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Module 3 Body Language and No -verbalCommunication




Kenneth Smith, from Fort Worth, Texas, was driven from his apartment four years ago. He had been experiencing homelessness up until earlier this year, when the kindness of strangers saw him through rough times.

Smith was sitting outside of the Outback Steak house in Fort Worth one day and had fallen asleep when a stranger tapped him on the shoulder to ask if he was OK. When he replied that he was starving, she told him to wait there and went inside the restaurant.“I thought she was going in to call the police on me.” Smith said, “But she came back out and gave me a gift card of $100. She told me to go in and have a meal.”

When he later went inside to use the card, he caught the eye of the Outback manager Laura Hodges. She walked over and talked with him while he was eating. During the talk, she learned what a stranger had done and thought it was really amazing. So Hodges decided to “pass forward the good favor” and told Smith to save that gift card and come in whenever he wanted a hot meal.

Over the next few weeks, Hodges knew more about Smith. One day while they were talking, Smith said it was too hard for him to find any work, and he would offer to do some work at her restaurant. He started soon after.

After working there for about two and a half months, Smith said, “I feel good knowing that I can pay my rent, knowing that I can smile, knowing that I can do good things.” He is working toward a long-term goal of having his own restaurant.“I want to cook some good food and have people taste my food as well,” he said.

1. What did the first stranger do for Smith?

A. She called the police.   B. She bought a gift card.

C. She ordered a meal of $100.   D. She looked for another helper.

2. What did Hodges decide to do?

A. Pass the kindness down.   B. Give Smith another card.

C. Save the card for herself.   D. Offer Smith a high-paid job.

3. Which of the following best describes Smith?

A. Generous. B. Brave.  C. Self-supporting. D. Open-minded.

4. What can we learn from the text?

A. A homeless person's hard work eventually paid off.

B. Friendship helps Smith get through hard times.

C. Some helping hands are in great demand.

D. Kindness of strangers helped Smith out.


When you're meeting someone for the first time, you want to leave them a good impression.1. However, it's not just your mouth doing the talking—the way you hold yourself is just as important. Here are some tips on body language to show positivity and kindness in communication with others.

Nod and smile when appropriate (恰當的). These nonverbal signs can show the other person that you're fully involved in what she is saying, and in agreement. Try nodding three times to show that you're really absorbing what she is saying.2! If you turn up the corners of your mouth but your eyes stay the same, you could come off as insincere (不真心的).

3. Don't be obvious, but try to match her body language and facial expression. By doing this, you'll help the other person feel comfortable toward you. This mirroring technique has even been shown to increase a person's good will toward the person mirroring her. If she has crossed her arms, cross your arms.4.

Laugh truly. Even if you're in a formal setting, if the other person has clearly said something that was intended to raise a laugh, laugh!5 , and you're listening to what she is saying. Avoid laughing out of nerves or because you have nothing to say.

A. Always keep your arms crossed

B. Mirror the person you're speaking with

C. Show her that you have a sense of humor

D. It's an easy technique that can often pay off

E. Avoid touching your hair or adjusting your clothing

F. You want to say all the perfect things at all the right times

G. When it comes to smiling, make sure it reaches your eyes



It was one of the hardest days of my young life. I was a 13-year-old freshman trying out for the high school 1 team. It was the first day of full 2 and my 110 pounds body had been 3 to the ground more times than I could count. It had become 4 as the practice went on that there was no way I was going to be able to 5 against the faster and stronger boys. My dream of being a high school football star had been crashed to the ground along with my 6 body.

I made it home, sore and 7. My mom met me at the door. She could see I was 8 in a glance. She warmed me up with a bowl of soup and 9 me until dinner. While I sipped (小口喝) at the warm soup I 10 her hand gently rubbing (揉搓) my aching back. We 11 said a word, but by the time the soup was done I was feeling better again. I knew I was 12 and that was all that mattered.

I have carried that 13 in my heart all of these years. Even today, no matter what 14 life throws at me, a bowl of soup always raises my spirits. Sometimes I can even feel Mom's gentle hand 15 my back from Heaven and see her beautiful face smiling 16 with love.

