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Module 2 No Drugs




1. reduce  vt.  缩减;减少;降低

The new law will reduce the pollution of rivers.


(1)reduce by  减少了……

Production was reduced by twenty percent.


(2)reduce to  减少到……

The number of employees was reduced to 25.


reduction  n.  减少;缩小;降低

2. disagree  vi.  不同意;不一致;不相符

Even friends disagree sometimes.


(1)disagree (with sb) about/on/over sth  就某事不同意(某人)

He disagrees with his parents on many things.


I disagree with you about this thing.


(2)sth disagree with sb(尤指食物)对某人不适宜

Ice cream always disagrees with me.


Do these dishes agree with you?


(3)disagree with sth  不赞成;反对;不一致

I disagree with violent protests.


These two reports of the accident disagree with each other.


3. recognise  vt.  认识;认知;认出

(1)recognise sb/sth (by/from sth)  认识;认出;辨别出

I recognised her by her red hair.


Do you recognise this tune?


(2)recognise sth as sth  承认;意识到

Drugs were not recognised as a serious problem at that time.


(3)be recognised (as sth)  赞赏;看重;公认

The book is now recognised as a classic.


(4)recognise+that从句 意识到……

We recognised that the task was difficult.




I have recognised you for three years.(误)

I have known you for three years.(正)

4. danger  n.  危險

(1)泛指一般意义的“危险”时,通常是不可数名词。表示做某事的危险或发生某情况的危险等时,通常后接of (doing) sth,而不接不定式。

Is there any danger of fire?


The children didn’t realize the danger of swimming in the river.


(2)in danger (of )  处于(……的)危险中

He is in danger of losing his life.


We’re in danger of being hit by a stone.



He is a danger to society.


Do you know the dangers of smoking?


out of danger  脱离危险

5. connection  n.  联系;关系;关联;连接

(1)in connection with  与……有关

He was arrested in connection with this affair.


(2)connection with sth; connection between A and B


He refused to admit any connection with the bombing.


Scientists have established a connection between heart disease and food.


(3)connection to sth  联结;接通;连接

Connection to the gas supply has been delayed for three days.


connect  vt.  连接;联系;关联

connect... with...(使)连接;联结

connect... to...  使(电源、水等)联结;接通

be connected with...  与……有联系

6. likely  adj.  可能的

(1)be likely to do  可能……

Tickets are likely to be expensive.


She is not likely to come next month.


(2)It’s likely+that从句 可能……

It’s more than likely that the thieves don’t know how much it is worth.


7. affect  vt.  影响;对……有坏影响


This article affected my thinking.


Does this change affect your plan?



Smoking affects health. 吸烟影响健康。

The noise from the street affected our work.


8. ban  vt. & n.(明令)禁止;取消

The government has banned the use of chemical weapons.


There is a ban on smoking in the theatre.


ban sb from (doing) sth

He was banned from (attending) the meeting.


9. related to  有关系的;有关联的

The traffic accident might be related to the rain at that time.


Sometimes, crime is related to drug abuse.


relate  v.  联系;叙述

relate... to...  把……与……联系起来

relate... (to sb)  向某人叙述

She relates her childhood experiences in the first chapters.


relate to sth/sb  涉及;谈到;与……相关

The second paragraph relates to the situation in England.


10. break into  破门而入;强行闯入;突然開始

We had to break into the house because we had lost our key.

因为我们弄丢了钥匙, 所以不得不破门而入。

She broke into tears when I told her the news.


break in  闯入;打断;插嘴

break down  出故障;坏掉;失败

break out  突然開始;爆发

break up  粉碎;破碎;结束

11. belong to  属于(不用于进行时和被动语态)

Where do these plates belong to?


(1)belong to sb  属于某人;归某人所有

This watch belongs to me.


(2)belong to sth  是……的成员;


Have you ever belong to a political party?


Lions and tigers belong to the cat family.


12. give up  戒除;放弃

They gave up without a fight.


You ought to give up smoking.


