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More Young Singaporeans Are Flying the Nest 越来越多的新加坡年轻人正在离家自立


From one perspective, Singapore is a singletons paradise. Young adults can often live rent-free, waited on by doting parents, in exchange for little more than an occasional hug.


The secret of this cushy lifestyle is to live with ones parents, as many Singaporeans do well into their 30s. Almost 80% of Singaporeans live in subsidized public housing. They do not become eligible for a flat of their own until they marry or turn 35.

这种舒适的生活方式的秘诀就是和父母同住。许多 30多岁的新加坡人都是如此。几乎 80%的新加坡人都住在有补贴的公共住房(组屋)里。他们只有结婚或者年满35岁才有资格购买属于自己的组屋。

Yet a small but growing number of Singaporeans are defying the nanny state.


For many people it was COVID-19 pandemic that pushed them out of the nest. Serene Chee, a 25-year-old lawyer, did not greatly mind living with her parents until travel restrictions and workfrom-home policies kept her stuck at home all the time. “Life just felt intensely stagnant,” she says.


Fending for yourself takes getting used to. First you must inform your parents. It took Lydia Yang, an illustrator who was then 28, three months to pluck up the courage. Then you must learn to pay bills and do basic chores. When Lenne Chai, a photographer, moved out seven years ago at the tender age of 23, she did not know how to cook.

自食其力是需要适应的。首先你必须告知你的父母。插画师莉迪亚·杨在28岁时,花了三个月才鼓起勇气。然后你必须学会支付账单和做基本的家务。摄影师莱恩·柴七年前从家里搬出来住,当时年仅 23岁的她并不知道怎样做饭。

Life on your own can be lonely. But living apart may improve relationships. Both Ms Yang and Ms Chai say that they got on better with their parents after moving out. When cooped up, they paid each other little attention. Now their weekly visits are “quality time”, says Ms Chai.


Word Study

perspective /p?'spekt?v/ n.观点;态度;客观判断力

doting /'d??t??/ adj.溺爱的;宠爱的

eligible /'el?d??bl/ adj.有资格的;合格的;具备条件的

Only those over 70 are eligible for the special payment.

defy /d?'fa?/ v.違抗;反抗;经受住;抗住

I wouldnt have dared to defy my teachers.

stagnant /'st?ɡn?nt/ adj.停滞的;不发展的;无变化的


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