In this world all of us have had our dreams 17 at one time or another. It takes a lot of broken dreams until we find our true 18 in life. God is always there, 19 , to comfort us, and to help us back to our 20 again. May you always share your own love with a gentle touch, or even a bowl of soup.

1. A. football  B. baseball   C. basketball  D. volleyball

2. A. happiness  B. surprise   C. contact   D. communication

3. A. pushed  B. knocked   C. kicked   D. bent

4. A. impossible  B. simple   C. unknown   D. clear

5. A. quarrel  B. compete   C. guard   D. turn

6. A. disabled  B. slight   C. thin    D. painful

7. A. sad   B. joyful   C. quick   D. silent

8. A. criticized  B. threatened  C. troubled   D. disappointed

9. A. watched  B. held    C. fed    D. taught

10. A. saw  B. felt    C. let    D. kept

11. A. never  B. even   C. always   D. still

12. A. changed  B. accepted   C. saved   D. loved

13. A. talk  B. word   C. memory   D. belief

14. A. praises  B. accidents   C. rewards   D. difficulties

15. A. rubbing  B. patting   C. getting   D. pressing

16. A. up   B. around   C. down   D. out

17. A. realized  B. crashed   C. carried   D. built

18. A. purpose  B. heart   C. hobby   D. career

19. A. therefore  B. moreover   C. also    D. though

20. A. courage  B. peak   C. feet    D. origin




Body Language Game

Play 3 different games with the Body Language Cards and improve yourself. This product contains 90 Body Language Interpretation Cards and 18 Task Cards.

Game 1: More Emotional Intelligence

· Recognize quickly how people feel.

· Understand people's true intentions.

· Respond more intelligently to non-verbal communication. Game 2: Stronger Negotiation (谈判) Skills

· Get important information without having to ask questions.

· Immediately feel the needs of your customers.

· Close more deals by knowing what to say and when to say it.

Game 3: Improved Presentation Skills

· Use the power positions of the best presenters.

· Learn how to attract high-level attention.

· Connect on a deeper level with your audience.

For who

· Salespersons · Team leaders · Coaches and Trainers

· Business Owners · Teachers · Speakers · Politicians

· Persons that want to learn body language in a practical and entertaining way

Company gifts with your company logo: For orders of 50+ Body Language Games we can print your company logo on the box and on the cards.

Order now

Delivery (運送) takes 7—10 business days.

Payment possible by Credit Card, Paypal or Bank Transfer.

Price per Body Language Game (Including a Body Language Training Course Online): For USA:$49.99+ national shipping $12.50.

For Europe:47.99+ international shipping 15.50.

Discount (折扣) possible for orders of 100+ Body Language Games.

Contact us

For any questions or bookings, please contact us directly from this website using the contact form or phone:+1(310)402-2536.

1. How should people use the Body Language Game?

A. By playing cards together.   B. By watching the video games.

C. By receiving face-to-face training.  D. By asking live presenters questions.

2. What benefit can a company get from a 50+ order?

A. It can get free shipping.   B. It can receive a discount.

C. Its logo can appear on the product.  D. Its package can be delivered at once.

3. How much will a man in England pay to get a Body Language Game?

A.73.10.  B.63.49.  C.57.60.  D.47.99.


Body language plays a big role in communication as it gives us messages about the other person that we can interpret non-verbally just based on our feeling. There are four types to be aware of.

Eye contact is one of the most direct and powerful facial expressions. The eyes are always talking. The use of eye contact varies significantly from culture to culture. In some regions, direct eye contact is often considered a sign of trustworthiness. So, if you're in America, you should know soft, attentive (关心的) eye contact would convey honesty. However, a hard, unblinking stare will send a much different message, similar to the meaning of direct eye contact in some regions.

Gestures can be used to emphasize (强调) meaning. Pressing fingers together to form a steeple slows interest and determination. Touching the nose or rubbing eyes indicates discomfort. A hand to the back of the neck may indicate you are not interested in a conversation.

