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Four Tips for Efficient Study 高效学习的4条建议


The following four tips can boost your concentration and retention power of what you study.


1. Avoid procrastination

1. 不要拖延

1) Keep your study materials organized. 整理好学习材料。

2) Keep a positive attitude. 保持积极的态度。

3) Know “how to study” . 知道“如何学习”。

2. Make study a ritual


By making study a ritual, it allows you to focus better, concentrate on the topics more efficiently and lead you to specialization as well (More output in less time).


3. Apply study techniques


1) Make TODO lists.列出要学习的内容。

2) Review what you studied.复习已学知识。

3) Prepare short notes.准备便条。

4) Use mnemonics: Create associations and connections while studying something.

4. Develop healthy habits


It doesnt mean if youve to study, youll study at the cost of your physical and mental health. Here are 4 things which you should implement properly.


1) Sleep.睡眠。

2) Exercise.鍛炼。

3) Eat well.吃得好。

4) Visualize what you want.清楚自己想要什么。

Word Study

retention /r?'ten?n/ n.记忆力;记性

Visual material aids the retention of information.

mnemonic /n?'m?n?k/ n.助记符号

implement /'?mpl?ment/ v.实施;贯彻;执行

Leadership is about the ability to implement change.


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