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Eiffel 埃菲尔


Eiffel was born in 1832 in Dijon city in the east of France. He was able to think independently, and imagine freely at an early age. At age 12, Eiffel entered the local royal middle school. At the beginning, his studies were not good, and he couldn’t be admitted to the famous Ecole Polytechnique.

But he was not discouraged. At age 20, with outstanding achievements by hard working he finally was admitted to the tech school to train himself an engineer.

After graduating from tech school, one of Eiffel’s friends recommended him to work as an engineer in Western Railway Bureau. From then on, Eiffel took his career as a structure engineer and made great contribution to human progress with his talent.

In 1860, Eiffel designed and completed famous French Bordeaux Bridge project. The 500-meter-long steel structure was built on 6 piers which went across the river Geelong. The completion of the enormous project made Eiffel well known throughout the engineering field.

With Eiffel’s devotion to studying and his courage to innovation, by using steel and concrete he freed engineering from the “soil” and “wood”. He made great efforts to design the tower, drawing more than 5,000 pieces of paper. These valuable materials as the fruit of the Eiffel’s labor are properly preserved in Paris.

Eiffel, who made miracles in the architectural history, will always be remembered.









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