Be studious in your profession, and you will be learned. Be industrious and frugal, and you will be rich.

Be sober and temperate, and you will be healthy. Be in general virtuous, and you will be happy.

By Benjamin Franklin







Most fitness advice is given to a general audience. But if you’re old, the International Council on Active Aging (ICAA) has some suggestions for you to get started and keep you at the top of your game.

Get a checkup. Talk with your doctor about getting permission to begin a fitness program and making any correction to suit your situation.

Know your choices. Before starting, choose a program you’ll enjoy, so you’ll do it regularly. Some people, for example, like to go to a gym for carefully organized workouts (锻炼), while others might prefer a more informal neighborhood walking club.

Check out the facility and the staff. Is the place friendly? Can you change clothes comfortably? Are facilities easily used?

Choose the style you want to take part in. Choose what’s best for you—a class or going alone? Morning or night hours? Indoor or outside exercise?

Start slowly. Most people are too excited and sometimes overdo it. Record a baseline of your regular activities and determine a reasonable schedule.

Make a date. Find a partner to exercise with you and he or she can encourage you.

Set specific short-­and-long-term goals. Plan for activity in your day and pay enough attention to the plan.

Make a list. Try to list the advantages you have had (such as less stress, stronger bones or greater strength and a better sleep), rather than just the result (such as weight).

Remind yourself what your goals are. If it hurts, don’t do it. Learn to work around pain, not through it. And once you’ve reached your goal, treat yourself for the good job you’ve done, so it will encourage you to continue.

1. For whom does the ICAA make the fitness suggestions?

A. Small kids.  B. Young ladies.

C. Old people. D. School students.

2. What advice does the ICAA give first?

A. Seeing the trainer.

B. Making a list of goals.

C. Getting the doctor’s permission.

D. Looking for a good fitness program.

3. What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to?

A. The pain. B. The exercise.

C. The goal. D. The body.

4. Where is this text most likely from?

A. A textbook.  B. A science novel.

C. A health magazine.  D. A newspaper.


Iceland is known for its wonderful ice fields and it has one of the best places in the world to see the Northern Lights. However, in the late 1990s, Iceland was also known as a country with one of the highest numbers of teen drug abuse (濫用) in Europe. “There were large groups of teenagers getting hopelessly drunk,” American researcher Harvey Milkman said.

Noticing their teenagers were out of control, the country decided to do something. With the help of researchers including Harvey Milkman, the government began a special experiment, helping teenagers stay away from drugs. The program, called Youth Iceland, tried to give teens more meaningful and enjoyable things to do. It made kids feel like they were part of something. It also encouraged parents to make time for their children and to actively take part in their lives.

The government spent millions of dollars to support new programs for sports, music, arts and dance. Low-income (低收入的) families—who couldn’t afford to sign their kids up for sports programs or art classes—were given a special card of $325 a year. This made it possible for those parents to take part in after-class activities with their children. Besides, kids between the ages of 13 and 16 were not allowed to go outside after 10 pm in winter or after midnight in summer.

Today, Iceland has the lowest rate (比率) of teen drug abuse in Europe. In 1998, before Youth Iceland, 42% of 15- and 16-year-olds reported getting drunk. Last year, that number had dropped to 5%. Those smoking cigarettes dropped from 23% to 3%. At the same time, the percentage of those spending time with their parents on weekdays doubled, from 23% to 46%, and the percentage taking part in organized sports at least four days a week jumped from 24% to 42%.

5. We can infer the problems mentioned in Paragraph 1 are ___ .

A. quite serious B. hard to notice

C. easy to deal with D. common in Europe

6. What is the purpose of Youth Iceland?

A. To test a new program.

B. To prevent teen drug use.

C. To win support from parents.

D. To give teens more free time.

7. The special card for poor families is to ___ .

A. help them live a better life

B. provide their kids with formal education

C. encourage them to do after-class activities

D. make sure their kids feel like they were part of something

8. What can we learn from the numbers in the last paragraph?

A. The program proves to be a success.

B. It is important to help teens develop good habits.

C. Teens in Iceland are well under control nowadays.

D. The problem of teen drug abuse in Iceland has been solved.



A businessman was on a business trip to Tokyo. One day he went to  some gifts for his employees back in his country. He  a supermarket. A lady smiled and  him. He was very touched, and felt . Because he was not able to  the warmth of her smile, he was watching her as he was

. She was giving the same  to all the people who walked into the supermarket.