Body posture can be closed or open. A firm handshake will give the impression of honesty. Folding arms across your chest or body is protective. People with arms folded, legs crossed and bodies turned away reject messages. A head held straight up signals a neural attitude. A head sidewards indicates interest. A head down is negative.

The position of speakers and listeners: face-to-face, side-to-side, or back-to-back, can send powerful messages. In a group situation, when the leader faces the group and turns toward the one who is speaking, this conveys strong attention. When two people are communicating, competitors more possibly sit facing each other while cooperators sit side-by-side.

4. What body language can express honesty?

A. A head sidewards or touching the nose.

B. Attentive eye contact or a firm handshake.

C. A firm handshake or folding arms across one's chest.

D. Attentive eye contact or folding arms across one's chest.

5. What does the underlined word “reject” in Paragraph 4 probably mean?

A. Feel down. B. Care for.  C. Turn down. D. Agree with.

6. Which type of body language is talked about in the last paragraph?

A. Body posture. B. Gestures.  C. Facial expressions. D. Space relationship.

7. What does the text mainly talk about?

A. Types of body language.   B. How to use body language.

C. How to learn body language.  D. The origin of body language.



For a long time, I had always wanted a cat. Unluckily, my parents didn't share the same 1.

Every Year, I would ask for a cat, but I always got the same answer “No”. So I 2 year after year, hoping they would finally 3. Right when I was about to 4 , then my friends gave me a big 5. On my 17th birthday, they showed up with a wide-eyed kitten named Bandit. At that moment, I was filled with 6. I knew my life was about to 7.

To my surprise, Bandit was the shyest cat I had ever met. Whenever I wanted to play with him, he tried to 8. I didn't know how to deal with him. Upset and angry, I 9 shouted at him, but that didn't work. So then I tried a rude 10: carrying him directly to the outside world as he meowed (喵喵叫)11. But in fact, I 12 to tell you that it didn't work, either. However, I gradually found that he seemed to be 13 to my mom. How could Bandit love my mom more? I thought of many 14. Maybe she can speak the language of cats, or she was drawing his 15 with a secret treat. I went to 16 with her about both, excited and 17.

“I didn't have a secret treat, dear. What I do have is patience,” my mom 18 replied. Ever since then, Bandit has been encouraging me to become more and more patient. He has 19 me to grow up and he has also brought my family closer. We often talk together at the table now, usually with Bandit as a 20. Bandit is an important member of our family.

1. A. habit B. love C. lifestyle D. tradition

2. A. explained B. complained C. prepared D. waited

3. A. reply B. believe C. agree D. recover

4. A. give up B. get through C. call back D. settle down

5. A. hug B. smile C. surprise D. hand

6. A. confidence B. sadness C. pride D. joy

7. A. start B. change C. suffer D. improve

8. A. scream B. bite C. respond D. escape

9. A. impatiently B. unwillingly C. carelessly D. nervously

10. A. comment B. method C. greeting D. expression

11. A. crazily B. gently C. happily D. unexpectedly

12. A. refused B. promised C. regretted D. continued

13. A. polite B. close C. grateful D. respectful

14. A. suggestions B. solutions C. truths D. reasons

15. A. support B. praise C. strength D. attention

16. A. compete B. talk C. argue D. compare

17. A. confused B. satisfied C. disappointed D. shocked

18. A. secretly B. angrily C. honestly D. excitedly

19. A. helped B. allowed C. expected D. forced

20. A. joke B. chance C. topic D. guest



You're in a crowd of people who are all asking for the same thing. How do you make your voice heard above the rest? Be different. Don't shout. Lisa, 25, was waiting to board a plane when the flight was cancelled.

“There were about a hundred of us unable to leave,” she says.“Everyone else was shouting at the airport staff. Instead ofjoining in, I walked up to the man behind the ticket desk very quietly and said, ‘This must be so awful for you! I don't know how you deal with these situations—it's not even your fault. I could never handle it as well as you are.' Without my even asking, he found me a seat on another airline with an upgrade to first class. He was happy to do a favor for someone who was appreciative instead of unfriendliness.”

