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1—5 CCABC 6—10 BABBC

11—15 ABABC 16—20 CABBC

21—25 CDAAD 26—30 BCABC

31—35 CDCDB 36—40 GFBAE

41—45 AACDC 46—50 DBAAB

51—55 CBACD 56—60 ABDDC

61. were waiting 62. angrily 63. to get 64. what 65. helpful 66. with 67. but 68. our 69. saying 70. brighter


My parents have decided to take me to pay∧visit to Britain.


I am excited, hope to make good use of this opportunity. Firstly, I


will talk to native speaker as much as I can to improve on my


English. Secondly, there are many attractions that interests me a


lot, among which is Big Ben. Besides, football, that is popular in


England, is my favorite sport. They have been dreaming of watching


a live football match there but now the dream will come true. My


friend Alice lived in London. I will probable meet her. Whatever

lives probably

I do, I am sure I will have a good time.

One possible version:

Dear Bill

Im glad to hear that youll come to my hometown this summer. Youve made a wise choice to travel here. Chengdu, the capital city of Sichuan Province, is located in central Sichuan and has a population of over 20 million. The climate is pleasant, neither too hot nor too cold. It is rich in tourist attractions and enjoys many famous places of historic interest, such as the Jinsha Ruin Site and the Wuhou Temple.

The transportation is convenient. You can travel to many places by bus, train, and subway. If the trip is short, you can also ride a bicycle or even travel on foot. Im sure youll have a good time here.

Looking forward to your coming.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Modules 3—4

1—5 BABAC 6—10 ABBBA 11—15 ABCAA 16—20 CABAB 21—25 DAAAC 26—30 BCCBC 31—35 DDDAA 36—40 CFEAG 41—45 CDACD 46—50 BBADC 51—55 BADBC 56—60 ABDAC

61. which 62. strongest 63. to 64. leaving 65. seriously 66. a 67. makes 68. are buried 69. to stop 70. lessons


Many people cross streets without watch out for traffic lights.


So traffic accidents often happen to those who runs the red lights.


They havent realized an importance of traffic safety. Actually,


not obeying traffic lights can be danger. Besides, some people are


in so a hurry that they dont want to wait for the green lights. What


shall we do? Firstly, all of us should develop into the habit of

obeying traffic laws. Secondly, anyone which breaks traffic laws


should be punished. Lastly, we should be teaching how to


cross safely. If so, there will be fewer traffic accident, and it


will be easy for us∧get around.


One possible version:

As we all know, an earthquake is one of the most terrible disasters. So what should we do when an earthquake comes?

When an earthquake happens, students who are in the classroom should get under the desks immediately and wait until it is safe to come out. If possible, run to the playground as fast as you can.

However, for those who are at home, get immediately under the table in the living room. Dont go anywhere near the window and don t jump out of the building. Never use the lift during the earthquake.

If you are in the street, do not stand near buildings, fences, or walls. Move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open place to stay. Whats more, standing under trees could also be dangerous.

Modules 5—6

1—5 CABCA 6—10 CACAA 11—15 BBABB 16—20 ACABC 21—25 ACABA 26—30 BCADD 31—35 DABCA 36—40 GCFAE 41—45 CABAD 46—50 CDBAD 51—55 ACBBA 56—60 DCDCB

61. increasing 62. how 63. crowded 64. who/that 65. were created 66. inventions 67. on/upon 68. to take 69. them 70. greatly


Last weekend, my friend Jim and I tried a new way to visit the Forbidden City, where left me a deep impression. To


avoid wasting time queue up for the tickets, we tried buying


tickets online. That just took us several minute to buy the

It minutes

tickets successfully. We∧attracted by the chinaware while walking


around the galleries the next day. At our excitement, we could scan


the QR code to listen to the introduction which give us a deeper


understanding of the history. In the afternoon, we had the


special experience in the VR theater. After the visit, I found the Forbidden City both


and modern because of our rich history traditional was made alive here!

One possible version:

Dear Jim,

I am writing to tell you about an activity which will be held in our school called the Chinese Traditional Culture Week. Hopefully, we will have you with us to have fun.

This cultural event will be held next week in the Arts Building and various activities are arranged . There will be lectures on Chinese festivals, exhibitions of Chinese artworks, competitions of culture knowledge, etc. Also included is an evening of traditional culture next Friday. Sounds great, doesn't it? These activities will surely offer teenagers, like you and me, a good chance to learn Chinese traditional culture.

Are you interested? Will you be available then? I'm looking forward to your reply.


Li Hua

Modules 1—6 Review

1—5 BCBAC 6—10 ACBAC

11—15 BACBA 16—20 CCCBB

21—25 CDDCB 26—30 DACDA

31—35 BCCAA 36—40 EDAFG

41—45 CABDA 46—50 BCDAD

51—55 CADCB 56—60 CBADB

61. the 62. from 63. has lived 64. tourists 65. lies 66. built

67. making 68. where 69. natural 70. yourself/yourselves


I had an interesting dream last night. I dreamed about I took part

in a race. At first, I could not run very fast and fall behind. So I

fell But

didnt lose heart and kept run. All the students on the playground


cheered me on, “Come on!” I was very encouraged that I ran faster


till I caught up with all∧other runners. By the end, I got to the

the In

finishing line first. I won the race. I felt very proudly of myself.


Many of my classmate threw me up into the air. Just at that time I


woke up and found me still in bed!


One possible version:

Dear Sir or Madam,

I booked a room in your hotel for my friend Tom yesterday. But I am really sorry to tell you that I want to change my booking now.