The businessman started  if she hated doing the  thing. So he asked, “My dear lady, are you  of doing this job?”

The lady smiled and said, “No, sir. I have worked here for the last ten years and I  my job.” The businessman was  and asked, “Why have you  here for ten years, and why do you like your job so much?” The lady said, “Because I am doing something good for my .” The businessman found it . He asked, “Why?”

The lady said, “As most of our customers are , they spend foreign currency (货币) here. So our country has a lot of  and becomes richer. People who are happy with our service will  more often and spend more money in our country.”

Surprised by her , the businessman thanked her. After returning to his own country he worked hard to show the same attitude towards his , and today his company is one of the best companies in the world.

1. A. buy B. order C. make D. find

2. A. saw B. searched C. entered D. checked

3. A. welcomed B. thanked C. invited D. answered

4. A. upset B. relaxed C. good D. nervous

5. A. require B. enjoy C. hide D. forget

6. A. waiting B. passing C. moving D. shopping

7. A. look B. smile C. gift D. word

8. A. deciding B. asking C. thinking D. knowing

9. A. boring B. same C. small D. difficult

10. A. fond B. tired C. proud D. afraid

11. A. love B. prefer C. keep D. respect

12. A. worried B. excited C. frightened D. surprised

13. A. stood B. watched C. stayed D. lived

14. A. home B. country C. supermarket D. company

15. A. interesting B. hard C. humorous D. rare

16. A. businessmen B. managers C. strangers D. foreigners

17. A. money B. pleasure C. food D. happiness

18. A. change B. visit C. try D. travel

19. A. action B. service C. attitude D. description

20. A. friends B. family C. workers D. partner


Researchers found that smokers were more than twice as likely to stop smoking  (success) if they received supportive texts from  (they) friends and relatives.

The study looked at nearly 6,000 participants who wanted to stop smoking. They were divided  two groups, with one group receiving the text messages, as part of a program called “txt2stop”, and  other group receiving text messages unrelated to smoking. Texts sent via txt2stop  (include): “This is it!—QUIT DAY, throw away all your cigarettes. TODAY is the start of your QUITTING forever; you can do it!”

(compare) with nearly 5 percent who did not receive the same messages, nearly 11 percent of those who were sent the supportive messages  (be) still abstaining (戒) from smoking after six months.

The researchers used saliva (唾液) tests to check  those who said they had stopped smoking had really done so or not. The results suggested that text messages could be an inexpensive and simple way  (help) improve health around the world. The researchers said that the rapid spread of mobile phone use and smoking in poor countries means that the txt2stop method could  (use) in both rich and poor countries.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________

6.  _________7.  __________ 8.   __________ 9.   ____________10.     ___________




France has the most beautiful castles throughout Europe. Here are some of the best French castles to visit. You’ll surely want to visit one of them during your travels in France. Have a look and enjoy!

Château de Versailles

The Château de Versailles is about 20 km southwest of Paris. When the castle was built, Versailles was a small village. Today, however, it is a famous area in Paris. The castle was built as a small hunting lodge (小屋) for Louis ⅩⅢ in the 1620s. Years later, he made it bigger. Later, Louis ⅩⅣ also made it larger, making it one of the largest palaces of the world.

Château de Chambord

The Château de Chambord is one of the largest castles around the world. It sits in the Loire Valley. Being at the heart of Europe’s largest enclosed wooded park, Chambord, it was built for King Francis Ⅰ to serve as a hunting lodge. It is one of the world’s best-know castles in the world because of its French Renaissance (文藝复兴) building.

