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The Oldest Pictures in the World (Ⅰ)世界上最古老的图画(上)


By V. M. Hillyer V. M. 希利尔(仲秋 译)

I was listening to the teacher, but I had my pencil in my hand. There were two little dots about an inch apart on my desk lid. Absent-mindedly I twisted my pencil point into one dot and then into the other. The two dots became two little eyes. I drew a circle around each eye, then I joined the two circles with a half-circle that made a pair of spectacles.

The next day I made a nose and a mouth to go with the eye and spectacles.

The next day I finished the face and added ears and some hair.

The next day I added a hat.

The next day I added a body, with arms, legs, and feet.

The next day I went over the drawing again, bearing heavily on my pencil. Over and over again I followed the lines till they became deep grooves in my desk lid.







The next day my teacher caught me and I caught it!

The next day my father got a bill for a new desk and I got—Well, never mind what I got.

“Perhaps he’s going to be an artist,” said my mother.

“Heaven forbid!” said my father. “That would cost me much more than a new desk.” And heaven did forbid.

I know of a school that has a large wooden tablet in the hall for its pupils to draw upon. At the top of the tablet is printed:

If you just must draw, don’t draw on your desk, draw on this tablet.

If you put a pencil in any one’s hand, he just must draw something. Whether he is listening to a lesson or telephoning, he draws circles and faces or triangles and squares over the pad—if there is a pad. Otherwise he draws on the desk top or the wall, for he just must draw something.









Word  study

twist /twɪst/ v. (用手)转动,旋转

spectacles /'spektəkls/ v. 眼镜

groove /ɡruːv/ n. 沟;槽

pad /pæd/ n. 便笺本;拍纸簿

Have you ever seen any telephone pad that was not scribbled upon? We say that’s human nature. It shows you are a human being.

Now, animals can learn to do a good many things that human beings can do, but one thing an animal can’t learn is to draw. Dogs can learn to walk on two legs and fetch the newspaper. Bears can learn to dance. Horses can learn to count. Monkeys can learn to drink out of a cup. Parrots can learn to speak. But human beings are the only animals that can learn to draw.

Every boy and girl who has ever lived has drawn something at some time. Haven’t you? You have drawn, perhaps, a horse or a house, a ship or an automobile, a dog or a cat. The dog may have looked just like a cat or a caterpillar, but even this is more than any animal can do.




Even wild men who lived so long ago that there were no houses, only caves, to live in—men who were almost like wild animals, with long hair all over their bodies—could draw. There were no pencils or paper then. Men drew pictures on the walls of their caves. The pictures were not framed and hung on the walls. They were drawn right on the walls of the cave and on the ceiling too.

Sometimes the pictures were just scratched or cut into the wall and sometimes they were painted in afterward. The paints those men used were made of a colored clay mixed with grease, usually simply red or yellow. Or perhaps the paint was just blood, which was red at first and then turned almost black. Some of the pictures look as if they had been made with the end of a burned stick as you might make a black mark with the end of a burned match. Other pictures were cut into bone— on the horns of deer or on ivory tusks.



Word  study

scribble /'skrɪbl/ v. 胡写;乱画

Someone had scribbled all over the table in crayon.

frame /freɪm/ v. 给……做框;给……镶边

The photograph had been framed.

ceiling /'siːlɪŋ/ n. 天花板;顶棚

She lay on her back staring up at the ceiling.

V. M. 希利尔(1875—1931),美国著名儿童教育家、科普作家,创建了卡尔弗特教育体系。他为孩子们编写了一套趣味盎然的历史、地理、艺术读物,即《写给孩子看的世界历史》《写给孩子看的世界地理》《写给孩子看的艺术史》。本文选自《写给孩子看的艺术史》,该书写于20 世纪二三十年代。



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