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Countries with the Most

Interesting Waste Sorting Culture

What Indonesians do with their trashes


One thing for sure: it’s never too hard to throw your garbage in Indonesia. What Indonesians commonly do is putting their trashes in their personal garbage area which is usually located at the front of their house, right at the side of the street. Put it there, and the garbage collectors with their big garbage truck or rusty garbage stroller will pick their trashes up.

Things aren’t quite different if you live in the apartment in Indonesia. Collect it, wrap it in a tight plastic bag if you wish, then put it outside your room or a special corner in your floor hallway, designated for a waste collection area.

Waste collection bill in Indonesia is expected to be paid personally to the garbage collection agent—no tax added. It’s simply a cost for garbage workers fee and garbage truck transportation fee. Bring your wastes to your nearest dumping site or landfill and you don’t need to pay for anything.





Germany: The leader of the world’s waste-recycling race


Germany is the country with the world’s number one recycling system. The country has a quite detailed way of sorting their waste—down to the color of the glass waste you wished to throw away, the type of paper that could be put inside the paper waste bin, separate bin for metals, another different bin for plastic, another different bin for ceramic or broken glass, etc.

Here below are what you should know about Germany’s waste sorting system:

●  You are expected to gather your waste in your apartment/housing area’s local public garbage bins along with the other residents.

●  There are commonly 7 public garbage bins available in the German’s apartment/housing area:

1. Blue bin—for paper and cardboard, greasy pizza box goes to the gray bin!

2. Green and white bin—for glass, different bins for different glass colors, not available for Christmas ornaments and light bulbs!

3. Yellow/orange bin—for plastic and metals.

4. Brown bin—for biodegradable goods.

5. Gray/black bin—for everything else that can’t be recycled such as used diaper, kitty litter, animal waste, and ashes.

●  Some items do not belong in your apartment/housing area’s public garbage bins. Items like used batteries, electronics, unused paints, light bulbs, and appliances must be returned to the special agents/locations so they can be recycled. Other items such as clothes, shoes, and oversized trash and furniture are advised to be sold or donated.

●  There’s this thing called Pfand in Germany, a certain portion of the price on a bottled drink that you get back if you return the said bottle to a certified outlet. German law requires all shops over a certain size selling bottled drinks have to have a place to return bottles with deposits.





1. 蓝箱——投放纸张和纸板,油腻的比萨盒要投进灰箱中!

2. 绿白箱——投放玻璃,不同颜色的玻璃投进不同的箱子,不能投放圣诞装饰和灯泡!

3. 黄/橙箱——投放塑料和金属。

4. 棕箱——投放可生物降解的消费品。

5. 灰/黑箱——投放所有不能循环利用的东西,比如用过的尿布、猫砂、动物废弃物和灰烬。



South Korea: A role model in the effort of reducing waste


One of the most notable technologies that South Koreans use in their waste management system is the electronic food waste bin equipped with RFID (Radio-Frequency Identification). People will have to tap their identification card before they could throw their waste into the public garbage bin. The garbage bin will then measure the weight of the trashes, calculate and accumulate it, and then send the garbage bill to the said person.

Here below several interesting things you might want to know about South Korea’s waste management system.

Almost similar to Germany, a public garbage area exists in the housing/apartment in South Korea. People have to sort their waste without fail and put it into the right disposal bins. Here are the types of garbage bin provided in South Korea:

·Food Waste, anything that could be eaten by animals

·Recyclable Waste

·Oversized Waste, mostly electronics and furniture

·General Waste, anything that doesn’t belong to the other types

For instance, because food waste bin is reserved for anything that can be eaten by animals, eggshells, crustacean shells, and bones are fairly prohibited from it. You are going to have to separate the bones from your meat waste, put the meat waste in the food waste bin and put the rest of the bones in the general waste bin.

Another thing to keep in mind about South Korea’s waste management system:

·Each district in South Korea has its own official garbage bag. People will have to use the one that is exclusive to the place they live in. The garbage bags could be bought at the local supermarket.

·In South Korea, the cost of garbage collection and disposal is included in the price of the garbage bags you purchase. This is why South Korea is setting the price of their garbage bags based on the type of waste and the volume of it.












Word Study

designate /'dezɪɡneɪt/ v. 指定;命名

This area has been designated (as) a National Park.

appliance /ə'plaɪəns/ n. (家用)电器;器具

donate /dəʊ'neɪt/ v. 捐赠;赠送

He donated thousands of pounds to charity.

prohibit /prə'hɪbɪt/ v. (尤指以法令)禁止



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