Château de Chenonceau

As one of the most famous castles in the Loire Valley, the castle was built during the 11th century on the River Cher. It was passed through many hands. The castle was not destroyed during the French Revolution because it was the only bridge across the river for many miles.

Château de Chantilly

This historic castle sits in the town of Chantilly, France. This beautiful castle is made up of two buildings: the Petit Château built around 1560 for Anne de Montmorency, and the Grand Château which was destroyed during the French Revolution and rebuilt in the 1870s. There are many interesting pieces of 17th century history concerning the castle. Every two years a fireworks competition is held in the castle gardens.

1. What can we learn about the Château de Versailles?

A. It sits in the Loire Valley.

B. It was built for Louis ⅩⅢ.

C. It serves as a hunting place now.

D. It was the largest castle in the 1620s.

2. What makes the Château de Chambord special?

A. Its building materials. B. Its building style.

C. Its owner. D. Its position.

3. Why could the Château de Chenonceau get through the French Revolution?

A. It was far from Paris.

B. It hid in the Loire Valley.

C. It was built by a famous French king.

D. It played an important role of transportation.

4. Which castle has a fireworks show every other year?

A. The Château de Versailles.

B. The Château de Chantilly.

C. The Château de Chambord.

D. The Château de Chenonceau.


According to New York magazine, bad dreams can improve your mental health. A bad dream tends to be based on a real-life concern, for example, an approaching test or a fear of a person. To eliminate these worries, the brain turns the dream into a story in the form of a bad dream.

A bad dream enables you to distance yourself from your anxieties, and turn something you’re worried about now into a memory. The result is that when you wake up you’re able to move forward and face the future.

A study, featured in The Atlantic magazine, showed something similar. In a survey of more than 700 French students taking a medical school entrance exam, over 60 percent had negative dreams about the test the night before. These included not finishing on time, leaving a question blank, or being late. Those who reported dreams about the exam, even bad ones, did better on it than those who didn’t, suggesting that nightmares (噩夢) do in fact prepare us for the future.

“We think nightmares are so common that they have some purpose to process stressors,” Anne Germain, director of the Sleep Center at the University of Pittsburgh, said.

So, the next time you lie awake at night after a bad dream, remember that it may be the brain’s way of putting your fears behind you and readying you for the future. Although a nightmare may make you afraid in the short term, it might be helping you to move on from the bad stuff you might be facing in the real world. Perhaps we should try to accept our nightmares rather than allow them to keep us awake. After all, lack of sleep causes far more problems than dreams do.

5. What does the underlined word “eliminate” in Paragraph 1 mean?

A. Remove. B. Reflect.

C. Memorize. D. Abandon.

6. The author mentions the study in Paragraph 3 to show ______ .

A. those who have nightmares will lose sleep

B. most students will be stressed before an exam

C. medical school entrance exams will cause anxiety

D. bad dreams help us reduce our anxieties

7. According to the author, what should we do if we have a bad dream?

A. Keep ourselves awake. B. Relax and go on sleeping.

C. Study bad dreams carefully. D. Prevent it from happening.

8. Where is this text most likely from?

A. A diary. B. A guidebook.

C. A novel. D. A magazine.



Living a simple life can improve how you think, feel and move around in the world. Here are some ways to simplify your life while creating space for happiness.

Give up your negative (消极的) thoughts. As humans, you spend a lot of your time being caught up in negative thoughts that bring nothing good into your lives.        1        They can grow rapidly and cause unhappiness and do nothing to improve your quality of life.

Reduce the amount of screen time.        2        While watching TV and endless YouTube videos or playing computer games can be a nice way to relax, too much can have a negative influence on your lives.

Cut down on social media.        3        They say they feel less confident after comparing their lives with those of their online friends. So simplify your life by cutting down on social media—not only for your own health of mind but to stop the endless checking every several minutes.

4        In the effort to make yourself better and improve yourself, you often set goals but having too many goals can prevent you from achieving them.

