show how female dolphins use sea sponges to find food.

35. What is the finding of the studies on male bottlenose dolphins?

A. Few of them make use of sponges to find food.

B. A large quantity of them mainly feed on sponges.

C. Male spongers enjoy staying with other spongers.

D. Male spongers rest more often than non-spongers.



In China, traveling by train is a common way to visit new places and go back to one's hometown during holidays.36 It wasn't always that way, though.

37 Later, many railway companies started up and competed with each other to build new railway routes. Trains became a symbol of progress, with New York City's Grand Central Station becoming a major cultural landmark.38 For example, Johnny Cash wrote a song called Folsom Prison Blues.

But little by little, railways were replaced by highways as “car culture” took over the US. China would go on to use trains even more widely than the US.39 It allows people to travel fast with ease. This is especially obvious during Chunyun, when China's train stations are crowded with thousands of people who are trying to get home.

I had never traveled by train until I moved to China. My first trip by train was from Beijing to Tianjin by high-speed train. It was amazing how quickly I could get there—just half an hour. Since then, I've taken the train to lots of other cities—Shanghai, Chongqing and Shenzhen. It's always a good time.40 And for some reason, even instant noodles taste better on the train than they do anywhere else.

A. The US railway system started to grow in 1826.

B. Musicians even created music works about trains.

C. China's railway network connects the whole country.

D. But in the US, traveling by train is a very old tradition.

E. People on the train are usually friendly and happy to chat.

F. But there are many differences between Chinese and US railways.

G. Traveling on high-speed trains costs more than traveling on ordinary trains.

36.     37.     38.     39.     40.




Summer vacation is the most awaited time in a student's life. It is time to relax and 41 the world around us.

I visited Bulgaria last summer holidays, where I 42 with my good friend. At the beginning of the first day we were having a great time, you know, no 43. Spending the whole day on the beach was really 44. Everything was going in the best way, except for the 45 evening.

When it became much colder outside, we 46 to buy something to eat. I left our bags in front of the hotel and my friend Gosia asked our teachers to have a look at our 47 once in a while. Having ensured they were 48 , we finally went to the nearest shop.

When we came back, it seemed nobody 49 about our bags, in which we had our cosmetics and clothes! Members of the 50 as well as teachers went into the 51 , leaving our bags alone.52 , Gosia and I ran towards the front of the building only to find Gosia's bag was in the right place while mine 53!

My teachers were really ashamed about the fact they had 54 about my luggage. So not only were they really 55 , but they also did their best to find the 56 and my bag.

Firstly I was really stressed and I thought it would ruin my great 57 as I had thought but 58 both my bag and the thief were 59 the next day!

So that's my funny story. Did you have any 60 , maybe even some similar to mine? If yes, I hope it ended as well as mine did!

41. A. lead B. affect C. explore D. change

42. A. competed B. communicated C. argued D. went

43. A. sleep B. work C. play D. rest

44. A. relaxing B. tiring C. astonishing D. embarrassing

45. A. coming B. familiar C. peaceful D. similar

46. A. refused B. failed C. decided D. feared

47. A. friends B. belongings C. rooms D. pets

48. A. special B. valuable C. popular D. safe

49. A. talked B. learned C. heard D. remembered

50. A. camp B. research C. committee D. company

51. A. shop B. park C. hotel D. beach

52. A. Finally B. Immediately C. Seriously D. Carefully

53. A. dropped B. left C. existed D. disappeared

54. A. forgotten B. thought C. worried D. complained

55. A. creative B. outgoing C. helpful D. generous

56. A. passenger B. thief C. traveler D. waiter

57. A. life B. hope C. interests D. holidays

58. A. fortunately B. honestly C. clearly D. strangely

59. A. caught B. returned C. found D. reported

60. A. events B. adventures C. problems D. disasters



Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve Research Center was set up in 195861(save) the declining panda population. The Giant Panda Nature Reserve is a three-hour drive from Chengdu. It's a natural reserve 62(cover) over 200,000 hectares. As the 63(large) panda reserve of all in China, Wolong 64(add) to UNESCO in 1980.

In 2003 Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve opened up wildlife observation areas, and it 65(attract) over 100,000 visitors each year. Wolong Giant Panda Nature Reserve is also home 66 other rare and endangered wild animals such as the golden monkey, red panda, and more.

The giant panda is 67(usual) classified in the bear family, and is native to central and southern China. Pandas' main food is bamboo, but they also eat foods such as fish, eggs, and honey.

Adult pandas have a 68(long) of 1.6 m to 1.8 m, and weight between 176 to 275 pounds. Giant pandas have a large head with obvious black patches around the eyes, ears, and the body.

Giant pandas are found in mountainous regions 69 are thick with bamboo trees in Sichuan and Tibet. Pandas reproduce very slowly, and infant mortality (死亡率) is high—these are major reasons why it's such 70 vulnerable (易危的) species.

61.     62.     63.     64.     65.

66.     67.     68.     69.     70.









Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago. It is thought that life had existed in the water for perhaps so long as 3,000 million years. When we think of the first life on land, we probably think of strange animals come out of the ocean. And actually no animals could have been living if plants had not been on land firstly. Plants had to be on land after animals arrived. They supplied the first land animals with necessary food to live in. Plants are only form of life that are able to get and store energy. Plants are so importance!


假设国庆长假你随家人去北京旅行。请以“A Trip to Beijing”为题,用英语写一篇游记,内容包括:







A Trip to Beijing


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