My friend Tom had planned to visit our city this summer vacation. So Room 101 was scheduled for him. However, I was informed yesterday that he had an important thing to deal with, so he couldn't come as planned. I have to change the booking date for the room. I would appreciate it if you could push the booking date back a week at your earliest convenience. Thanks again. I hope this will not cause you any trouble.

I am looking forward to your early reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua

Modules 1—2

1—5 BAACC    6—10 ACABA

11—15 CCBAB    16—20 CACAB

21—25 BCABD    26—30 BADCD

31—35 CBAAB    36—40 GEDFB

41—45 ABADC    46—50 DBACD

51—55 CBBDC    56—60 BACDA

61. a 62. their 63. called 64. who/that 65. living 66. to67. Studies 68. wrongly 69. reported 70. to know


As the world enter the 21st century, the development in science


and technology will bring us more hopes and chances weve never

imagined ago. People are hoped to have a peaceful and highly

before hoping

developing world. To catch up with the new development but to be

developed and

successful in the new century the young generation is required to

have different kind of skills and abilities, such as computer science


and English. Or one will not be left behind. Young people

will study even hard at school than ever. And they will prepare them

harder themselves

mentally and physically∧meet the challenge of the new century.


One possible version:

Life in the Future

In the future, man's life will be very different from that of today.

First, with the development of medicine, people will live longer and healthier. Second, because of the discovery of new energy, the environmental pollution will be under control. Third, peoples daily life will change greatly, too. For example, robots will do most of the housework for you; you can take your video mobile phone with you and see the caller while speaking. The most exciting thing is that man will have more free time and each city will have its own spaceport, so you can even go into space for your holidays!

Modules 3—4

1—5 BCAAB 6—10 BCBCA

11—15 BABCA 16—20 BCBBA

21—25 BADDD 26—30 ABBAD

31—35 ADCBB 36—40 DGCAE

41—45 DABDA 46—50 CBDCA

51—55 DACCA 56—60 CDCBA

61. figures 62. for 63. to achieve 64. saving 65. was chosen

66. limited 67. where 68. but 69. bravely 70. discovered


My hobby is rock climbing. Ive been doing them for two


years. In the beginning, I wasnt very good, so Ive gotten much


better. I started rock climbing in junior high school. On∧first day,


I felt high nervous, so I only climbed low rocks. It was hard, but


very interested. So I kept on work, and now I could climb very

interesting working can

fast. I like rock climbing because of it helps me stay in shape. Its

also a good way to make friend. Ive met a lot of people. We climb,


but we also hang out and spend time doing another things now.


One possible version:

Dear Peter,

How are you getting along these days? I'm so excited to learnthat Chinese poetry interests you greatly. I am sure that you can'twait to know who my favorite Chinese poet is. Well, Li Bai, a poet in Tang Dynasty, is my favorite poet. I like his poems best, which are full of imagination and wonderful descriptions. He stands out among all the Chinese poets and his works have been translated into many languages. By the way, welcome to China and you can experience Chinese culture in person.

Best wishes!


Li Hua

Modules 5—6

1—5 ABBAB 6—10 ACAAB 11—15 CBAAC 16—20 BACCC 21—25 BCCAD 26—30 ABDBA 31—35 ABCAC 36—40 DABCE 41—45 CDBAA 46—50 CBDDA 51—55 CBDAC 56—60 BDACB

61. to save 62. covering 63. largest 64. was added 65. attracts 66. to 67. usually 68. length 69. that/which 70. a


Life on land probably began about 430 million years ago. It is

thought that life had existed in the water for perhaps so long as

has as

3,000 million years. When we think of the first life on land, we

probably think of strange animals come out of the ocean. And

coming But

actually no animals could have been living if plants had not been

on land firstly. Plants had to be on land after animals arrived. They

first before

supplied the first land animals with necessary food to live in. Plants

are∧only form of life that are able to get and store energy. Plants

the is

are so importance!


One possible version:

A Trip to Beijing

During the National Day holiday my family took a trip to Beijing.

On October 1st, we took the 8:00 flight to Beijing and visited the Tian'anmen Square in the afternoon. Next day, we visited the Great Wall, the longest wall in the world. For the next two days, wevisited the Summer Palace, walked around, and went shopping. On October 5th, we took a plane to return home.

During my stay in Beijing, I had a wonderful time, and have known the  capital  city much better. What  a pleasant  and unforgettable trip I made!

Modules 1—6 Review

1—5 AACBB 6—10 CAAAB 11—15 BBACA 16—20 BBCAC 21—25 CAADC 26—30 BDBBC 31—35 DBACC 36—40 CFBDE 41—45 BACAB 46—50 CDDAC 51—55 BADBD 56—60 CDBCA

61. lives 62. flies 63. staying 64. sadly 65. for 66. harmful 67. is forbidden 68. to break 69. but/yet 70. What


Last Saturday morning at the railway station, I casually saw

something that touched me deep. Right as I was in my way to the

deeply on

main hall, I saw an old woman putting something next to a slept


homeless man. I wanted to see what she had put some moneys

whether/if money

there. Instead, I have just found a sandwich. The moment is very


touching. The old woman just helped the man in need though his


act might not be recognized. This made me realize its a small thing

that could really make∧big difference. I was luck to see such

a lucky

an act of kindness.

One possible version:

Dear Chris,

I am writing to invite you to pay a visit to a local folk culture village with us next Saturday. As scheduled, we'll meet at the school gate at 8:00 am and go there by bus half an hour later.

After arriving at the village, we will first have a taste of some delicious local dishes. Best of all, we can learn to make some local snacks like spring rolls! Over lunch, we will watch folk performances. Then we will visit the typical buildings there. I believe it will be a great chance for you to explore the Chinese folk culture.

Im looking forward to your reply.

Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


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