Flattery (恭维) is an essential element of the sweet-talk strategy.“It's human psychology that stroking a person's ego (自我价值感) with a few well-directed praises makes them want to prove you right,” says a psychologist.“Tell someone they're pretty and they'll instantly fix their hair.”

You need help and there's absolutely no reason that the person will want to lend a hand. Allison, a lawyer, realized she'd made a huge mistake on a batch of documents.“The only way I could fix the problem was to get the help of a colleague who I knew didn't like me,” she said.

Allison went to the woman's office and explained her problem.“As I was saying to the boss the other day you're the only person who would know how to handle a situation like this, what would you suggest I do?”“Feeling encouraged, she helped me finish the job on time,” Allison said.

1. What can we infer about the airport from Paragraph 1?

A. It is noisy.     B. It is in danger.

C. It is busy.     D. It is closed.

2. Why did the man put Lisa on another airline?

A. He admired Lisa's beauty.   B. He appreciated her attitude.

C. He was ready to help others.   D. He was moved by her words.

3. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?

A. The benefits of ego.   B. The strategy to start small talk.

C. The importance of flattery.   D. The value of humor in daily life.

4. What can we learn about Allison's colleague?

A. She was a popular lawyer.   B. She was ready to help others.

C. She got praise from Allison.   D. She did a favor for Allison eventually.



tradition aggressive gesture equal invite conscious

communicate social perform formal slightly vary

1. Speech is the fastest method of  between people.

2. The temperature here  greatly between day and night.

3. The festival is  held in May.

4. Let's give all the  a big hand for their show.

5. For most  dinners, you should wear comfortable, casual clothes.

6. The man was badly injured in a traffic accident and he is still  now.

7. Some  have different meanings between China and some foreign countries.

8. Although I was very busy, I still accepted the  to the meeting.

9. In some countries black people do not have  with white people.

10. They carried out research into the roles of men and women in today's .


Talking is the most effective and satisfying way of communicating with others. There are many forms of communication, 1 include texting, cell phones, emails, and social media.2(use) these alternative forms to communicate with others may be faster, 3 they lack many qualities that a face-to-face conversation 4(own).

Facial expression and body language can 5(great) affect a conversation. They can be used to give a person some information about what the other person is thinking and 6(feel). Facial expression can 7(apply) to video chatting, but body language can only be found in a face-to- face conversation. Talking in person can have physical 8(feature), for example, give someone a hug and hold their hand 9(comfort) them. When you are talking to someone by texting or messaging them, physical touch does not exist at all, and it can limit the connection 10 the people in the communication.

1. _____ 2. ______ 3. ______ 4. ______ 5. ______

6. ______ 7. ______ 8. ______ 9. ______ 10. ____



This summer holiday, I go to a seaside city with my family. We got there by air. It is a very beautiful and modern city, where impressed us a lot. On the first day, we took a bus to a place calling the Sea Park. There were such many different kinds of fishes that I couldn't believe in my eyes. On the second day, we went swimming, and we all enjoyed ourselves. During the next two days, we went to some tourist spot, shopping and taking photos. Several days late, we left the city. Although we were tiring on our way home, we felt happily about the holiday. What unforgettable experience!








How Body Language Makes You Popular


Body language is extremely important when it comes to making good first impressions. It's always helpful to know what body cues show you in a positive light, especially during interviews or networking when you're meeting someone for the first time. It can make a difference and even make you more likeable. Keep these tips in mind when you're interacting with another person!


Make eye contact. When talking to someone, making eye contact shows interest and also confidence. Don't go overboard and gaze without breaking eye contact, because that can make people feel uncomfortable. Spend the majority of the time making eye contact, but remember to briefly take breaks.


Have good posture. Sit or stand up straight and avoid slouching. Slouching can make you look less professional and can possibly make you look less confident and enthusiastic.


Don't fidget . Don't fiddle with your hands or shake your leg because that can portray

nervousness or restlessness. Relax and slow down your movements.


Stay uncrossed. Keep your hands and legs uncrossed because that can make you seem cold and distant . If you're not crossing your arms, you'll look more open and less guarded.



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