Eat fewer unhealthy foods.        5        Cutting down on unhealthy foods will help you feel much better and give you more energy.

A. Negative thoughts are dangerous.

B. Reduce the number of your goals.

C. Many people feel their lives are worsened by it.

D. You can make your own healthy and tasty meals.

E. Learn to choose to think and see the positive side of  life.

F. We spend so much time either staring at a computer or the TV.

G. Make an effort to remove some unhealthy foods from your diet.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________


A few months ago I posted a story about a woman struggling with alcoholism (酗酒) who turned to me. I sent

her a care package full of  and encouraging words to  her out, along with a special letter. It has been almost 3 months and she is  doing great. She sends me updates (最新消息) and I send her  notes. But, you may  know how much something you say or do  to someone else. What happened next reminds me of how true that is.

She  a story about another woman who was also an alcoholic and needed very much to stop , for her children. I read it too, but she was quick to . She e-mailed me and asked  I would put a “box of smiles” together and send it to her. You see, she  very much to help the woman. I was honored by her  and said I would but asked her to write the card. She  and sent it to me last night. Along with it were a poem she wrote and a letter that  my heart more than I could have ever imagined. Something I did that I thought was no  deal has meant the world to her and  her life. She told me she keeps the letter I wrote for her at all times so that if she feels , she reads it and makes it through. Now she is trying her best to help others, touching even more lives.

Please seize every  to be kind any time as you can. I have had the  of being reminded in some very wonderful ways how much it . Everything matters.

1. A. clothes B. smiles C. books D. cards

2. A. help B. let C. get D. have

3. A. instead B. even C. also D. still

4. A. surprising B. amusing C. encouraging D. interesting

5. A. usually B. surely C. always D. never

6. A. turns B. means C. leads D. seems

7. A. read B. wrote C. posted D. told

8. A. working B. smoking C. drinking D. hurting

9. A. act B. listen C. decide D. speak

10. A. why B. if C. how D. when

11. A. thanked B. disagreed C. wanted D. hated

12. A. question B. problem C. trouble D. request

13. A. answered B. agreed C. regretted D. tried

14. A. touched B. won C. broke D. lost

15. A. simple B. real C. big D. secret

16. A. saved B. changed C. guided D. bothered

17. A. happy B. ashamed C. lucky D. weak

18. A. opportunity B. suggestion C. story D. lesson

19. A. hope B. failure C. pleasure D. art

20. A. affects B. contributes C. needs D. matters



“Can I get a light?” This question is among the most common between smokers. What if this question was to come from an unusual source? The National Health Promotion Foundation uploaded an anti-smoking advertisement onto YouTube. The anti-smoking ad has quickly been known as the “most powerful anti-smoking ad”.

The anti-smoking video, called the “Smoking Kid” features children walking up to adult smokers asking for a light. The children in the ad are actors but the adults smoking are unsuspecting participants in the project.

The video begins with the statement, “adults know that smoking is harmful, but don’t remind themselves of this fact.” Once a “smoking kid” approaches the adults, every adult asked is shocked that a child with a cigarette in hand is asking for a light. The first adult starts by saying, “I’m not giving it to you,” and the video goes on to state “every adult filmed said no and reminded the children that smoking is bad.”

Before going away, the kid hands each adult a booklet after being turned down for a light. The booklet says, “You worry about me, but why not about yourself?” Each adult looks around for the child as their faces are filled with confusion and discomfort.

The video shows that a few of the smokers quickly threw away their cigarettes or put their cigarettes away, showing that this experiment was effective at that moment.

The most influential element in the ad isn’t the use of children or the responses from the smoking adults. It comes down to something much simpler than that. Why is it that we worry about other people, forgetting to worry about ourselves?

1. According to Paragraph 1, the anti-smoking ad is ___ .

A. discomfortable B. encouraging

C. influential D. shocking

2. What does the underlined word “unsuspecting” in Paragraph 2 mean?

A. Unwilling. B. Unknowing.

C. Unfortunate. D. Unacceptable.

3. What are the adults’ reactions to the children asking for a light?

A. They refuse and educate them.

B. They look around for their parents.

C. They pay no attention to their request.

D. They quickly throw their cigarettes away.

4. What is the best title for the text?

A. Give up Smoking, for Your Own Sake

B. Keep away from Smoking, Adults

C. Reject a Child Asking for a Light

D. Tell Your Children Not to Smoke


Healthy Habits for Living Longer

Many of us are set in our daily habits. We eat the same meal, wear the same clothes, take the same route to work and work the same old job. But what we sometimes fail to recognize is the huge influence that our daily habits can have on our health. It is very important for us to keep our daily habits healthy.        1

Take some exercise every day. Daily exercise does improve our health. In fact, studies show that daily exercise can add three years to our life. Opportunity for exercise is everywhere—just be creative. Whenever we can, walk to work.

2        It’s really that simple.

Eat a healthy breakfast. Researchers have found that those who eat an early morning meal are less likely to be too fat and get diseases compared with those who don’t.        3        All in all, eating breakfast is a great and healthy way to start our day.

Have enough sleep.        4        Failing to get at least seven hours of sleep appears to increase the risk of major illnesses including cancer, heart disease, diabetes (糖尿病) and many more.

Get chances to communicate.        5        Any social communication can positively affect our health because we can have more time and chances to communicate with others. All of these can add years to our lives.

A. Breakfast-eaters also report feeling better.

B. Not enough quality sleep can shorten our life.

C. Exercise also helps us keep away from illnesses.

D. If we live or work in a tall building, just take the stairs.

E. There’s an old saying that says a good friend is cheaper than treatment.

F. Finding time for regular exercise can be rather impossible for many people.

G. By making just a few small changes and keeping them, we can add a few years to our life.

1.  _________2.  __________ 3.   __________  4.   ____________5.     ___________




1. The doctor ____ the drug into my arm at that moment.

2. Passengers can buy air tickets at ____ prices during the off-season.

3. The traffic here is very ____ for children.

4. All things are ____ to all other things.

5. He does not smoke or take ____ .

6. A prison is a place for punishing ____ .

7. Cigarettes are highly ____ , so you’d better never start to smoke.

8. How did you realize that there was a(n) ____ between the two facts?

9. The headmaster made a(n) ____ speech at the first day

of school.

10. If you park your car ____ here on the street, you’ll receive a parking ticket soon.


1. 这一地区的犯罪大都与毒品有关。(be related to)


2. 小偷闯入办公室偷了一些钱。(break into)


3. 你现在应该听父母的意见,努力学习。(take one’s advice)


4. 孩子们每次过这条马路都面临着生命危险。(in danger)


5. 为了看得更清楚,老人戴上了他的眼镜。(in order to)



My sister has gone on too much crazy diets. Last month, she was on a diet that allowed her eat almost nothing but grapes all day. At the beginning, the diets seemed to working. Clearly she lost weight. And a few weeks later, my sister had put the weight on again. And the diets were making her tiring and weak. I asked her to work out the better way of losing weight. She thought it over and agrees to give up the crazy diets. Beside, she planned to take more exercises.


假定你是李华,在世界无烟日(World No Tobacco Day)到来之际,请你为学校“英语天地”宣传栏写一则倡议书。内容包括:











Second-Hand Drinking


Second-hand drinking is a term used to describe the effects of a person’s alcohol misuse on families, co-workers, fellow students and society at large.


For example, friends and family members are the ones who have to try to keep that person safe, look after them if they pass out, clean up after them if they puke in their car, get over their feelings of being hurt by the mean things they’d said the night before while drunk and live with the constant fighting about the drinking behavior.


Something most of us do not fully understand is the physical and emotional consequence to the health of a family member or friend caused by repeatedly dealing with second-hand drinking. It is one thing if this is an occasional happenstance (although even a drunk driver could die because of a traffic accident, for example). However, if your family members or friends drink like a fish and get drunk all the time, there could be serious emotional and physical health consequences of them.




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